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Generic Name: Ultracet (acetaminophen-tramadol)

Ultracet Reviews

For Pain "I've been taking Ultracet 37.5mg/325mg for 12 years. I am 74 years old. I have arthritis in my joints and degenerative disc disorder in my lower back. I usually take one pill early in the morning to take the edge off my pain for most of my daily activities. If I have 'overdone it' throughout the day, I sometimes have to take a second pill at bedtime to get pain relief and sleep."

For Pain "I've been taking Ultracet for about 4 months, usually 2-4 tablets daily. Not sure why my doctor prescribed it for long-term use when product info says it is for short-term usage. The pills generally help with pain, but they also give me a feeling of 'well-being', like a narcotic painkiller. Recently, I had a delay in getting my prescription filled and had to stop the pills abruptly. On the second day, I experienced withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, flu-like chills, clammy hands, restless leg syndrome, and sleeplessness."

For Pain "I suffer from acute muscular pains in my legs at night (one leg at a time). Maybe due to medication which I have to take to control my cholesterol levels. I had to undergo bypass ten years back. The side effects of pain in my legs mean I have extremely disturbed sleep. I discovered that taking one Ultracet tablet at night enables me to have an undisturbed sleep due to the absence of pain. In my case, one tablet works effectively for two nights. In order to avoid getting addicted, I normally take this drug only once a week - that's not too regularly. But whenever I have taken it, it has helped immensely without any side effects whatsoever."

For Pain "I have taken Ultracet for 10 years for pain. I have had surgery on both knees, and I was in a bad car wreck that damaged the nerves in my neck. Ultracet takes the edge off the pain and makes it easier to cope with. Thanks to Ultracet, I have led a relatively normal life. Without it, I hurt so much that I don't want to do anything. I take four a day now, and ten years ago I started with one. I take up to four a day based on my activity level for the day."

For Pain "Just want to say I've been taking Ultracet for about 8 years now. I have 3 herniated discs in my back. If it wasn't for Ultracet, I don't know what I would have done. It helps me to get up and do my daily routine. It helps me when I want to work out. It helps me cope with the everyday pain. I recommend Ultracet to anyone with pain. Remember though - it's not meant for everyone. Different people react differently to medications. So, ask your doctor if you can try it and see if it works for you. Good luck."

For Pain "66-year-old with badly damaged ankles—both need replacement, which I won't do until absolutely necessary. Bad back; recent wrist surgery. Hamstring injury taking months for recovery. And some shoulder pain. All from a lifetime of sports competition, injuries, and overuse. I take Tramadol 37.5 with acetaminophen and it really helps. Take around 3 to 5 a week. Have tried the time-release 200 mg and it really worked, but knocked me silly for the first couple of hours. Ultracet really helps and I'm wary of addictive potential since I feel hopeful/moderate well-being on it, but at my age—what the heck."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had a rheumatoid arthritis flare-up and hadn't experienced relief in weeks. I took Aleve, which normally works, Mobic, which worked a bit, Naproxen, which didn't work at all, and then Ultracet, which worked wonders. I finally experienced incredible joint relief and slept through the night."

For Pain "I have a badly herniated L5-S1 disc. While Vicodin is a very effective and safe medicine, there is just too much stigma and psychological dependence. I've been looking for a medication that's as good and found it. I really think Ultracet/Tramadol delivers as good of analgesia as Vicodin but without the stigma and abuse potential. I started on Ultram ER 200 and had some side effects, namely bad headaches, drowsiness, and 'crashing' in the evening. My doctor switched me to the Ultracet 37.5/325 and it's great. The acetaminophen eliminates the headaches and the drowsiness and crashing are eliminated because I can take my 3rd or 4th dose around 6pm and it carries me to bedtime. I also take Gabapentin 300mg at bedtime."

For Pain "I have arthritis, and I am waiting for a hip replacement. The cartilage has gone in my hip. I am walking on bone on bone with terrible pain. I take 4 - 8 tablets a day, depending on the severity of the pain. Ultracet controls the pain perfectly, and I can walk almost normally. I have been on the medication for about 4 months now with no side effects. It's brilliant, and I would recommend Ultracet for pain relief. It is the only painkiller that works for me."

For Pain "I've been taking Ultracet for over a year now. My elbow was shattered, and the radial head was destroyed. Because of the injury not healing properly, my arm can't straighten out all the way. I also have terrible arthritis and tendonitis in that elbow, which causes severe pain throughout the day. My doctors wanted to give me a healthy dose of Percocet and OxyContin, but I didn't want it. I was given Ultracet, and it has worked great ever since. I take anywhere from 4-8 in a day and can still function and do my job without being on a cloud."

For Pain "I've only been taking this medication for 2 days (back pain), it takes the edge off, which allows me to function better. However, I'm nauseous, dizzy, and lightheaded, and I can't keep my eyes open, and I'm not even tired. I'm thinking about not taking it because I can't drive like this with 2 young children in my car."

For Pain "Was prescribed acetaminophen/tramadol for migraine pain after traditional migraine medicines actually worsened my pain. It really helped-a strange sort of relief, though. I can still feel the actual pounding, but it just doesn't hurt after I take the tramadol! I am used to it now. Usually take 1 or 1/2 a pill 2 or 3 times a week, although I was prescribed to take every 4 hours as needed. Oh, also, I was having a problem with frequent diarrhea, and that is gone now too! I get itchy skin when I go several days without them, but not so much that it really bothers me."

For Pain "I was prescribed Ultracet after a car accident. I found the side effect of constipation a blessing in disguise. I rarely took the maximum dosage and realized it greatly helped my irritable bowel syndrome. I take one tablet per day and have little to no issues with loose bowels."

For Pain "I have several back and joint issues that have stemmed from degenerative joint and disc. I take 3-4 pills daily to continue reasonable function. I have 4 boys at home and pets. Recently, our health insurance cut me down in coverage to 1 pill a day. I'm in agony, level 4-5 pain now after 3 weeks of 1-1.5 pills. Sad situation. What do we do now? Medical procedure so expensive"

For Pain "I suffer from chronic ankle sprains, which I will be undergoing surgery to correct, and after my most recent sprain that left me with 5 torn ligaments. My doctor put me on Ultracet, and it has worked wonders. I am able to function during the day, and it controls the pain well enough for me to get a good night's sleep."

For Pain "Was given this after a tooth extraction. Yeah it works for mild pains (level 4 pain and lower ). It makes me extremely groggy, but I can't seem to really sleep very long while on it. It also dehydrates me really quickly."

For Pain "80% effective for an old man (age 84) pain -- back, legs, prostate flare-ups that typically come on at the end of the day. One tablet reliably kicks in at about 45 min and lasts for 12-18 hours. Often supplement with an extra 500 mg of Tylenol. Slight constipation side effect. Easier sleep, especially with a booster of a microdose of marijuana at bedtime. Been using for a year or more with no diminution of effectiveness. Swimming or 45 min supervised resistance training is equally effective, but one is not always up to it, in which case this medicine does the trick."

For Pain "Take this when taking a triptan for headache pain, this is to bring baseline pain level down a few notches if I was late taking my regular abortive it usually won't work unless I can get a control on the pain, Ultracet is mildly okay at this, just a trial for headache pain as I've tried many others, but not too bad to have sometimes, can be somewhat effective."

For Pain "I used Ultracet 0.4 mg for my abdominal pain. But it's not very useful to me. I took one Ultracet before the pain worsened but still not provided a good relief to me. I went to the hospital after 4 hours as my pain increased gradually."

For Pain "My ENT prescribed ultracet for sinus pain. It was a nightmare. I had all possible side effects..nausea, vomiting sensation, lack of appetite, dizziness, giddy feeling and severe constipation. I stopped after the second dose. Spent two days in bed."

For Pain "Used for finally beating opiate addiction. There is nothing better that will not set you back! Now I can live my life normally with my wife. Also, I am taking nothing now!"

For Pain "I have been taking Ultracet four times a day for five years due to a herniated disc in my neck, and it soothes away my pain for hours, which allows me to continue working."

For Pain "I suffer from Fibromyalgia. Although prescribed 8 tablets daily, I typically take 4 if I can get away with it. It's very effective for pain."

For Pain "Is very good for pain. I have ankle strains, elbow bursitis, shoulder bursitis, arthritis, and joint pain and strained tendons in both knees. Constipation is the only side effect."

For Pain "Neck, back, and joint pain. Ultracet is amazing. One tablet per day, sometimes two, knocks the edge off the pain so that I can function."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

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  • Pain