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Generic Name: Spiriva Respimat (tiotropium)

Spiriva Respimat Reviews

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been using Spiriva for a short time, and I now have a constant cough, headaches, and a burning throat. I have now read the list of side effects, and it seems, for me, that it is going to cause more problems, short and possibly long term. I find it concerning. I will discuss with my doctor to come off it. I don’t feel confident on it. Buteyko breathing technique and exercises saved my life 28 years ago, and I was off all my drugs, including the nebulizer, which I used many times a day. I will go back to that, I think. Very concerned about the side effects I have experienced so far."

For COPD, Maintenance "I was using Spiriva capsules for almost 10 years with no problem. Recently, my insurance company stopped covering it and switched to the Respimat. The first two nights, I was kept awake with restless legs. In just 5 days, I'm dealing with urine retention, sinus issues, a hoarse voice, and constipation. It may work well for some, but not for me. I wish they would leave well enough alone. I don't believe these changes are to benefit the patients; only the insurance companies and Big Pharma. Otherwise, they would not force people to switch to a new medication when the one they are on is working just fine. I'm so sick and tired of being an experiment for the drug companies, who probably give the insurance company a deal. I was told that it was easier to use. Ease of use is meaningless to me if the side effects make me feel worse than the condition they are supposed to treat. We are all different, and it may work fine for others. I think it is too strong for me."

For COPD, Maintenance "I was prescribed Spiriva Respimat just three weeks ago, and the results have been amazingly effective. I was a smoker from the age of 12 until the age of 71, and I was finally able to quit 11 years ago. I have been suffering the effects of COPD for at least the last 3 or 4 years (maybe longer), but the condition has gone undiagnosed until very recently. I was unable to walk to my mailbox or take a shower without becoming extremely exhausted. I was constantly coughing up large amounts of phlegm, both day and night, making getting a good night's sleep difficult, if not impossible. I have not woken up once in the past two weeks to cough up phlegm, although I still cough up small amounts of phlegm during the day. I have not suffered any allergies."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Almost broke the Twisthaler just now. First time using it. What a waste of money. They could have put the medicine in a little easy-to-use puffer inhaler, but then they could not charge so much for it. They think people are stupid. What a gimmick. Hope this stuff works, but the damn mist made me cough and choke. I have no illusions that the medicine will not have a load of side effects like all the rest."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Well, I just started taking this drug last week because of the bad bronchitis I had and coughing a lot. Well, I looked up some side effects of this medication, and I decided I'm not going to use this as my inhaler. My doctor gave me a few samples to try, and I don't like how it makes me feel. I get really dizzy, and having thrush in my throat doesn't help at all either."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been using Spiriva Respimat 2.5 mcg along with Zenhale MDI 5/200 mcg for a year now, and in that short period, I've acquired so much bloating in my face and body and have gained almost 50 lbs using these two drugs. I now have severe breathing problems, cannot go upstairs and/or for a walk without panting/huffing/breathing heavier, where sometimes I cannot take a breath (than I ever did before taking these two puffers)... which is very scary. I was on two other asthma medications before, which never caused me any side effects. Am going to go back to them and hopefully will lose the extra pounds I've put on, and in the few days since I've stopped taking these two puffers, my breathing has improved quite a lot."

For COPD, Maintenance "Yeah I tried it for 3 months it sucks it gives me an automatic headache. Doctor recommended that I go back on the handihaler, and once I went back to it I didn't have all the headaches and other stomach complaints that I had with the respimat mist, sorry you failed at it give us savings cards towards the handihaler it will save money."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have been on Spiriva Respimat over two years, and it works well. I have severe COPD, and it definitely helps. It's easy to inhale because the medicine is under pressure so it flows out of the device easily, meaning I think I get more in my lungs. My insurance company is playing doctor again, and won't cover it any longer. Now I have to switch. Oh well..."

For COPD, Maintenance "I was recently given this inhaler to try by my doctor. I smoked for 47 years. Four years ago, I quit, and I used to exercise a lot, was a dancer on weekends and free time. Maybe my COPD did not get as bad because of it. Oxygenation is greater when you do cardiovascular exercise. I am also an asthma patient since I was a kid. I developed polymyalgia rheumatica, a very painful illness that can only be treated with prednisone. I got so fat I had to quit dancing. I noticed I was getting very tired and short of breath every time I had to walk long distances or climb stairs. For two months, I used this medicine. I was so happy I could finally breathe while climbing stairs and doing cardio. The only problem is it is too expensive and medical insurance does not cover."

For COPD, Maintenance "I used spiriva respimat for four weeks and after two weeks my voice started to go hoarse. I stopped after 4 weeks and it is now 5 weeks that I have had no voice and can barely whisper. I initially benefitted from usage but it made very little difference. I am desperate to know if I will ever get my voice back. My doctor is arranging for me to see an ENT specialist."

For COPD, Maintenance "Since my insurance would not cover my Anoro, my doctor put me on this Respimat covered by my insurance. This was the worse contraption I had ever seen in an inhaler -- imossible to use. My son had to put it together as I couldn't figure it out, and it took him a couple of minutes to do it! I have not been able to use it because I am wasting the medication! I am 73 and still have my wits about me but not able to use this inhaler! I feel very sorry for those seniors who have mental problems trying to use this inhaler! I don't know who invented something like this, but they need t go back to the drawing board! I am now without an inhaler!"

For COPD, Maintenance "My problem is not with the medicine, but rather the inhaler itself. The Spiriva Respimat. Hate it with a passion! I've had to make three separate trips to the pharmacy to get a replacement. After the first time I was so careful to use it both, properly and carefully. Did it help? NO! And it is a waste of time, money and I'm unable to use the thing until I go to the pharmacist and get a replacement! Apparently, Kaiser insurance doesn't want to pay for any other Spiriva inhaler. I am currently trying to find where I can leave a formal complaint."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have been using spiriva respimat for several months now for Copd. why is it important not to cover the vents on mouth piece which i have been doing ever since i been using it . my doctor never told me not to i just read about it recently. i really dont think that i have been benefiting from the inhaler that much. could this be the reason? i am not covering the vents any longer the information i read says not to but why . maybe people are using the same as i did hopefully this will help several people. thank you"

For Asthma, Maintenance "My big beef is the packaging. Every month there is a new plastic inhaler. There is no option for a refill. The cost to the individual and the environment could be a lot lower with just a little effort. My second beef is that I have a constant sore throat."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I used my Respimat inhaler today. It was brand new. When I hit the button and inhaled it felt like I got stung on my lip. It burned for over an hour. Now I'm worried because my lungs are burning. I'm call my doctor and my lawyer in the morning."

For COPD, Maintenance "Important! Please keep watchful eye on the side of the Respimat container. When the orange area with arrow shows at end please do not try to continue using the container vs opening a new one. Why? Because I tried seeing how many dosages more I could get and on one attempt the second I pressed the grey button the container bruised my lip and on next attempt the container shot a piece of metal out along with mist so I discarded the container & opened new box .. This issue needs to be fixed as I'm lucky I kept the container away from mouth second try or that metal shooting out would have hit my throat causing possible injury."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have only been using this inhaler for over a week. I can't believe the difference. I can walk up a slope and not be panting for breath. It is so easy to take as the mist comes out slowly its easier to breathe it in. It is better than other inhalers to take. I was shown how to take it by my respiratory nurse."

For COPD, Maintenance "I find it helps my breathing but it often runs out a day or 2 early. My pharmacy sets it up and wastes the 4 doses as instructed. Why waste 4 doses when there aren’t 30 days supply left? This makes no sense and leaves me without medication at the end of the 30 days which is not helpful. I cannot accurately rate side effects since I am on other medications that have similar reactions."

For Asthma, Maintenance "New drug for my asthma, first day fine.. second day, the first dose caused a massive choking spasm episode to which almost made me throw up while I choked and coughed for my life. It felt like that and was a horrible experience. No other asthma medication has ever done this and I now scared to keep using it. I could not get my breath back properly for at least 5 minutes. Why oh why do they have to use such a non user friendly delivery system.. its awkward and hard to hold"

For Asthma, Maintenance "This has been effective in conjunction with Qvar in a way LABA drugs like advair have not been. Worth trying if you have not been finding relief with ICS/LABA combos. THe manufacturer has a coupon that gave me no copays - I know this is only for a year but makes it worth trying I think."

For COPD, Maintenance "This works much better than the last two inhalers I've had. The others felt as though I was breathing in loose pieces of sandpaper. Amazingly, when I use SR, I can breathe much better and much quicker."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I currently suffer from severe asthma and have a nebuliser at home that can deliver salbutamol as and when I need it (I live in UK), on many types of medicine for asthma however the spiriva inhaler does nothing for me at all (hence why I'm trying new treatment via injection every two weeks, thank god for the UK's NHS)"

For Asthma, Maintenance "This medication has been a miracle for me. Prior to trying this I was having asthma attacks 3 or 4 times a week. They were very difficult to control. I am using symbicort and spirivia respimat daily. I have an asthma attack maybe once a week now and they are easier to control."

For COPD, Maintenance "I had to go on it because Salbutamol use became excessive and not really working anymore. I do struggle a bit with side effects, but I am 64 and have a post viral syndrome, so any medication can whack me around. I go to the loo a bit on this and a bit itchy but otherwise it is great to breath freely again, just like I used to! I do get a bit of trouble getting off to sleep but that is getting better. I persevere with this because I know my life is being shortened with COPD and it can only get worse and this medication may alleviate the worst symptoms in the next few years. I do not like gasping for breath while talking to my husband. Not a nice look"

For Asthma, Maintenance "Have complicated medical history including Addison's Disease, Pure Autonomic Failure, and many other secondary conditions. I have uncontrolled cough variant asthma. My Dr had me on 1.25 mcg last year when I struggled for 5 months to control my cough. This year I'm on 2.5 mcg. I'm on day 5 and this morning I ruptured a tendon in my wrist. I'm not sure if it's related, but the timeframe would indicate a possible correlation. Also, I have severe dry mouth, sores inside my mouth, and blurry vision. Lastly, when I take the inhaler, it triggers a bronchospasm, so now I start breathing in just before I activate the stream. I think it is working, but I am on 21 meds, so I can't be 100% certain."

More about Spiriva Respimat (tiotropium)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: anticholinergic bronchodilators
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Spiriva Respimat advanced reading

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Professional resources

  • Spiriva Respimat prescribing information
  • Tiotropium (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance
  • Asthma, Maintenance