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Generic Name: Virtussin A/C (codeine-guaifenesin)

Virtussin A/C Reviews

For Cough "I used to use promethazine but my ENT will only prescribe Robatussin or Virtussin whenever I catch a sinus infection. It’s been a huge relief to help me sleep at night but still allows small coughs to slip through here and there. However it’s much better than those major coughs where you’re just left breathless."

For Cough "I was told to take 5 ml by mouth 3x/day. I was concerned about the codeine, but it seems to have no effect due to the small amount of it in it (class V opioid liquid, so pretty safe with prescribed use). I was given a 7 day supply (105 mL), and it seems to help a bit, but not enough. I would recommend an OTC cough syrup with a nyquill or zquil"

For Cough "I was recently prescribed this medication to help with symptoms from an upper respiratory virus. Whenever I would go to the doctor for a bad cough, they would typically give me codeine and promethazine cough syrup for nighttime and that always worked wonderfully. This medication did not do anything for me. To me the active ingredients are contradictory, you have one ingredient that loosens up mucus so you can cough it up, and another ingredient for discomfort, quiet your cough and to help you sleep. If anything the only thing this medicine did for me was loosen up the mucus causing me to cough even more. I was up ALL night hacking. Every time I inhaled I could hear fluid in my chest and feel the sensation to cough. It did absolutely nothing to help me sleep, it actually did the opposite for me and made me feel wired. I ended up having to take my Tylenol cold and flu nighttime cough syrup after 2 hours of nonstop coughing."

For Cough "Virtussin A/C helped with the mucus drainage from my nose but not with my throat only made my throat feel worse. Every time I took some it made me sleep and then each time I woke up feeling horrible than I did the first times."

For Cough "After coughing and not sleeping for almost 3 weeks, and trying other meds, this was the only med to work for me. I highly recommend."

For Cough "No better than over the counter cough syrup..."

More about Virtussin A / C (codeine / guaifenesin)

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  • Reviews (6)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations

Patient resources

  • Virtussin A/C patient information

Other brands

Cheratussin AC, Guaiatussin AC, Guaifenesin AC, Cheracol with Codeine, ... +10 more

Professional resources

  • Codeine Phosphate and Guaifenesin prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Cough