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Generic Name: Tylenol PM (acetaminophen-diphenhydramine)

Tylenol PM Reviews

For Insomnia "I have used Tylenol PM for a long time to help me fall asleep. Unlike Benadryl, this medication actually keeps me asleep as well. However, the best effect from Tylenol PM is the dreams. I have had the most wonderful dreams."

For Insomnia "I have severe back pain every day. Just had back fusion surgery in May. It's difficult to get comfortable at night in order to fall asleep. However, after taking two Tylenol PM (the recommended dose) within the hour, I'm comfortable enough to doze off. I stay asleep for 6-10 hours most nights. Without it, I would maybe get a few hours a night if I was lucky. Hope it works well for everyone else!"

For Insomnia "The Tylenol PM worked... TOO GOOD! After 20 minutes, I would have a great night's sleep. I have been taking it for years... then my son told me the new reports about this causing dementia. I stopped immediately. The side effects after I stopped have been pretty severe. I never dreamt that there would be withdrawals from this until I googled it, but I have most of the symptoms (except for the shakes and nightmares)... dizzy, lightheadedness, nausea, unable to sleep. After all, I thought, since I talked to my doctor over and over about them (and he said no problem) and they were over the counter, I was good. WRONG! Bad stuff. Tell everyone you know to stop them."

For Insomnia "I've been taking this med - or just the Benadryl, which is the sleep-inducing part of Tylenol PM - for several years now, as needed. It definitely helps me to fall asleep more easily when I might otherwise lay awake for an hour or two. I did notice that it seems to lose its effectiveness somewhat if I use it too frequently. I've had no noticeable side effects."

For Insomnia "When I take this medication, I sleep through the night with no pain but wake up restless and feeling anxious and nervous all day. Also, I get heart palpitations and difficulty breathing. You have to be careful with this over-the-counter medication."

For Insomnia "I am delirious after taking Tylenol PM. Super hot, mind racing in a tortured/exhausted state. Have not stopped sweating, can't get comfortable. Amplified exhaustion. Not bad enough for urgent care and too messed up to operate a car."

For Insomnia "It’s pretty effective at helping me sleep, I’m down for usually 10-12 hours. I usually get bad side effects from any medication I’m on, so here are the ones I’ve had: feeling lightheaded, numbness in feet and legs, heart palpitations, blurred vision. Some of this may be my existing medical conditions, but it’s worth mentioning. I don’t think I’d recommend taking this for a long amount of time. I’m only using it to help me through the rest of school."

For Insomnia "I’ve been taking Tylenol PM for about three months now and it works very well. Almost too well. I’ve been told by my mother that it was very difficult for her to wake me up for school and I kept saying “too early… too early…” and I never had any recollection of saying all that. At one point she thought I was dead because I was asleep in one position for way too long. This stuff is no joke. Now I depend on it for sleep and I stay up all night if I don’t take it before bed. I also tend to feel very shitty the next day. I shake and tremble a lot and I can never truly focus and I forget things too easily. I recommend to be extra careful with this stuff. It’s very easy to depend on and if you use it for awhile you’re going to end up feeling crappy 24/7. I’ve also been experiencing stomach issues. Please be careful with this!"

For Insomnia "I've taken other prescription sleep medications in the past, but they do tend to make you drowsy and have all sorts of side effects. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and the pain stops me from sleeping. I now take this at bedtime with a small dose of prescribed codeine. Between the painkillers and the 'sleep' effect of the Tylenol, I truly can't believe how well I am sleeping! Just be aware that this can really make you fall asleep fast, so do be ready for bed. I've spoken to four other people who have various pain problems, and they all love this medication too."

For Pain "I was very surprised when I took this medicine. I took it at 9 PM, and by 9:30, I was in bed sleeping. It's a high-power pill, and I rested all night. It's a good pill besides the fact that I woke up the next morning and barely could get up and get dressed for work because I was still sleepy from the pill. It finally wore off at about 10 AM. It helped me a lot. I was told by a friend to take it for pain, and I'm glad I got it."

For Insomnia "Well I take this on & off, especially when we are low on melatonin or I can't simply sleep on melatonin. Some nights I can't sleep with taking it, and I take both. Then it may take me a bit to actually fall asleep but I usually sleep 10/12 hours on it! My daughter told me she couldn't get me up the other day, I told her I remember her saying something to her & she was like yah but you wouldn't get out if bed. "

For Insomnia "I will never take this again. Woke with such a dry mouth I could barely swallow, and a need to use my inhaler. This is NOT a usual thing for me. Reading today, I see that anyone with asthma etc should not use this. I would echo that. I did sleep but still feel unwell and glad I only took TWO."

For Insomnia "I really like this pill, besides the fact that I sleep all day. I take the pill every few days at about 12, when I'm not tired, and 15 minutes later I become drowsy. About 30 minutes after that, I'm asleep, but I tend to sleep really late. I don't hear my alarms, and I can't get myself out of bed. If you do take this, I would consider taking it earlier than you normally would. Other than that, this pill is the best I have found and works great, just like it says."

For Insomnia "This medicine works well for me as a sleep agent and also reduces the itching from mosquito bites. However, I have to be careful when I take it because it seems to last for a couple of days. The "withdrawal" from it the next day includes increased pain."

For Insomnia "I just started working third shift and use this when I get home to fall asleep. It works great and I get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I don’t seem to wake up super groggy either. I am 21 years old so this may be the reason."

For Headache "This worked for a while, then I started getting rebound headaches. I was waking up to excruciating headaches in the mornings after taking these at night after a period of time. They can increase with intensity over time. If you find this happening to you, you need to get off of them. They are rebound headaches."

For Headache "I hate this stuff. I took it at around 10:30pm and it did not help me sleep at all. I have been tossing and turning the whole night and having the most stressful, fast dreams. I woke up completely soaked in sweat even. I also am now awake at 5am (at least the third time I’ve woken up throughout the night) and my nose and throat are drier than the Sahara desert. I also have a heinous headache. I cannot wait until this stuff wears off so I don’t have to feel so dry and uncomfortable anymore."

For Pain "Initially started taking Tylenol PM for ongoing knee & foot pain (I’m a dancer) 6 months ago. Very quickly became a nightly ritual to take one (occasionally 2) and fall asleep within 20 mins and stay asleep for 8+ hrs. The downside - blurred vision (especially in the morning), troubling memory loss (my kids were growing concerned about me not remembering conversations), anxiety and depression (bursting into tears frequently and for no reason). I went ‘cold turkey’ 6 days ago and am already starting to feel better after a couple of sleepless nights. I will NEVER touch this stuff again. It’s easy to see how this drug has been linked to dementia. Please don’t be tempted to use it."

For Insomnia "Works great for pain and awesome for sleep! I haven’t the slightest idea how anyone can say this doesn’t help as a sleep aid…and I never feel groggy in am. I take it 15 minutes before I close my eyes."

For Headache "I ocasionally use Tylenol rapid release during the day and recently developed cold and flu, so I decided to try Tylenol PM at night for better sleep. Make sure to read the drug interactions first, as I spent two restless nights with nervousness. Many of my friends take this product, so I'll pass it on to them, but if you are on other medication, check the list of side effects."

For Pain "I usually take aleve pm for my bruised rib. My friend, former nurse said to use Tylenol pm so you don't get stomach bleeding. So I brought some last night. Omg, I was scratching all night and in the morning I felted very dizzy and disoriented. Don't know why I reacted that way but I will never take it again. Thank you God, that I didn't fall."

For Insomnia "This medication definitely works, but it has its setbacks. I took this one night for my period cramps and I hadn't slept in about 2 days. I instantly got about almost 2 days of rest about 20 minutes after. My mom thought I had stopped breathing after a while. I woke up with the driest throat and, for some reason, a nosebleed. Something that has been irking me about this medication is the wacky and vivid dreams. My mother also has sleep problems, so she decided to take one with me last night. We both experienced vivid and disturbing dreams with the same contents within the dream. It was very trippy to hear me and my mom dreamed about being in the same place when we went to discuss how wack our nights were. Overall, this is a pretty good medication. I would not recommend it if you have asthma or have mental health issues, it will manifest in your waking life physically and emotionally."

"I am over aged 60 and bought Tylenol PM recently for very minor back pain that interfered with my getting proper sleep. One half of a tablet (they're not easy to break) knocked me out within 30 minutes. The small dose working so well may have to do with my age (requiring less medication) or my body weight. I am under 110 lbs. The only negative about this product is the way it affected my vision. It kicked in while I was reading, and I noticed it was suddenly quite difficult to focus on the print. However, upon waking in the morning, everything was back to normal, including my eyesight. No grogginess, either."

For Insomnia "This stuff didn't work! Kept me up all night and I was thinking one hundred thoughts per minute...."

For Insomnia "Amazing, made me sleep the whole night while I had insomnia. I give it a 2 thumbs up."

More about Tylenol PM (acetaminophen / diphenhydramine)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: analgesic combinations
  • En español

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  • Tylenol PM drug information

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Other formulations

  • Tylenol

Related treatment guides

  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Headache