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Generic Name: Requip (ropinirole)

Requip Reviews

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had RLS for over 40 years. I have taken every single drug available. I took Requip when it was first being used for RLS. It worked a charm. With some crazy side effects. I had to stop it after 6 months because it started to give me rebound RLS. Now if I take Requip I will have horrible RLS. I started taking opiates for it. From my neuro who told me I had the worst case he had seen. I have it all over. I have been suicidal. I have been miserable almost all my life. It isn’t fair to force someone with a terrible medical condition to live. Well now I take Methadone. 140 mg every day. I no longer have ANY RLS symptoms. Yes it made me gain weight but I don’t care. I live without any RLS symptoms and that is all I care about. I would never give up this medication. If I am ever forced off that will be the end of the road for me. I can’t go back to not sleeping for weeks at a time. I used to be lucky if I fell asleep for an hour a day."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I had been on generic ropinirole for months, and because it was so effective, I tolerated severe nausea, nasal congestion, hiccups, and flushing because I was desperate to sleep. When I talked to my neurologist, he had me switch to the name brand based on side effects, and it was so bizarre. The drug works great and with zero side effects. He said the dosing range that generics are allowed to meet is much too large for some of the neurology drugs, and because pharmacy plans frequently switch which generic manufacturer they use, it is impossible to avoid dosage problems as well. The issue for me was also one of side effects from additives that were not in brand Requip but were in the generic. Hope this helps someone."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Don't take this for RLS. It causes augmentation. Symptoms get better in the beginning, then eventually you need more Requip to make RLS go away. Eventually, the meds stop working altogether and RLS is out of control, worse than before you started meds. You try to come off the meds and RLS gets even worse. This is very common and occurs in 70-80% of everyone on Requip. Your doctor will likely not understand and/or think you're crazy. Find another doctor. The solution is to get off the dopamine drugs like Requip. Get on a different class of meds, like Gabapentin, Horizant, or Lyrica. Check out RLS.org for help."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I'm 34 and have had restless legs since I was a child. It's the most irritating thing. I do not get a good night's sleep because of it and I practically always wake up in a bad mood. My doctor prescribed Requip (generic) and was specific to tell me to gradually up the dose. I started with 0.25 mg last night and will again tonight, then 0.50 for the next week and another slight increase. I'm hoping that's what will help me avoid the sickness. Because once I read some of the reviews, I was pretty scared to take it. So...I took it last night and I slept better than I have in a long time. I could literally feel my body relax and I barely moved all night, which never happens! I woke up in a good mood, well-rested, and not groggy! I'm so thrilled!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "At first, this medication seemed like a lifesaver. After time, I began to augment, and I would have to take more and more of the drug earlier in the day. It caused all kinds of side effects, from yawning to compulsive shopping. I gained about 40 lbs, and my blood pressure went through the roof. After being on this prescription for several years, it was horrendous to get off. It has taken almost a year to finally say I am totally free of the DA's (dopamine agonists). I will never, ever take one of these classes of drugs again. The side effects, withdrawal, and effect on overall health are not worth it."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have autoimmune issues, no thyroid and RLS started for me about a year before a thyroid cancer diagnosis. The RLS was so severe I literally asked my husband to hide the guns in the house because I was that miserable (along with other side effects from the cancer treatment). I was referred to a sleep neurologist and was started on 2 mg of Requip. This drug, I believe, has changed and saved my life. Literally. I went without a dose for the first time last night because I didn't make it to the pharmacy in time for my refill. Well, I had zero sleep last night. Waiting for the drug store to open this morning because I am still experiencing severe symptoms at 6:00 am. I learned my symptoms are less when my diet is healthy (low or no carb is best)."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had severe refractory full body RLS for 10 years. My symptoms are 24/7 without medication. I was prescribed Requip, and it was one of the worst nights of my life! I was terribly nauseous and vomited all night. But even worse than that was the fact that it made my RLS much worse. I had the same results with Mirapex. My doctor tried me on several other meds. None of them worked, and some made the RLS worse like the Requip and Mirapex did. I ended up hurting my shoulder pretty badly, and my doctor prescribed Tramadol. Lo and behold, once it got into my system, the RLS was gone! I've been taking the Tramadol every 6 hours for 9 years now and am still symptom-free and doing great!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I am now in my 70s and have suffered restless legs all my adult life. My doctor referred me to a neurologist 4 years ago who tried me on Ropinirole starting on a low dose of 1mg each night gradually building up to 5mg daily. It took me over a year to get over nausea and adjusting my dosage to get the desired result. I now take a 1mg tablet with each meal and 2 before bed making a total of 5mg daily and I no longer suffer from restless legs, totally gone! I have no side effects at all."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "All night long one night my legs kept jumping up in the air till I couldn't sleep keeping my husband up. So I got on Requip 0.25mg, take 2 at bedtime and I slept all night long, without jumping legs, and if I had them, I didn't know about them. So far, as sleep, it helps me also. This is the best thing for me and my legs."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I had restless legs almost every night. I dreaded going to bed because I knew I would be in misery. I started taking Requip, my doctor recommended it and wrote a prescription for it. I have never had restless legs once after starting it. I am so thankful I have this medication."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I started Requip 1 mg at bedtime. It worked great for 3-4 months. My Dr. increased the dosage so I now take 3 mg at bedtime. Again, it worked great for a few months, and then the symptoms reappeared. The Requip is better than nothing, but I was up pacing the floors when I should have been sleeping. My husband suggested acupuncture, and that has made a huge difference. I take the Requip 3 mg with 3 saltines to prevent nausea and vomiting. I have an acupuncture treatment every 2 weeks, and no problems when I go to bed."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have been taking Requip for probably 15 years for RLS. Then I was moved up to Requip XL, and I've been taking that just fine for probably another 8 years. And if you have restless leg syndrome, do you know what I'm talking about? There's no such thing as sleep, you just can't. I would rather go without my heart medication and have a heart attack than get no sleep and have a heart attack. Because my Requip works, I have to have the brand name. The ropinirole makes me very sick, sick to my stomach. I threw all my pills up, and that doesn't do any good. It also makes me sick to my stomach and nauseous all day, I don't want that either. So for the last four months, I have been trying to refill my Requip, and nobody seems to have it. Did they stop making the real thing? Please tell me they did not stop making Requip and all they have is ropinirole. It would be the end of me, I cannot find the real thing. I need the real thing!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I am on 6 mg of the 24-hour release ropinirole, and I think I've found the solution. I take 2 mg in the afternoon, then 4 mg an hour before bed. After living with restless legs syndrome for 45 years, driving me insane for many years, I actually think I may have found the solution, highly recommended."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Been on Requip for about a month now. I know when I forget to take it. I sleep soundly and have no side effects. I waited years before asking my doctor for help! What was I thinking?! My insomnia is all but gone as well! Ty Requip!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had restless legs syndrome for 20 years or so now. I have been taking Requip for almost the entire time it was diagnosed, and I have a severe case. In the past few months, I have experienced some nausea, dizziness, pain, and tiredness after my first dose in the morning. I did not realize this could be a side effect of the medication. I take 4mg, 3X a day. If I did not, I would never sleep, sit through a movie, or be able to focus on work. I will put up with the side effects."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had restless legs for over 50 years. It started when I was expecting my 1st daughter. I was told it was common in pregnant women but mine has NEVER let up - in fact has gotten worse over the years. I tried drinking quinine water until that was banned, it helped some but not much. I also 'held up the wall' with stretching exercises. I started taking ropinirole about 10 years on the advice of another person who called herself 'the queen of restless legs'. I was given 1mg and told I should start taking 1/2 pill per day, increasing it weekly until I got 'results' - that one could take as many as 8 pills per day! Well, the 1/2 pill worked just fine for several years - I now take 1 to 2 per day depending."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had leg pain for over 5 years now. I have taken tramadol for the pain. I never thought it was restless leg because I never felt like moving my legs, they just ached so bad in the morning when I woke up. My doctor just added Requip 2 days ago, and it was amazing. I slept past 5 a.m. and woke at 8 a.m. with no leg pain and didn't need my 2 tramadol! Unbelievable! I am so excited to possibly cut my tramadol dose down because I was always so tired on tramadol! I'm hoping this will work for a while. My starting dose of Requip is 0.25 mg."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Let me first start by saying that Requip did work very well to control my restless legs syndrome. (I have terrible, uncontrollable leg movement/pain.) However, the side effects of the higher dosage made me very sick. Approximately one hour before bedtime, I had taken the pill. I began to feel extremely nauseous, with excruciating stomach cramps, chills, and my head started spinning. I could barely make it to the bathroom, where I immediately threw up. I found relief soon thereafter from the side effects. I continued having a mild stomach ache about 4 hours later. Requip should definitely be taken in a smaller dosage at first. Then move up gradually when you feel that the dosage isn't covering all your pains. I take Requip daily and have for 10 years for my RLS. Feel better!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had restless legs syndrome for 30 years that I can remember. I have been on Requip for 15 years, before it was approved for RLS. I was in a clinical trial for it and then was able to get a script for it as it was approved for Parkinson's. RLS treatment varies in intensity. It only gets worse. I am up to 4 mg a day. The combination of what works is a moving target. I have tried it all. Requip is no longer helping me as it was. Once RLS starts, I am screwed into a night of living hell. I take Ambien to help, but that is no longer helping."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "It works, but it's based on what is in your stomach. If I'm stuffed and ate too much before bed, which can be hours before bed, I need 3 mg. Somewhat full, 2 mg, and if I ate small meals and I take it 2 hours before bed, 1 mg. Now if I take 1 or 2 mg on an empty stomach, I might feel sick. I have gotten home before, after work, and very hungry and ordered pizza. Took 1 or 2 mg before ordering and felt sick before the pizza even got here. So the mg's need is based on what's in your stomach. It works great, but you can't just take what the doctor says, like 2 mg before bed, because it changes. Have the doctor give you 90 tablets at 1 mg and write 'take 1-3 per night as needed.' We'll see if that helps, and I feel your pain."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Have been taking Requip for 6 months. You have to be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage and keep it as low as possible. It will or won't work for you, don't get impatient and take more shortly after the first dose. I am lucky in that I do not get the vomiting/stomach issues. But you can almost time it to the minute. I start to cough, my nose feels like it is swollen inside and no air can get through. Draining into the throat makes the cough much worse. 2 1/2 to 3 hours later, all better. Higher doses (2 mg) make it much worse. However, it still beats RLS without a doubt!!"

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have been on Requip for over a year now and it is a godsend. Requip has saved my life. I don't have any of the side effects (sleepiness, etc.) associated with Requip, thank goodness, but it does let me sleep at night. I asked my doctor to prescribe it for me, and she had never heard of Requip until I told her about it. Surprise! I will be on Requip forever until science figures out what causes RLS. I highly recommend Requip to anybody who has RLS. Side effects for me - none whatsoever, just a good night's sleep for a change."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I am 44 and started taking Requip 1 mg on 4/06/2016, and it has been absolutely wonderful. My quality of life was so poor prior to this and wasn't getting but 2 hours of sleep a night... if that. I call it my miracle drug. I haven't had any side effects. The doctor put me on it because I have a sleep study coming up, and the last time I went to the sleep study, I didn't sleep. I was surprised that it worked for me the first night I took it."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Didn’t notice a change in RLS, but after trying at 0.5 mg a few different times, I noticed it was causing terrible depression. Every time I try it, the depression hits me the next day and gets worse. Maybe it’ll go away after a while, but I’m not waiting! The depression it gave me was terrible."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have moderate-to-severe Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). I take 1 or 1.5 mg of Requip nightly. It is 100% effective in eliminating all symptoms of RLS. I have no side effects. It has been a miracle drug for me. I also want to say Mirapex (pramipexole) was also 100% effective for me, with no side effects."

More about Requip (ropinirole)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents
  • Breastfeeding

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Requip XL

Professional resources

  • Requip prescribing information
  • ROPINIRole (AHFS Monograph)

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Requip XL

Related treatment guides

  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
  • Parkinson's Disease