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Generic Name: Seasonale (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Seasonale Reviews

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "This birth-control is the worst! If you were OK with having consistent bleeding for over a month, then this is for you. If not, try something else because this is not worth it. I am now on week eight and still bleeding/spotting. I wish I would’ve read the reviews before starting this prescription. I hate it. If I could rate it a zero, I would."

For Birth Control "I've now been taking this birth control for the last 6 months and only have great things to say. I'm no sex industry worker however I am receiving regular loads exceeding 20 or more per week. My sexual drive has not changed or been a concern during this prescription. My vagina has been extremely moist and always ready to go. I'm extremely pleased with how effective this prescription has been operating and I would highly recommend this to anyone. Thumbs up seasonale."

For Birth Control "I've been on Seasonale for almost a year. I didn't experience any negative side effects such as weight gain, headaches, or decreased sex drive, however I have had a fair amount of breakthrough bleeding. In one cycle the breakthrough bleeding lasted for over two weeks until it was finally time to take the placebo pills. Every other 3 month cycle, I get breakthrough bleeding for about a week and it's heavy enough to be a period. It's typically successful in preventing a period for a month and a half to 2 months, but at that point it doesn't seem like it's strong enough to override my natural hormones."

For Birth Control "I was on the Seasonale pill for three or four days when I had one of the most horrendous breakdowns ever...I couldn’t stop crying and screaming - my poor fiancé! My anxiety was out of this world...would wake up in the middle of the night for a few hours with raging anxiety. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and stopped taking it, two days later I felt like myself again, guess it’s going to be no glove no love!? Lol"

For Birth Control "I have been on seasonale for 2 yrs now and have now just realized that it's the reason I can't lose weight and I feel depressed and absolutely 0 sex drive. I didn't know until now only cause I have researched it today and I am planning to get off it asap."

For Birth Control "This is the first birth control I have tried, and so far I love it. I'm heading into my third week being on this pill and so far I have experienced very minimal side effects, something I did not expect after reading such horror stories about this pill and others similar to it. I have had no spotting yet (fingers crossed this continues). The most noticeable side effect thus far has been breast tenderness. Its not unbearable-and usually an Advil helps-but they're definitely more sore than usually. This tends to vary by day as well. I haven't noticed any severe change in my mood, maybe a little more sensitive than normal, and definitely no change in my sex drive. I am loving this pill so far! Hopefully these side effects continue to be minimal."

For Birth Control "I just switched to a Seasonale generic about 2 months ago after being on Junel Fe for about 10 years. I switched because I noticed my hormones started to change, periods were getting heavier, and I had been getting cystic acne breakouts at least 2x a month. Ever since I switched I haven’t had any breakouts. I’m on the extended version so I have not gotten my period yet (it comes once every 3 months), but so far no spotting or cramps for the 2 months that I’ve been on it. Overall, I’m happy with the switch."

For Birth Control "I experience mood swings, break outs, and cramps during the first two weeks. After that I have not had any issues. I did not spot for the first two months. On the third month I took the pill 4 hours late and I spotted lightly for two days. My skin is flawless. I had no weight gain. I have no crazy mood swings. Its the perfect pill. Oh and my breast increased about a cup size. The breast tenderness I experienced was a minimum soreness for a month. I recommend Seasonale!"

For Birth Control "I was on this pill since the end of April, and everything has gone downhill since then. I bled for 21 days straight, then the bleeding stopped for about two weeks. After that, I bled everyday for the remaining two months, up until the sugar pills. Once I started a new pack, everything went great for the first two weeks. However, I started bleeding AGAIN midway into the third week. It was at that point, that the remaining patience I've had for this pill was lost. Yeah, this birth control truly does prevent pregnancy, because it prevents you from having sex in the first place, due to the never-ending shark week. :( I'm switching to a stronger pill, because this is my FOURTH month on birth control, so I should not be bleeding this much."

For Birth Control "I have been on Seasonale for 3 months. I bled constantly from March 9th-April 4th. I doubled up on pills for 22 days and 2 weeks ago I stopped doubling. I began bleeding and having moderate cramps again three days ago. I do not recommend this pill. Bleeding for 28 days straight is not normal."

For Birth Control "I've been on seasonale for two years it it's the first birth control I've ever takenand I love the results! My periods are shorter and less crampy, I'm also no longer a hag during pms because pms doesn't exist for me anymore :) I do occasionally get breakthrough bleeding but that's definitely my own fault for taking a pill a few hours late. My main complaint is that I cry way more now - watching cheesy commercials and when I'm mad - and that I've gained weight, every time I restart my new pack I'm starving all week and want to eat everything in sight. My boobs obviously got bigger too but I'm not complaining there. Still a thumbs up from me !"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Seasonale for 6 years now. I’ve never had any side effects such as weight gain, decreased sex drive, etc. Every 3 month package I take, I’ve never had a break through unless I forgot to take my pills for a few days. It’s been the most effective birth control for me. I love it"

For Birth Control "I have been taking Seasonale for almost 3 years now. I'm 21 & pretty healthy. When I started, I had breakthrough bleeding for about 3 weeks and a little nausea. Before Seasonale, I had 8 day heavy periods and would get pretty bad cramping. With this pill, I have a very light period once every 3 months, no cramping at all and no other symptoms. I have had no weight gain, rarely any breast tenderness and it prevents pregnancy, so I can't complain too much. My ONLY problem with this pill is that it gives me acne in waves. I'll go a month with very little acne, then for a few months have lots of breakouts, some of them painful. I never had any acne prior to taking the pill, but now I do.. Otherwise, I highly recommend this pill"

For Birth Control "I have been taking seasonale for two months now. I noticed I have been extremely tired and have a low sex drive. I gained weight while on it which is not like me because I am very careful with my body. I feel very blah and low now that I am on it. I had breakthrough bleeding right away and have spotting every time I shower or go to the bathroom. I do not like how this pill has made me feel. I am going off of it today."

For Endometriosis "I have been taking this for almost 2 years and I can tell you I feel like it has been a miracle drug with all the side effects of endometriosis. Although you have to take a pill each night, who cares when you have 1 period to get through over 3 months and on top of that its short and usually pain free. The excess bleeding, the long periods, unpredictable start and stop...that's all over with this birth control. I really feel like I gained at least 2 days out of every month that I had once lost to bed rest from the agony of endometriosis. I love it and wish I had heard of it sooner. I highly recommend it. Be sure to always ask how it will interact with any other drugs that may be in your system. Always consult a doctor on change in medication."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I started the Seasonal Pill because the heavy bleeding caused me to become very anemic to the place I had to get iron infusions. It does make me crave everything, my sex drive is going down a little and I have been bleeding for a while. It went from using a pantie liner to using pads and I'm not even thru my thrid pack of pills. Not sure If I can handle the bleeding like this. And lets's not mention the cramps. I have never in my life had cramps like this like someone is on the inside of me scraping out my inside. I don't think I can hang."

For Birth Control "I used Seasonale for about a year and a half. It worked very well. No spotting and it was nice to not have a period for three months at a time. Unfortunately it has to be taken at the same time everyday which is a pain for someone as absent minded as me. I handled this by setting the alarm on my cellphone to go off at the same time everyday. It was kinda bulky in my purse since it has three months worth of pills. My periods were about the same as before."

For Endometriosis "This drug did not work for me as I am unable to take any hormones. I managed to take it for 8 weeks before stopping. I started getting a period after about week 6 and it continued on and off right up until I stopped taking the drug. When I started getting my period I still had the same symptoms (severe cramping, back pain, exhaustion, etc) that I started taking the drug for to begin with."

For Birth Control "I am waiting to start a period, it's day one of the placebo. I did have some nausea in the beginning but to be expected when switching from the IUD to the pill. I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding or anything. Mild cramping at normal time that I would be normally expecting a period but I never did bleed. But I am not pregnant, haven't gained weight and didn't have break through bleeding so it's doing it's job for me personally."

For Birth Control "Seasonale is awesome especially if you have very heavy periods and very bad cramps during menstrual cycle. The only side effects I have had are a few headaches here and there and spotting once in awhile. (Hardly ever)"

For Birth Control "I've been on seasonale just over a month now and I can say it really has had little to no side effects for me which has been really great!! I had break through Bleeding the day after I had missed a pill which was my own fault but it stopped as soon as I took one that day. If I noticed any crazy side effects surface I would definitely stop it asap but as of right now it seems to be working very well for me. :)"

For Birth Control "I have been on Seasonale for about 9 months and it has worked great so far! I switched from Sprintec because I noticed that I was moody, had low libido, and felt very nauseous often. It can be kind of scary not having a period for three months on Seasonale, however, because of not knowing if you are pregnant or not, but I have not had any scares (I took my pill religiously besides a couple times). I noticed that cramps are a little worse when I do have my period, probably because I don't have my menstrual cycle as much. Overall, I don't get moody or nauseous nearly as much as I did on Sprintec, and it's so nice only dealing with a period 4 months a year instead of 12!"

For Birth Control "I've been on this medicine for about a month and had little to no side effects. Just an occasional headache or stomach ache but nothing advil can't help. I have no breakthrough bleeding (knock on wood). What little acne I had before has cleared up and I have also noticed a change in the size of my boobs but no weight gain or weight loss. I can easily say I'm satisfied so far with this pill."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I have been on Seasonale for over a year now, and it is the only birth control that has actually worked for me, after going through 6 other brands. I went from having very heavy periods and cramping for 7 days, to having a very light (hardly there) period every 3 months. It also managed to clear up the cystic acne that came along with it. My only issue with it was that for the first month or two on the pill, I did have some spotting and bleeding, but it quickly went away, and haven't had any bleeding since then. Other than that I haven't experienced any other symptoms, and I highly recommend Seasonale!"

For Birth Control "I have been taking seasonal for almost 3 years and love it. My periods are shorter and lighter with less pain. I haven't had any problems with break through bleeding. This is the only birth control pill to work for me (have tried 5 others). I know this pill doesn't work for everyone though."

More about Seasonale (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: contraceptives

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  • Seasonale prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Birth Control
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome