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Generic Name: Trezix (acetaminophen-caffeine-dihydrocodeine)

Trezix Reviews

For Pain "This stuff is pretty much useless for *serious* pain - like back degeneration that makes it almost impossible to walk because of crippling leg pain. This medication is like taking a regular strength Tylenol. And then there's the fact that the manufacturer has the stones to take a med that's been generic for decades, add some acetaminophen and caffeine, and charge Brand name prices for the "novel" combo. Criminal. With the craziness surrounding opioids these days (I get it, but...), expect more and more "Pain Management" clinics to push people onto this ineffective rubbish."

For Pain "This Trezix is the best pain RX I've ever gotten from my pain management doctor. So happy to have gotten it. Never had any side effects from it. Don't get me wrong I still have some pain but it dramatically reduces the pain whenever I use it."

For Pain "Severe lower back pain. Took my first dose last night. The caffiene in it, kept me awake all night. Took another dose this morning. The caffiene makes my heart feel like it's beating out of my chest..the codiene in this medicine did help my back pain..I eat before I take it, because it does upset my stomach.. I will be talking to my doctor about switching to something else. I'd just rather have plain old hydrocodone ....no caffiene ....."

For Pain "This medication gave my life back. I was injured overseas and suffer from chronic hip pain and need a partial replacement. Trezix does not mask the pain totally, but takes the pain level down allowing me to function. Norco, and dilaudid are better pain relievers, but you are taken into a faded state of consciousness. <3 Trezix"

For Pain "Just got a sample of this medication today. She also sent in a script to the pharmacy. I'm definitely calling tomorrow morning to have it cancelled and a different prescription. My anxiety is off the charts. My heart is pounding and I just feel like rubbish. I feel like I have high blood pressure but it's my normal high. It barely takes any pain away. I have pinched nerves in my back and neck. I have herniated disc in my neck, bulging discs and protruding discs throughout my neck and back. Bone spurs all kinds of mess is wrong with me. I can go on and on what's wrong with my neck and back but pretty much if you have chronic severe pain this medication is not going to work for you. I rather just get regular hydrocodone Vicodin whatever then take this stuff. This to me is on the same lines as tramadol but a thousand times worse."

For Pain "Use it for back pain. Better than codeine, does not work as well as Norco."

For Pain "Didn't like the caffeine addition of this medication, it kept me awake at night, however, it did significantly help my headaches. Very thankful for the relief!"

For Pain "Works for pain, just as well as codeine. "

For Pain "Did not alleviate my pain at all."

For Pain "Multiple Sclerosis and slipped disk this is great for pain!!"

For Pain "Very helpful for my tension headaches, didn't leave me to foggy"

For Pain "I started this medication last night. So far, it has only made me feel worse, hasn't helped the pain in my back and shoulder, gave me horrible heartburn, and I was up most of the night from the pain."

"Works better than Vicodin"

For Pain "Made me feel like I was choking. No pain relief at all."

More about Trezix (acetaminophen / caffeine / dihydrocodeine)

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  • Reviews (14)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Trezix drug information
  • Trezix (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Trezix prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Pain