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Generic Name: Singulair for Allergic Rhinitis (montelukast)

Singulair for Allergic Rhinitis Reviews

"I felt the need to write this review for anyone who is scared due to possible side effects. I was in here about a week ago reading through all the reviews just absolutely terrified. I told my husband I wasn't going to take it. I suffer from horrible sinusitis, and I've tried everything. My husband talked me down, and he said we would monitor my behavior closely. First night I took it before bed. I had every expectation to wake up in some kind of horrible headspace. I woke up after a good night's sleep and didn't feel any different. My symptoms were about the same as well. I have consistently taken it for 7 days now and my sense of smell is coming back a little. I don't notice ANY side effects. I feel myself. If anything, I feel happier because I can kind of smell again! It has only been a week, but it has given me hope. So if you are here trying to read reviews to make yourself feel better. Listen. I was completely psyched out about this too, but I am so glad I decided to take it."

"My doctor prescribed me Singulair after my allergy test results came back. Went straight to reviews and seeing so many bad reviews, I got worried. I have a history of anxiety and panic attacks, and people were stating it's only getting worse when you take Singulair. I even rang my doctor, saying I'm really afraid to take them, but he politely asked me to give them a go. Not only did my allergies settle down and symptoms were really bad, I must say. I got back my sense of smell, I could breathe through my nose again, my sleeping patterns improved a lot (some people experienced nightmares after taking Singulair, in my case I finally could sleep through the night, having the nicest dreams ever). Anxiety and panic attacks went away. In my case, it did wonders."

"I was given this medication, Singulair, for chronic nasal congestion and rhinitis. After about 2 months, I started to notice my mood changing. I was more argumentative, almost to the point of aggression. When I started to have bizarre dreams, I then researched the side effects of this drug. Here is what was listed: mental/mood changes (such as agitation, aggression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, abnormal dreams, sleep-walking, memory/attention problems, depression, hallucinations, thoughts of harming yourself/suicide). I immediately stopped taking this medication (it wasn't helping that much anyway) and these side effects have stopped completely. PLEASE be mindful of ALL the side effects of any medications you are taking! I never would have believed that something to help with nasal congestion could cause such problems."

"I have been taking this medication for a few years to treat allergies. At first, I would get headaches, but they went away after a few months of use. I do not have anxiety issues with the use of this drug. This drug is a lifesaver for my allergy symptoms, and I will continue to use this drug."

"I have had allergies and severe chronic nasal congestion on and off for over a decade now. To the point that all over-the-counter meds don't work. Even paired with a nasal spray, I got no relief. About a week ago, what my doctor suggested was to continue using Claritin-D, along with Flonase, and prescribed Singulair as a supplement. For the first time in a very, very long time, I slept through the night without waking up gasping because I couldn't breathe due to the congestion and pressure. Also, I am able to work without disturbing my coworkers due to the constant nose blowing, sneezing, and coughing."

"I am a retired physician. Every winter and spring, I suffer from horrible congestive episodes. Once, I became so dizzy that I could barely get out of bed just to go to the bathroom. I saw an ENT doctor who diagnosed me with vasomotor rhinitis and stopped my Claritin. When spring came around, I was miserable again. I saw an allergist who did multiple skin tests and concluded that I had no allergies, urban irritants caused nasal mucosal swelling resulting in my congestion. When my symptoms worsened, I was sent for a CT scan of my sinuses and was found to have chronic sinusitis. Every year, I still have seasonal recurrences of sinusitis. My new PCP decided to try Singulair (Montelukast) along with antibiotics, and now I can breathe out of both nostrils. Yay!"

"Singulair worked great for my non-allergic rhinitis and sinus. I stopped sneezing completely for 2 months on Singulair. I was able to breathe so much better, congestion relief. Only issue was I had severe anxiety and occasional panic attacks, even after cutting the pill in half, took every other day. I was truly discouraged because the med worked. I tried my best to continue the med, but anxiety became overwhelming."

"This medicine changed my life. After 18 months of constant post-nasal drip, coughing up sputum, sore throat, and nasal congestion, I think I may have finally found my answer. I have taken almost every medicine suggested to me and seen over 30 doctors. I was finally put on this for Rhinitis and Asthma, and I started to notice a big difference by 4 days in. It has now been a week without coughing up sputum (something that I had daily for 18 months), and my congestion and breathing are significantly better. For some reason, antihistamines and inhalers don't seem to help me, but Singulair does. I'm so glad that I tried this medication!"

"I am a lifetime allergy injection patient. I have been getting allergy injections for the past 35 years. I have had symptoms of post-nasal drip and clearing of the throat for as long as I can remember that the shots just won't clear up. I started Singulair 10 days ago and my years of post-nasal drip are gone. Yes!!! Gone for the first time for as long as I can remember."

"I wish I had reported this to the FDA when it happened. I don't know how helpful my account of the side effects from many years ago would be now. However, I would like to share this somewhere, as what I experienced is not verified as a side effect but possibly suspected—I don't want anyone to go through what I went through and not suspect this medication to be the culprit. After taking one dose of Singulair in the evening, the next day, I experienced suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety, and a feeling as if I were being separated from my body (if that makes sense). I have no history of such problems, never took Singulair again, and never experienced what I described again."

"I only used this drug one time, and I took it to help with allergies. I took a 10 mg tablet of montelukast at around 10 p.m. At 3:30 a.m., I woke up and had a panic attack. The whole next day I was trying to fight off panic attacks until around 8:30 p.m. when the drug started to die down. I never took another. The panic attacks have stopped."

"I'm 49 and have suffered from allergic symptoms ever since I was a kid. Unquestionably, it has reduced the quality of life. Antihistamines were basically ineffective, although I could significantly reduce my symptoms by a strict diet that was developed over the last 30 years through observation (try eating foods high in antioxidants). I do feel much better since taking Singulair, my nasal congestion is much better, and I feel no side effects. My only regret is not trying it earlier."

"This medication really helped my allergies! It was so severe this year. I was constantly uncomfortable. Felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was starting to think I had come down with the flu or another illness. This medication helped my allergies so much, the best medication I’ve ever taken for allergies!"

"Finally, finally, finally! I was originally given this for COPD and asthma so you might be wondering why I am writing this under allergic rhinitis. 24 hours after the first dose and ever since, my nose and sinuses are clear for the first time in literally my entire adolescent and adult life. I can sleep, breathe, and it has greatly helped asthma! Not a single side effect to be found."

"Honestly this medicine has helped my allergies drastically but my anxiety is off the wall. I’ve been on it for about 2 weeks... the first few days I was okay but around day 3 I stopped being able to sleep and started waking up with really bad anxiety and muscle/joint pains. I wish they could make this medicine without the side effects :)"

"This drug is not for everyone. I took it for just three days and got very depressed, even to the point of having really dark thoughts, had a constant headache, an upset stomach, deep soreness in my teeth, mood swings, and irritability. However, it did help my allergies. Be very conscious of how you feel when you try this drug."

"I am a parent of two children. Both children took Singulair for allergies. Both children had issues while taking Singulair and experienced withdrawal effects once I stopped the medication. My daughter developed tics, tremors, anger, rage, OCD, anxiety, mood swings, and agitation, to name a few side effects. My son developed frequent urination, muscle issues, joint pain, and sadness. Both my children developed a hypersensitivity to all artificial sweeteners, dyes, and all emulsifiers/preservatives as the inactive ingredients are made up of most of these items. Their hypersensitivity to artificial sweeteners, dyes, and emulsifiers/preservatives still continues even though they stopped the medicine."

"Started taking Singulair with Zyrtec 3 weeks ago for a severe allergy I developed to my 3 pet rabbits. No side effects to speak of (I did have a headache one day, but I don't think it's related) and today I held one of my bunnies for the first time in 6 months without allergy symptoms. Now I don't have to get rid of some beloved family members!"

"Started to get post-nasal drip horribly over four months ago. Tried every OTC drug known for allergies, removed bedroom carpet, bought high-end humidifier and air purifier, used a neti pot, and drank four liters of water a day. Nothing helped, and I would wake up every hour and a half coughing from mucus build-up. This medication stopped my symptoms within 2 days. It's very expensive but worth every penny."

"Amazing results! I have suffered with extreme allergies for many years. I had tried nasal sprays, over-the-counter allergy meds, & even took the allergy shot—nothing worked until I started taking Singulair. Now I can actually smell flowers in bloom! I use it in combination with Zyrtec."

"As soon as ragweed season starts in the Mid-Atlantic (August 15th), I literally go downhill in my health. I constantly have post-nasal drip, but during ragweed season, the post-nasal drip turns to a sinus infection. I have been on class 5 antibiotics for the past 3 seasons. I was thinking that the only thing left for me was to move to Florida or the Virgin Islands (no weeds I'm allergic to). I decided to try Singulair. Within hours, my symptoms completely stopped. I'm literally in awe. I thought it would take days to notice improvement, but it was virtually instantaneous. If you have serious allergic rhinitis that does not respond to antihistamines, please give it a try. It could change your life."

"My wife was on this stuff for at least a couple of years. She suffered severe tiredness, nightmares, irritability, and even suicidal thoughts, accompanied by severe depression! Although it did make her feel better, the side effects are not worth it at all! She switched to Flonase, and it is just as good. Please, if you are on this medicine and have any of these side effects, please stop!"

"I've been taking Singulair 10 mg for over 3 years now. It always seemed to control all my allergy symptoms with no problems. However, in the past 6 months, I have post-nasal drip and a dry, hacking chronic cough that sometimes makes me throw up from coughing so hard. I at first thought I had a food allergy, but I have crossed that off my list after weeks of writing down everything I ate, and the symptoms did not disappear. I have finally come to the conclusion that my cough is caused by the Singulair. I started taking one every other day, and on the days I did NOT take it, my cough subsided. When I took the pill, the cough returned. This isn't just an annoying cough, this is the kind of cough that got me sent home from work many times! Aside from the embarrassment of uncontrollable coughing, my sleep has lacked, and my social life has dwindled down to nothing! Several doctor's appointments later, after being told to stick with the Singulair, I will NEVER take it again!"

"Medication works well but has some crazy bad side effects. First time I took it, my allergies were from high pollen counts and mold, and I was coughing every second. I was scared, but the Singulair took the coughing away like right away. A week into the medication, I woke up with night terrors so bad, dry heaving, a pending doom feeling. It was awful. Did not take the pill the next day, and the side effect went away. Tried this again, and it was like you got super sleepy but could not sleep. It was disastrous. I think a regular antihistamine would be better than this rubbish."

"I tried Singulair because I have nasal allergies that turn into nasty sinus infections every couple of months. I also have panic disorder, but it's well controlled with medication. I was only able to take Singulair for 4 days due to side effects, so I can't say how well it works. It made me so sleepy that I was sleeping 12-15 hours a day and still tired when I was awake. I haven't had a panic attack in over a year, and my anxiety went through the roof on this stuff. My panic attacks were so bad that I was having trouble driving. I was also moody and irritable the days I took it. Luckily, all of the negative side effects went away within a couple of days of stopping Singulair. Stay away from this drug if you are prone to anxiety!!!"

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  • Drug class: leukotriene modifiers
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Patient resources

  • Singulair drug information
  • Singulair (Montelukast Chewable Tablets)
  • Singulair (Montelukast Oral Granules)
  • Singulair (Montelukast Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Singulair prescribing information
  • Montelukast (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Bronchospasm Prophylaxis
  • Asthma, Maintenance