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Generic Name: Pylera (bismuth-subcitrate-potassium-metronidazole-tetracycline)

Pylera Reviews

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "On my fifth day taking this med. I have all the side effects from nausea to bad stomach spasms, very dry and swollen lips. I can't even see or smell food. I'm taking esomeprazole twice a day. I don't know how I will be able to get through the last 5 days. I feel like I'm going mentally crazy. I live in Syria and we don't have this med here, so I ordered it from France. I was given local meds, but they didn't work, so I got it from France. Even if no one sees my review, typing this is really helping me with my anxiety."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "On Pylera for H. pylori, Days 1-3 were okay but days 4-7 were the worst. Loss of appetite, heartburn, acidic reflux, belching (lots of it!), general discomfort, nausea, and vomiting were the worst side effects. Found a way to overcome these: DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Like 2L a day, it'll help out a lot. Recommended food: broth/soup/mashed vegetables, the less solid the better. Try probiotics 15 min before breakfast, so that your intestinal flora stays balanced. Days 8-10 were much better once I drank a lot and ate (semi-)liquid food, I felt almost normal (still acidic reflux in the morning). General discomfort disappeared around day 13. Daily schedule: 9:15 probiotic, 9:30-10:15 breakfast, 12:30-13:15 lunch, 16:30-16:50 snack, 20:00-20:45 dinner. LOTS OF WATER (BUT NO DAIRY) ALL DAY LONG! Don't panic if you're feeling nauseous, stay calm. I tried to meditate and do yoga so that my mind isn't focused on the treatment, it helped psychologically but also physically. Breathe and don't stress yourself!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I was diagnosed with IBS syndrome with very bad diarrhea and bloating but went for blood test (and gastro test) for Helicobacter. They found massive infection in my stomach and I got Pylera and PPI (omeprazole). Today is day 10 of my procedure and I have to say starting day first I have no symptoms of IBS so it looks it works very well! Zero side effects (just black stool but this is normal during Pylera treatment). You can find many negative comments here but typically people are writing these only if something goes wrong. My advice is don't be scared (don't panic) of Pylera treatment, I was lucky for no side effects and never felt that good (after 3 years of problems). Everybody is different."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I'm at day 7 of taking this med, and day 6 and 7 were the hardest by far. At the beginning of taking this med, I just had bloating and abdominal pain (manageable) and dark stool, but during day 5, the nausea started, and it became so severe on day 7 that I had to talk to my doctor. The doctor recommended me to take motilinium and to decrease the dosage to 3 times per day instead of 4. Currently, the nausea is kinda better. Wish me luck to push through these bad days. Stay strong."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Due to H. pylori, I had bloating, indigestion, gas, nausea, some change in bowel movements, stomach pain/cramping/gnawing, acid reflux/heartburn, etc. With Pylera, I had terrible nausea and trouble eating, my whole body was very achy, and I felt totally drained while on Pylera. I took some sick leave and teleworked on worst days. I was regimented about taking the medication on time: 7-7:15 am, 12:15-12:30 pm, 5:15-5:30 pm, 10:15-10:30 pm. That definitely helped. I re-tested 1 month later and no longer have H. pylori. After Pylera, I still had burning/gnawing in my stomach, heartburn, bloating, and trapped gas. Damage done by H. pylori can take at least 2-3 months to heal. I went the natural remedy route: 1) acupuncture, 2) Slippery elm, 3) fresh cabbage juice (this was most helpful). I also decided to temporarily remove coffee, alcohol, spicy food, citrus, tomatoes, chocolate, red meat, and dairy from my diet."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Just took my last 3 pills of Pylera... woohoo! Contrary to what I read about this treatment, it was not as bad as I thought. I believe what made it easier was drinking at least 10 ounces of water and taking pills after eating. I also tried to eat as clean as possible. The cons were eating more than usual for me and keeping to the schedule. I also had some headaches in the morning, but nothing intolerable."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Had a hard time pretty much since the second day. Some people stated you should eat first. Unfortunately, that makes me want to vomit after taking it. No diarrhea (I took probiotics and ate Activia), but weird stools (very dark and frequent). I think my bowels are empty at this point. Appetite is gone. Lost almost 10 pounds. Difficulty sleeping due to nausea and gas pains. Threw up twice. Little energy. Headaches. Feeling stressed and somewhat depressed at times. Crying bouts in the middle of the night. What I described wasn't constant. It came and went throughout the day, but nights were hardest for some reason. Tomorrow is the final day. Can you survive it? Yes. Is it hard? For sure. If H. pylori is gone, then it's worth it. Be strong."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I stated that I would come back to this site with the results of my endoscopy after taking Pylera and the bacteria has been eradicated. Pylera worked for me! I am a very satisfied customer. I hope this review will be helpful to others. Hang in there if you are taking it and having a rough time."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I'm on day 8 of taking Pylera, and it hasn't been bad, surprisingly. My only complaint is taking so many pills for 10 days can be frustrating and exhausting. I did experience a slight headache and nausea. The nausea didn't start till day 7, but it wasn't bad. Had a headache the first couple of days. I have been fine. It was hard to find things to eat as I did not want to eat anything I was not supposed to. I ate at 7, 12, 4, and 8. Took meds at 10, 2, 6, and 10. Also, I ate very little as there is hardly anything you can eat while taking this. I had trouble finding what to eat, so I hope this helps out for people finding something to eat. I ate hummus, apples, chicken, tuna, eggs, guacamole, spam (all spam is gluten-free)! Gluten-free oatmeal. Duke's mayo is also gluten-free and dairy-free! Mustard is also. Black olives, and I got organic vegetable broth to drink also for my late snack. I drink a 16 oz bottle of water with taking Pylera instead of the 8 oz recommended, and it's all good!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I was very hesitant to take this medicine based on reviews. I had taken the amoxicillin, clarithromycin treatment a year before but it did not work. I tried Black Seed Oil, Mastic Gum, and Manuka Honey. They made my stomach feel better for a while, but then the pain started again, and my stool sample came back positive again. So I started Pylera. I took a strong probiotic twice a day, ate a good amount of food with each dose, and took omeprazole twice a day. I eliminated any foods or drinks with dairy or alcohol. I pretty much ate oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, and veggies. I did not have any problems with Pylera. About day 5, I had some stomach pains and was really tired, but was fine otherwise, and now my stool test was negative!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I know so many people have posted about how terrible the medication is. I had a hard time the first 5 days and almost stopped it. I finally figured out the secret to getting through it. Drink tons of water and eat food between each capsule. It might take 10-15 minutes to take the dose, but it makes a huge difference. I still did get the black stools, which were gross, but now they are back to normal. Since finishing the 10 days a week ago, I am feeling great, no pain, and so glad I got through it. Now I'm just waiting to go in for the breath test, hoping that all is good. My advice to everyone is to stick it out. You can do it!!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Read all the reviews here and started to think whether I will take it or not since I'm a very anxious person. I decided to take it since it's the only way to kill this strong bacteria that can cause stomach cancer! I'm on day 6 now, my only side effects are feeling so tired, dizzy all day, and dark stool. Advice for everyone: drink a lot of water and eat proper food without gluten, eat soups, chicken, lentils, avocado, and bananas, as well as eat oats (gluten-free) in the morning before you take your first pills, it will make you full and relaxed for a while. 4 days to go! Just feeling anxious all the time, hope this will kill this bacteria. I will come back here to update everyone if it's gone."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Don't be afraid to take this medication. If you don't suffer from side effects from antibiotics, you will be fine with this one too. The only problem is that 10 days of taking 12 pills a day is a long time, and by the 8th day it feels like it would never end, but it was worth it. I am H. pylori free now."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I had a positive experience with Pylera. As with any other antibiotic, you MUST eat before taking the medication. Moreover, drink water copiously throughout the day and with your meals. The instructions say 8 ounces: double this! Avoid foods that are high in calcium: calcium prevents the medication from working, making you feel worse. This includes ALL dairy but also many replacements like soy milk, etc. Read labels carefully. Unless explicitly told so by your doctor, stop multivitamins/supplements. NO ALCOHOL! Regular intervals will help. Taking the medication right after meals at 7 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m., and 10 p.m. worked for me. Regularity is key. I took the full course of Pylera and had minimal side effects. I was rigorous about eating and drinking. I was somewhat tired. But I experienced none of the nausea, headaches, etc. that others describe. And I ascribe that to being regimental about the intake of food and water, and timing. Please do not be afraid of Pylera."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Was prescribed this after a positive ID of H. pylori from endoscopy biopsy. 10 days / 12 pills a day. Not gonna lie, it was rough. Side effects included dizziness, upset stomach, nausea for me. Within 10 mins of ingestion, the effects could be felt. I made sure to eat a full meal to help lessen the effects, even at bedtime. Sometimes no effects, other times strong effects. But got through the 10 days. After taking it, still had residual side effects for another 2 days on/off. Then finally, on day 3, returned to normal. Need to do the re-test in 1 mo, so not sure if it worked to kill the bacteria for good. I won't lie, I almost stopped taking it in the middle of treatment but kept telling myself this has to be done and I cannot stop!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I’m not a big person when it comes to taking a constant medication but I finished it 2 weeks ago and I’m waiting to take the breath test, but my symptoms have came back. I do not feel good at all. I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. The Zofran hasn’t really be helping either. Has anyone else still been feeling sick after taking the medication?"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "UPDATE: The Pylera worked! The bacteria have been eradicated! I completed my 10-day treatment on April 7, 2014. The only side effect was some mild nausea (I just ate a little more) and a bad taste in my mouth (lots of sugar-free gum). I am waiting 30 days to test to see if the bug is gone. I will come back on here with the results of the endoscopy."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Pylera eradicated my H. Pylori infection. Apparently, I had a horrible case for many years, and this worked. I had tried other drugs in the past, and nothing worked until this. It's rough, though! I think I had every side effect, and the 9th day was the worst, but you have to push through! My tricks - eating larger meals before taking it, and yes, you will always feel bloated and full. Also, sucking on fruit-flavored Tic Tacs helped the nausea. Something I learned - sugar, caffeine, chocolate, and salt feed this bacteria, so I tried to steer clear of these things. I heard vitamin C, grapefruit, and a probiotic keep it away, so I incorporated these into my diet while taking Pylera. I had a pretty aggressive case, but it's gone!!"

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Just finished Pylera last night and still have the symptoms as if I was still taking the meds. I'm so happy I'm finished and can't believe I got through it... It was really tough. Good luck everyone and remember it's light at the end of the tunnel."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "After reading message boards, I became so freaked out at the thought of going on Pylera, I waited 5 days before starting the regimen, but boy am I glad that I did because on day 4 my brain came back and by day 6 I was really feeling a lot better. I'm not going to lie. It was very intense. It was almost like I could feel the war going on inside of me between the pills and the bacteria, but knowing the medicine was eradicating this hideous thing made it palpable."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I was on a ten-day treatment taking three pills four times a day. I was also taking omeprazole twice daily. It helped a lot as far as the sickness and nausea go. Dark urine and stool was about the only side effect I experienced except for dry mouth during the night. The key is to make sure you eat plenty before each dose. Do NOT eat or drink dairy while taking it. I made that mistake one time, and that's all it took. Other than that, I felt pretty good. I will also suggest a good brand of probiotic to take daily as well. It was a tough ten days, but I believe it's well worth it."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I am on day 7 of this Pylera pill. I really hope it works because I don’t think I can do it again. The headaches, the nausea, the weird taste started after day 4. It’s hard to find things to eat so if anyone has ideas please share. Full meals are helpful and lots of water. Fresh fruits, no dairy. It’s very draining so lots of rest is needed. Glad I found this site. Stay strong."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "This is my fourth time trying to eradicate the bacteria and had never been given Pylera. After reading people's stories, I was horrified to take this medication. Let me tell you, it has been the hardest medication I have ever taken. I had vomiting, diarrhea, and every side effect. I am now on day 10 and could not be any happier. The mind is powerful, so keep positive and finish. I will update if it worked."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "So I am currently on Pylera for H. pylori. This is Day 8, and I can honestly say this is the worst. The first 5-6 days were fine! I was upbeat, then on day 7, I started feeling pregnant. I can smell everything, I can’t eat anything at all! I have no appetite. I throw up every morning, the nasty metal taste in my mouth, so tired, and feel like I never get any sleep. I don’t know what to do since I have to take the medication after meals, and I can’t eat, and I can’t miss a dose. I have to force myself to eat, but the nausea is horrible. I have mood swings, a fast heart rate.... BASICALLY FEEL LIKE I AM DYING SLOWLY. But I have to stick this through if I want to recover."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I completed the 10 days of Pylera on September 18. The first few days were not too bad, though like others think, the sheer number of pills each day is inconvenient and overwhelming---especially when you take other meds as well. On or about the 4th day, things changed. I was able to go to work, but the last 6 days were really hard: explosive diarrhea, headaches, bloat, gas, extreme fatigue, irritability, inexplicable crying bouts, and loss of appetite. I felt a bit better the first few days after the medication was finished, but now one week later, I am still experiencing the side effects! I feel worse than when I started the meds. When does it stop? Please share experiences."

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  • Drug class: H. pylori eradication agents
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  • Helicobacter Pylori Infection