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Generic Name: Reprexain (hydrocodone-ibuprofen)

Reprexain Reviews

For Pain "It does help with my pain from having trouble with TMJ, but I have been nauseous a lot lately. Usually when my jaw acts up I get major migraines and sensitive to light and even end up throwing up and having to put pressure until it goes away - but now I can take this and it goes away fast"

For Pain "I really get excellent relief from this medication. It's very hard to find, but if you are to get a prescription for it and if your pharmacy knows you well, they will reorder it, if your taking it monthly, while deciding over surgery or to continue physical Therapy. The nerve pain associated with my accident and compression fractures, and my nerves is a bit to much. I also find great relief in the lidocaine patches, another very costy form of relief, but I will pay the monies, to not suffer from this pain. It can be unbearable! "

For Pain "Worked great on my lower back pain!"

For Pain "This medicine worked well while waiting for the infection from an abscessed tooth to subside in order for it to be extracted. (And anyone who's had an abscessed tooth knows what real pain is)."

For Pain "Great medicine. No side effects."

For Pain "This medicine worked really well for my shoulder pain. Also helped with severe migraines."

For Pain "This medications is pretty good! Works well for mild to severe pain."

For Pain "It seemed to work as a pain medication, due to my chronic arthritis in my back with degenerative bone disease. I also have a steel rod in my right leg and other chronic illness."

For Pain "Works well for my nerve pain."

For Pain "Take only as need due to severe neuropathy of amputated foot. Take only when pain is severe. Does not give me headaches as Vicodin and other similar medications."

For Pain "This medicine works good for my back and leg pain. Thanks"

For Pain "Excellent pain medicine for joint, muscle pain. "

More about Reprexain (hydrocodone / ibuprofen)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Reviews (12)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

Patient resources

  • Reprexain advanced reading
  • Reprexain

Other brands

Vicoprofen, Ibudone, Xylon 10

Professional resources

  • Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Pain