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Generic Name: Psyllium for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (psyllium)

Psyllium for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reviews

Metamucil (psyllium) "This stuff changed my life! I've been taking Metamucil for about 3 months now. Doctors have put me through the ringer of testing and made me a guinea pig for medicines. I've been given every type of IBS diet, medicine, and regimen known to man with no resolve or relief. I had tried everything else, so this was my last alternative. I wish it had been my first! I started with 1/2 tsp and worked up. The most I took was a tbsp in a day, which I didn't need, and backed back down to only a teaspoon a day. I suffer from the diarrhea type of IBS. I take Metamucil every day, usually right after breakfast or lunch with Sunny D or OJ. I've been an IBS sufferer since I was 16, I'm 42 now. I highly recommend you give this a try. Blessings to you!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "My gastroenterologist told me that I was developing a lot of inflammation in my gut. He instructed me to get more fiber. I was experiencing symptoms of incomplete evacuation. Also, I found it difficult to clean my bottom after a BM. This left my bottom irritated from leakage. I finally started taking Metamucil. Now I can have a complete BM. Nothing is left behind. When I wipe, the tissue is clean. I have been taking it for two days now. I can tell a difference for the better. I hope it continues to help me feel clean."

Metamucil (psyllium) "IBS-D for 3 years. Fast onset. Breath test confirmed, bad methane and other gases. Finally got Xifaxin x2 - didn't seem to help much. Enzymes didn't seem to help but keep taking them as I do Betaine HCL. Getting a bit better. GI finally said generic psyllium powder/Metamucil and I started with 1 tbsp a day. Too much gas but other symptoms started to lessen. Worked down to 1 tsp a day with water in the morning...and after 3 months, I feel normal again. A miracle. I also take 1 psyllium capsule with lunch and dinner. I have started to put 'gassy' fiber like beans back in my diet. No problems! A miracle. My suggestion is take it no matter what.....I use 1 cup of water. I have my life back."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I was having horrible stomach cramps with diarrhea on a daily basis for the last couple of years. I tried every antidiarrheal medication out there, and it wasn't really helping. After several weeks of this, my mom said we needed to figure out what was going on. She took me to our general physician, and he said I needed to be on probiotics and recommended me to a GI doctor. The GI doctor ran a bunch of tests and told me that if I continued taking antidiarrheal medication, it could paralyze my gut. She told me to stop and try Metamucil. I tried the powder for a couple of months, and I didn't like the taste of it. So I switched to the Metamucil Fiber Thins (chocolate) flavor, and they taste so good. They helped me a lot. I don't get diarrhea very often anymore. Every once in a while, I'll get some loose stools, but other than that, I've been having normal bowel movements ever since I started using the Metamucil Fiber Thins."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I've suffered from IBS with diarrhea off and on since I was 16. The worst is the diarrhea attacks. I have gone through several bouts of testing due to the extreme weight loss and inability to eat without any results coming back with an actual reason or explanation. I restructured my diet as instructed per the doctor's and more diarrhea! Nothing was ever able to maintain normal bowel movements for long no matter what I restricted from my diet. After 30 years I finally tried Metamucil all on my own after doing research online about its possibility to help with the stool consistency. I started with 1/2 a teaspoon every day around 11 a.m. Lo and behold it's only been a week but so far it's appearing to assist. I hope that after a month I can report the same results if not even better because I've not even had a month of relief in almost a year."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I used to suffer from frequent, repeated flare-ups of diarrhea and constipation. It was extremely painful when the liquid stool tried to push past the hardened stool. I finally saw a doctor and explained my problem. She said I had symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. She recommended Metamucil, and I started treatment the next day. I experienced considerable relief after a week of drinking the powder mixture. I take Metamucil each and every day now and have experienced far fewer flare-ups than I did in the past. I no longer have to stay home so much or know exactly where each bathroom is when I go out. This fiber supplement has greatly improved my quality of life. I'm so grateful."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I started having emergency runs to the bathroom before my first class every day in college. Needing to hold it when stuck in traffic was the worst! I started having cramping all over my abdomen, and with internet diagnosing myself, I swore I had some serious disease or cancer. I went to the doctor, and he did some tests, and I was fine, and he recommended Metamucil. It took my body a while to get used to the new fiber. Symptoms would come and go, and after about a week or two, I started realizing how much I was actually able to forget about even having stomach problems! I still have some cramping, and the product does seem to cause some bloating. However, I went from only having a couple good days a week to only a couple bad days a week."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I have taken Metamucil for the last few years for my digestive issues. It slightly improved my digestion. Two weeks ago, I saw Metamucil Premium at Publix for the first time. I decided to try it. It has drastically improved my digestion for the last two weeks. I am curious what is different in the Premium? I can't tell you how much better I am feeling, and I'm so grateful. Thank you."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I was told to take this 40 years ago, but didn't like the taste/texture. My pain and diarrhea got so bad I started taking 1 scant tablespoon a day and I have no more pain and only rare diarrhea. I wish I had started using it years ago."

Metamucil (psyllium) "I have IBS, started having large bowel motions followed by diarrhea and cramping. Started on 1 packet of Metamucil daily. Started having cramping, a lot of sticky, overly soft stools, a lot of gas and discomfort."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Metamucil helps me so much for IBS. I haven’t felt this good in many months. Overall, gas, IBS, and even stomach pains are reduced to almost none. I’ve had IBS for a couple of years now, and after just a few days of taking this every other day, I feel great!!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "56 years old and been having hit issues since I was 25. Always needed to know where a bathroom was and dreaded long road trips. I have a bidet at home to clean myself due to there always being a mess. I've been on Metamucil for a month now and still can't believe the changes that took place. I feel like a normal person and only go once a day! I use the powder twice a day and don't plan on stopping. I wish I tried this back when I was 25."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Have been reading the reviews for Metamucil with interest. My own experience is vastly different from what I am reading. It is actually causing worse diarrhea for me. I am going to try it in pill form instead of the powder to see if it makes a difference."

Metamucil (psyllium) "This has been a life changer. I take about 1 teaspoon a day and it's like I'm finally a normal person. I have suffered from IBS-M for 25 years. Have tried diets, numerous probiotics and herbal supplements and lived off of Immodium. I wish I had tried this years ago!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "I had worst diarrhea for over two years and complete bowel incontinence for twenty five years.I was prescribed cholestiramin but could not get myself to take this plastic resign powder. I did some research and saw a small similarity with metamucil, so I tried it.That was more than a month ago. It changed my life, no more cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea no more complete poop accidents in public. I wake up ,move my bowel perfectly normal and I am good to go all day. I am beyond grateful. I take 2 teaspoons of powder a day every day. Please give it a try"

Metamucil (psyllium) "Just started Metamucil today with a spoonful of the berry flavor in a glass of water. Yuck! I added lime juice and it’s tastes so much better, almost like a mixed drink! Hope this works! I Have had IBS D for 30 years! Bottoms up!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "Been having bowel problems for the past three months. Doctors prescribed me to a lot of different medications, medicines etc however it just made my stomach a whole lot worse. I kid you guys not, Metamucil worked for me instantly. My bloating went right down, my stomach feels a whole lot lighter, I am able to go to the toilet normally, I don't feel so sluggish and tired, I've also got more energy throughout the day. I 100% recommend this to anyone suffering from IBS or bowel problems, its amazing!"

Metamucil (psyllium) "Great marketing! But the cheaper and more original psyllium husk seems to work better for my collagenous colitis! I don’t know why that is. Maybe because it has no additives and is not in powdered form."

Konsyl (psyllium) "I have used Metamucil and a variety of such aids in the past to help my irritable bowel and related issues of constipation and hemorrhoids. None of these compares to the efficacy of Konsyl. It isn't carried everywhere, and it can be pricey, but it is available online, and it is far superior to any other product of its kind that I have used."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Somewhat helped for a few months, but then my irritable bowel syndrome got worse. Even ER medicines didn't relieve my pain. I have been suffering for 2 years and haven't found a medicine that will help."

Metamucil (psyllium) "Regular use changed my life. I have no stomach pain anymore. I hurt nearly every day before this. Now my life is so much better. I did not have constipation. I suffered pain nearly every morning. Now my stomach empties every morning and I have virtually no pain. The first few days I felt full and bloated after drinking Metamucil. Now I am adjusted to the fiber and feel so much better."

Konsyl (psyllium) "On the advice of my Gastro Doctor, I was taking 2 capsules per day of Psyllium put out by Konsyl until they were discontinued. It came back in powder form and I find it to be amazing. I take Miralax also, a probiotic also. What a difference in taking the Konysl Psyllium. Just would love it if they came back with the capsules. The powder does not mix very well. People complain about the taste which I find very tolerable. Hope it help others the way it is helping me."

Konsyl (psyllium) "I just started taking Konsyl and OMG!!! Life changer!!! I am only on week one and I think this is the answer I have been looking for! I have suffered from IBS and ulcerative colitis for 40 years. I am in shock, thank you KONSYL"

Konsyl (psyllium) "Konsyl has changed. Confirmed that the new CEO sold off their milling equipment and now source it from a third party. It is now ground too fine. It doesn't work at all like the real "original" that I have been using for the past 20 years for IBS-C. Look elsewhere and please let others know if a suitable replacement is found. Don't waste your money on this! Sad that all of those years of helping people have been washed away by a new CEO looking to increase profits. Argggh!"

Metamucil Unflavored Coarse Milled Original Texture (psyllium) "I've had IBS my whole life - debilitating cramps as far back as I can remember, constipation alternating with uncontrolled diarrhea. Doctors couldn't come up with anything that helped, so I lived with it for decades without seeing a doctor again. 30+ years after I'd last seen a doctor, I had such an awful, embarassing experience that I thought I'd try again. The doctor prescribed Metamucil original coarse. It was literally life changing! I take two teaspoons every morning after breakfast and another two before bed. I can eat anything - spicy, high fiber, you name it - with no problems. Metamucil is a miracle cure!"

More about psyllium

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  • Reviews (92)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: laxatives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Psyllium drug information
  • Psyllium Capsules
  • Psyllium Powder
  • Psyllium Wafers

Other brands

Metamucil, Laxmar, Hydrocil, Natural Fiber Therapy

Related treatment guides

  • Diarrhea, Chronic
  • Constipation
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Dietary Fiber Supplementation