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Generic Name: Zomig (zolmitriptan)

Zomig Reviews

For Migraine "When I would get migraines, I would be nauseous, throw up, in bed 24 hours, and then suffer the next day from aches and not eating the whole day before. Only a fellow migraine sufferer knows. Also, since the digestive system doesn't work well when you have a migraine, NOTHING oral worked for me. Zomig helps so much with the pain, the only side effect I have is sleepiness and, of course, the burning in the back of your throat, but nothing compared to migraine pain. It is worth trying, the only thing is since I started taking it, I have been getting more migraines and headaches, but they were less severe and they end earlier, like I can be out of bed by the late afternoon, which had never previously happened. So read up, be careful, and have someone care for you when you first take it so you can be safe. God be with you."

For Migraine "This medication makes my migraine feel worse. For the first hour after I took it my sinuses were on FIRE and then I laid down to go to sleep feeling like my heart was pounding and I could actually HEAR my blood pumping. The headache intensified and I thought I MADE IT WORSE which I didn't think was possible. I just woke up (after waking up 4 times throughout the night) and I feel so groggy and shaky that I am worried about driving to work. Won't be taking this again."

For Migraine "I have been getting migraines for as long as I can remember. I finally went to the neurologist and have been taking Zomig for 2 years now, it is life changing. It takes about an hour to kick in and it really saves me when I am at work or specially events. I finally feel like a migraine won’t hold me back from doing anything anymore with this medicine. I do have slight side effects like drowsiness, and tingling in my skin when I am taking a shower/bath. Other have mentioned “stroke” like symptoms but this is very minimal and wears off as soon as the hour has passed and the drug kicks in. The side effects are far less worse than the migraine pain it self so overall I would highly recommend at least trying it out if you suffer from migraine."

For Migraine "After using Zomig Nasal spray for a few years, I developed 3 brain bleeds and had loss of consciousness for 5 days the first time and lost consciousness twice for 3 days in a row with memory loss after waking up from being unconscious. I had to sleep at a 30 degree angle for weeks after these events."

For Migraine "It may take almost 2 hours, but it always works! This medicine has never failed me, and I'm using it for almost 20 years. Side effects - Sometimes nothing, sometimes extreme fatigue. My recommendation: go take a nap 45 - 60 minutes after taking it. You'll wake up with no remains of the migraine attack."

For Migraine "So this worked but I need to warn anyone who relies on it do not take it for more that 2 or 3 times in the week! I was taking it nearly everyday for my ongoing migraines and my migraines started to become daily. Then I stopped resorting to zomig and just like that the daily migraine stopped. Medication overuse headaches are real with this drug and are so bad. Please stick to the usual 2-3 times a week and if u get more migraines then resort to a prevention method or other medication"

For Migraine "I have been using Zomig for several years. I usually get some minor body aches from it. But, I find the side effects worsen if you are not active. I know with a migraine most people do not like to move or walk or exercise, but this is a must to avoid the cold shakes and flu-like symptoms. This med constricts your blood vessels and to cure that you must keep active and move around to allow blood flow. I learned this the hard way after sitting on the couch with a bad migraine. I had flu like symptoms and after researching I did some minor exercise to work up a tiny sweat and the side effects subsided."

For Migraine "I've been taking zomig for about ten years. I have chronic migraines and take around 6 - 8 a month. Works better than Imitrex for me. Side effects for me include tingles, burning feeling when drinking hot liquid or showering, heavy feeling like pressure on my chest. But if I wake up with a migraine I can take a pill and be at work (kinda duh but there) by nine. Life changing medication. I'm Canadian so zomig brand is 6 for $117 and generic is 6 for $42, and works just as well. Covered by insurance so no cost to me either way."

For Migraine "I have suffered from chronic cluster headaches/migraines for about 30 years now. I’ve been taking Zomig 5mg nasal spray for about 6 years now after trying more medications than I can possibly think of. It has saved my life, my headaches used to control everything I did . It works at least 9 out of 10 times within 15-20 minutes after taken. There are rare occasions when my migraine is to far along and it doesn’t work. The only side effect I have is some burning in my nose and bad taste in my throat. If these are the only things I have to endure to get rid of one of my agonizing headaches I’ll gladly live with it. I’m surprised at some of the side effects I’ve read from others. I have never experienced any of them except from the migraine itself. I say this because they have always to happened to me even before I ever took Zomig. The only big drawback is the ridiculous cost. I have a very hard time getting insurance to pay or allow a sufficient quantity."

For Migraine "Works wonders every time! The first time I tried Zomig my limbs felt kinda noodly, but that only happened the first time--never again. It worked so fast I could feel the pain dissolving within 10 minutes. It tasted sweet and dissolved very quickly with no yucky aftertaste. I have even taken just one half of the 2.5 g tablet --hard to do cause it's so little and fragile--while at work because I was concerned about side effects. The half dose still knocked out the migraine, and no side effects."

For Migraine "This medicine has changed my life and allowed me to have a semi normal routine even with multiple migraine attacks through the month. It almost always works for me within an hour and though it is very expensive, it is well worth it. It is the only medicine I have taken that has helped me."

For Migraine "I have been a migraine sufferer for over 30 years, and several of the "triptans" have proved to be effective as I've found out as my insurance has dictated, but Zomig continues to be my go to remedy. Over 10 years ago I found that if I took a triptan and lit a cigarette, my heart would race. That was probably a very good thing, as the choice between getting rid of the migraines or getting rid of the cigarettes became easy. Zomig allows me to function even when I wake up with a full blown migraine. I count on it!"

For Migraine "I am 62 years old, and male, and have taken Zomig for 15 years now. Works every time I have a headache. I get about 4 headaches per month, and it has never failed.....my silver bullet every time. My migraines are in my upper back and trapezoid muscles most often. Do not get them in my head much any more Bad Side effects: are mild burning when showering or washing hands in hot water. Occasionally makes me tired. Very rarely, maybe once in two to three years, violent vomiting, because I have had a severe head ache for 4 to 6 hours and have taken it way too late on an empty stomach. Sometimes if I have headache for 8 hours and take it then, it will still cure the headache, but can take up to 5 hours to cure it at that point. Good side effects: 98 % if the time, Zomig makes me feel better than good, but not high. If feel extra relaxed, well rested, calm and confident. Really extra wonderful."

For Migraine "This medication (only one dose) caused me to have temporary COMPLETE paralysis AND blindness for 3-4 hours following administration. I was scared to death. My neurologist who didn’t even bother to note the fact that I was on two other antidepressants handed me samples and I assumed it was safe. I thought I was having a stroke. It probably isn’t the drug as much as the doctor I saw but I will never take a drug again that has Stroke, Heart Attack, or DEATH as a side effect."

For Migraine "I’ve had headaches (stress headaches not necessarily migraines) for YEARS! My upper back, shoulders, neck and whole head hurt and nothing helped except for Zomig. Every medical professional told me to “stop stressing”! I always said “Do you think I like feeling this way!”. "

For Migraine "I am 62 years old and have had headaches as long as I can remember. I have taken Zomig for many years. They work great for me. I don't have any bad side effects. I am thankful I have medicine that works for me."

For Migraine "This has been a life changer. I get 2-3 bad migraines a month that last usually over a day or two, and it would make me completely non functional. The great thing is that this medicine works fast, and completely takes away the splitting pain. The side effects the first two times were sleepiness and a pretty sore throat and face, but since then they've been extremely mild and almost unnoticable. Please try it, it's worth it"

For Migraine "I started getting migraines in the military. The clinic doctor did not know what they were and was just given a bunch of pain pills that only lowered the pain a little. I suffered for many years downing anything I could get. About 15 years later I got insurance and saw a neurologist and diagnosed them as migraines and gave me a script for Zomig. It worked GREAT. Then within a year the company folded and I was out of insurance again. When I found out about the VA they started giving me Zomig & got my migraines under control again & started to work on my other problems. "

For Migraine "I LOVE Zomig! I was bed-ridden for 2 days almost every month for years from horrible migraines. I thought I had tried everything to no avail (including Imitrex and many others) and then went to a new neurologist to ask for Botox based on another doctor's suggestion. He gave me 3 samples of medicines I had never tried. The 1st one didn't work (can't recall what it was) and the 2nd 1 was Zomig. Bingo!!! Finally something that worked even after the headache has set in! So expensive though - very minimal coverage by insurance."

For Migraine "I have tried everything - way too much otc medicines and several prescriptions which wouldn't touch the headache This drug is a miracle. Knocks out what would be a debilitating migraine in 30 to 60 minutes. I can even go back to work once it kicks in. I'm worried because I'm entering menopause and they recommend not taking it due to heart worries once you hit menopause, but I don't want to go back to the dark days where migraines would keep me in a dark room in bed for an entire day. Side effects are a sore throat/painful swallowing and increased urination, but it is a small price to pay for relief."

For Migraine "I have recently gone to a headache specialist after thinking no one is going to help me with my migraines and constant tension headaches. She gave me Zomig and it does really work. The first time I tried it I wasn't 100% sure my headache was a migraine since it felt different then the one I've always experienced. It wasn't throbbing from front to back all on one side but it did really hurt bad all on one side. I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was a different kind of migraine since I have just weaned off of Excedrin and 2 years of Tramadol use. A couple of days ago I had a bothersome headache that had been off and on in intensity for 2 days then turned into the normal migraine I have been accustomed to and the Zomig took care of it."

For Migraine "I have dealt with chronic migraines (normally 1x or so weekly, lasting 1-3 days each) for about a year or so. OTC meds have virtually no effect at all. I asked my Dr for Zomig and tried it first time today. Headache went from 2 days at between 7 and 9 on pain scale to a 1 or 2 within about 1/2 hour, less than 1 another 1/2 hour later. I put on an eye mask to block light and rested, was pleasantly surprised to have only minor discomfort a short time later. Never has anything eased my headaches the way this did. Side effects minimal - slight flushed feeling, a tad light-headed, slightly elevated heart rate. Nothing uncomfortable at all. This is somewhat expensive at $60 co-pay for 6 doses but was well worth the expense."

For Migraine "I had severe migraines with the heavy, intense pain and vomiting for about 8 years. Tried everything. Somethings worked after a few hours but that is a long time if you are in extreme pain and vomiting. My nureologist gave me samples of Zomeg 2.5 and 5 mg. The 5 mg completely takes the migraines away within a half hour. I don't have any side effects with this. This is the first migraine medicine that I can take and actually eventually finish my day. It is expensive but if your doctor takes the time to explain everything else you have tried and this seems to be the only option, usually your insurance will cover it then. This has give me life back and I don't fear so much about migraines as I used to."

For Migraine "I've used Zomig for around 4 years now, if taken as soon as recognise an attack I know that about 90 mins later the pain in head will go, longer if it's into the attack. I have always experienced, drowsiness and hyper sensitivity all over my skin, if I were to have a shower within 5 hours of taking Zomig my whole body feels like it's stinging, hot drinks feel like they are burning my throat, hand washing with hot or warm water is a no no. Also, if I eat within 5 hours it will feel like my taste buds have exploded, excruciating but brief pain. I also still get all the other migraine symptoms, stomach upset, fatigue, very irritable, even with the Zomig but I guess I can function with those things, it's the head pain and sickness that's worst."

For Migraine "I have been taking zomig for a couple of years. It definitely takes my migraines away but my skin and muscle hurt every time. I have to plan showering around it. Today I had a very bad reaction after going on a very brisk 2 mile walk. My face and skin were flush, nauseous and hyper sensitivity to light. Migraine came back w a vengeance. Felt somewhat like heat stroke which isn't possible as it's 70 degrees. Almost went to hospital. Iced my head and rested. Finally feeling better. Note to self.. Do not exert myself on this medication!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antimigraine agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Zomig drug information
  • Zomig nasal
  • Zomig (Zolmitriptan Nasal) (Advanced Reading)
  • Zomig (Zolmitriptan Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Zomig (Zolmitriptan Nasal Spray)
  • Zomig (Zolmitriptan Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Zomig prescribing information
  • Zomig Tablets (FDA)
  • Zolmitriptan (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Zomig Nasal Spray

Other formulations

  • Zomig-ZMT

Related treatment guides

  • Migraine