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Generic Name: Veramyst (fluticasone-nasal)

Veramyst Reviews

For Nasal Polyps "I had four polyps removed two years ago. My physician prescribed Veramyst. I have really enjoyed using this medication once daily during the two years. No sign of the polyps returning. In addition, during the four years, I haven't had a cold or a sinus problem. Prior, I would be bothered with sinus problems during the winter season. I recommend this spray and will continue to use it myself."

For Nasal Polyps "I have extensive sinus disease and so many polyps that a CT could not pick up if part of my sinuses even existed anymore. I've also had 2 surgeries with no relief. My quality of life has been VERY poor. My ENT just put me on Veramyst, and after 2 days, I noticed a big relief. I don't feel like a colony of giant polyps is invading every orifice in my head. I haven't had a migraine, earache, or retro-orbital headache in over a week. I haven't regained my sense of smell, however, I'm still discovering the pros and cons of Veramyst. My neck, back, and other body pain are worse, but I don't know if that's because the focus has been taken off my face and head. Right now, I'm just thankful for some relief and delaying frontal sinus obliteration."

For Nasal Polyps "I had a FESS due to massive polyp growth which completely blocked my nasal passages - so I couldn't breath through the nose anymore. After the surgery I started taking Avamys (=Veramyst for Europe) for 6 months to prevent nasal polyp growing. First of all I have to say that I felt great relief. My nose never hurt, and I had no congestion or any other sinus problems. However after taking the spray for 3 consecutive months I felt that my nose got dry and I noticed some blood in my nasal secretion. In addition my eyes felt more sensitive and I felt more tired than usual but I have no clue if the last two effects were Avamys side effects. Avamys gave me relief in allergic rhinitis as well even though it didn't completely stop the symptoms."

For Rhinitis "I have been using this product twice a day for several weeks. Other than a small amount of blood in nasal secretions, there have been no noticeable side effects. I have experienced decreased nasal congestion and improved breathing."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Best nasal spray on the market. Veramyst has changed my life. Not sure how I survived this long without it. I am 42 and for most of my life I have always had a stuffy nose. Thanks to this medication I feel like life has just begun for me."

For Rhinitis "I've taken Veramyst for 11 days. My cavity fluid was "moderate." In one week the fluid was reduced to "small." A moderate amount of fluid is very uncomfortable to me, with shortness of breath and sinking oxygen level. Blood oxygen went from 91% to 96% in that first week of using Veramyst. It's now at 98%. A huge difference to me in how I feel with the moderate amount of fluid to the small amount. No side effects noted."

For Rhinitis "Relieved some nasal pressure and drainage. After a month of continuous use, developed insomnia and muscle spasms around ear and eyelid areas. Discontinued use and after 2 weeks, these symptoms disappeared."

For Rhinitis "Worked great in reducing my hay fever/rhinitus symptoms. However, headache present the 6th-8th day of use, some eye discomfort/sensitivity, and from 6th day on; small amount of blood present in nasal secretions. Although Veramyst reduced the intensity of my symptoms, (itchy/watery eyes, itchy/runny nose,) it did not completely rid me of those symptoms. Will probably discontinue use due to concern regarding headaches. For me, level of effectiveness probably not worth the side effects."

For Rhinitis "I have seasonal allergies and Veramyst works great, with no noticeable side-effects, when I use it occasionally. However, a couple of times recently I have used it for 3 consecutive days and at that point I began to notice side effects. I've noticed increased heart-rate and slight pain in my eyes. But these do not seem to last more than a day, provided I do not use the Veramyst the following (4th) day."

For Rhinitis "I'm 16 as of right now but when I was prescribed it 5 years ago my whole life had changed. People actually wanted to be around me cause I wasn't constantly sniffing and snorting. My sinuses were as clear as the sunny sky. Life was so much better."

"I took this medication for inflammation of my nose, and having hard time to breath and also nose dripping,. My doctor said I will see the result in one month, however I saw the result the very first time, today is the third day I used the drop. It is fantastic, the more I use it, the more I feel comfortable to breath. I loved it, breathing is much easier."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I used veramyst daily for 5 years straight with no side effects due to severe allergies, a few days after I started using it allergies gone... I couldn't be happier.. Unfortunately my insurance stopped covering the medication which is pricey without and the generic did not help me at all.. so now I'm back to pills and still an allergy sufferer .. :("

For Allergic Rhinitis "After seeing a allergy specialist for a grass/tree pollen allergy, I switched from over the counter drugs [Claritin, Allegra] to Veramyst. It works great, and I do not experience negative side effects, such as nose bleed. If my eyes are itchy, I use Pataday eye drops."

For Rhinitis "Heart arrhythmia - insomnia. I have taken this medicine intermittently over the past two years and realize a direct correlation with heart arrhythmia and insomnia."

For Rhinitis "Had a terrible head cold; Veramyst worked very well keeping sinuses dry and open. Also, this is the first nasal spray that did NOT irritate my nose/sinuses. I'm happy after using for five days."

For Rhinitis "Cleared up my stuffy nose within hours. Highly recommend."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Did not work for me. I didn't experience a stuffy nose caused by mucous after I started using it, but my nasal passages always felt swollen, dry and painful."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Caused severe nose bleeds."

For Rhinitis "Veramyst is more effective and has less side effects than anything else I've ever tried for allergic rhinitis."

For Allergic Rhinitis "The product works great but the past 2 times I have bought it the click spray button only works when it want's to. Sometimes I can't get it to spray at all, like it's stuck. "

For Allergic Rhinitis "It works fine, but I still have some discomfort in my eyes and after 10 days of taking it I have develop a constant contraction in my right eye. I will stop using this product and use it occasionally."

More about Veramyst (fluticasone nasal)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: nasal steroids

Patient resources

  • Veramyst drug information

Other brands

Flonase, Flonase Allergy Relief, Xhance, Flonase Sensimist

Professional resources

  • Veramyst prescribing information
  • Fluticasone (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Flonase, Xhance, Ticanase

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Allergies
  • Rhinitis