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Generic Name: Rogaine Women's for Alopecia (minoxidil-topical)

Rogaine Women's for Alopecia Reviews

"Fantastic! You can no longer see my scalp in the front. I am going to try it on my eyebrows. It's not often a product works as promised, but it did for me. I lost hair at 50 and am now 54. I will continue to use Rogaine for women."

"This product has been great. Because my hair is short, and my condition was not extreme, my product has lasted about 6 months before running out. I used as directed at the beginning using daily, then backed off to every other day. Hair is getting thick and edges filling in."

"I have been losing my hair gradually for the last 10 years. My hairdresser said something about it, and then I started noticing my hair was falling out by the handfuls, so I got a little nervous and bought Rogaine for women. Wow, this stuff is amazing! I can't believe how thick my hair is after all these years. I don't know why I didn't try this product sooner, but now I am, and I'm glad I did. I haven't had any side effects from it at all. I highly recommend washing your hands after applying it to your hair to prevent transferring it onto your face."

"My hair has been falling out since college - I'm 74. Although it falls out, it seems to regrow but at a declining rate and is now thinning. I thought it was hormonal and have asked every doctor I see - gym, dermo, cardio, primary. Finally, my rheumatologist said to try Rogaine. [She uses it.] The instructions say that results may not be apparent for 4 months. I've used it once to twice per day for 1 1/2 weeks, and my hair has stopped falling out!! I'm amazed! When I brush my hair in the morning, there are 1-2 hairs in my brush rather than a handful. Thank you, Rogaine!"

"I wanted to wait till I gave it a good try before reviewing. I used it as instructed for a full year. Unfortunately it did nothing for me so I stopped. Absolutely no results on my scalp but increased facial hair, yikes! Also, I experienced nausea which I'm not 100% sure is related but pretty sure since it stopped when I stopped using the product."

"I have been using the 5% minoxidil for 4 months now, and I have all kinds of new little hairs. A lot of them are coming in very dark. The top of my scalp is already much fuller."

More about Rogaine Women's (minoxidil topical)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous topical agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Women's Rogaine advanced reading

Other brands

Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women, Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men

Professional resources

  • Minoxidil (Topical) monograph

Other brands

Hair Regrowth Treatment for Women, Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men

Other formulations

  • Rogaine
  • Rogaine For Men Extra Strength

Related treatment guides

  • Alopecia