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Generic Name: pimecrolimus

Brand Name: Elidel topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Has anyone out there successfully used this drug (or tacrolimus, Protopic) for accutane-induced vulvar irritation? My daughter was on clobetasol and oral prednisone for this for a short term during her second month of accutane, but obviously can't stay on those drugs for her whole accutane course. Tried tacrolimus- super burning, worse than original symptoms. Getting prescribed Elidel to try, as its milder and a cream. Any ideas for how to make this be more tolerable? They say it can burn for the first few days- but its pretty rough to think of doing! She doesn't want to go off the accutane, its working so well....thanks, if anyone has experience out there.

this medication was given to me for my 3 month old son. His eczema was over 50% of his body and he was covered in weeping sores and scabs. This was a miracle product! But he needed it all over his body all the time. A friend suggested I look into the cause of the eczema even though the doctor told me it was all genetic. Turns out my son was allergic to about 7 different foods. I stopped eating them, he stopped getting it in the breastmilk and his eczema cleared up on its own. About five years later I found out about the black box warning. I highly recommend looking for causes rather than relying on this medication.

AFter years of GPs misdiagnosing my scaley red patchy skin I went to a dermatologist a freind recomended. She took one look at my skin and said "eczema" and recomended Elidel. At first I balked at the price- with insurance- but figured if it worked it was worth it. And it WORKED. After only a couple applications the puffy red scaley patches on my eyes were gone. Its a lifesaver!!

I�m not going to lie, this is a miracle cream for SHORT TERM SUCCESS. Let me repeat, SHORT TERM SUCCESS. If you research elidel you will see it is dangerous to use long term as it is an immunosuppressant and is linked to skin cancer. I used elidel for 7 days and boy did it work. I was over the moon excited that the red bumps and itching was gone, but not for long. As soon as I stopped elidel my dermatitis came back and was 10 times worse! Many people can�t ever stop using this because of the withdrawal effects. If you want to stay on a dangerous medication forever than this is for you. If you are looking for long term success without the dangers of using this cream, don�t even start it because you will be extremely disappointed once you stop.

I had severe eczema on my face, forehead, cheeks and eyebrows nearly all my life. I was ok at school, but when I hit college, the eczema just flared up and went totally out of control. It was so scaly and flaky and itchy on a daily basis that due to my constant scratching, I had no eyebrows left as they had fallen out. And my skin was so damaged that new eyebrows couldn't grow. My face was always red like I had severe sunburn. Mentally I was in a really bad place due to the eczema. I suffered with it really badly. Normal conventional facial medication prescribed by the GP did very little and sometimes it made the itching and scratching even worse. It was towards the end of 2003 that I accidently came across Elidel whilst reading a newspaper. There was an article in the newspaper on how well Elidel had helped someone’s young child that was suffering with severe eczema. I approached my GP and told him about it and said I would like to try it. He found and prescribed it for me. And that was just over 12 years ago. Just after a few weeks of using Elidel, my face actually started to heal. My skin tone changed and so did its texture. I just couldn’t believe it. The colour actually came back to what it should have been originally, which was a colour which I had actually forgotten. Even in the early stages of using the medication, the results came quick and even the GP commented on how well my skin had improved. There was no more itching or the need and desire to scratch. It has totally eradicated the eczema and has been absolutely life changing. People wouldn’t even believe that I ever had eczema. Now in 2019 I just apply a few small dabs on my cheeks after showering. I don’t ever need to apply any to my forehead. And after the application, I just apply some normal Vaseline intensive care. This medication has truly changed my life and I hope that those that need it can find it and try it.

I had small dry patches on my arms with discoloration. I was described Elidel. After using it for 10 days I suddenly developed a cold sore on the inside of my lip. Never had one before. It was bad. I stopped using it. I waited a couple of months and tried again. Another cold sore emerged. It is one of the side effects. Done using. I have a new unopened tube. Interested in it?

Having suffered from Eczema off and on all my life, this winter has be particularly bad with area around eyes and mouth red/raw. Used a number of steroid creams and no ease in condition. Consultant prescribed Elidel - Boy did it burn for the first 2 days. I thought my face was going to melt, it was so painful. Stuck with it and now no stinging and WOW!! face a little dry around eyes but improving each day, no redness and looking a lot healthier. Glad i put up with the discomfort as I'm now so pleased to find a product that's working. Only 1 week of use and I feel human again.

I began getting eczma skin irritations around my eyes and on my temples. I tried several over the counter meds with no success. My skin was red, very itchy and became quite noticeable. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed Elidel. I applied the cream to all effected skin areas. The first application burned my skin (my the dermatologist said it might) so I washed it off over night. The next morning I then applied it more sparingly and the burning was mush less. Each time I used it, it burned less and cleared my skin up more and more. Now I use it with no burning and my symptoms are significantly improved. I use a light application twice a day and I'm very happy with the results. I wish this was a cure, but in my own eczema is a chronic condition, so Elidel is likely my long term solution. Now all they need to do is make the price more reasonable.

My dermatoligist prescribed Elidel with confidence. She first gave a sample to try, and later I'd have to buy it. She was extremely sure of the expected result. First, the medicine, despite my gold plan, was prohibitively expensive. Second, the medicine did not work for me at all. I used it just as the doc advised but there was absolutely no improvement.

I had uncontrolled atopic dermatitis on my face, ears and chin area. Nothing worked; Dr.gave me Elidel and said to use 2x day for 6 wks. Very soothing unlike other meds; After two weeks drastic improvement. Skin is soft with no itching or redness. Love the product.

I was getting eczema under the inner portion of my eyes. I was using steroids during every flair up only for the eczema to come right back a couple weeks later. I was finally prescribed Elidel which seems to be working wonderfully. I am careful not to get it in my eyes since it is very close to my inner eye. The texture of the skin under my eye seems like it is returning back to normal. Using the steroids under the eye was starting to change the texture under my eyes and only worked temporarily, that is why I decided to try Elidel. So far, so good. Dr said to use twice a day for 3 weeks. I am on day 7 so I will update this in a month or so. Crossing my fingers.

have had eczema on my face since i can remember and was prescribed elidel and its been around 4 days and have only noticed a change in the texture of my skin, but redness and MASSIVE irritation still occurs. OUCH!

I had a sever cold and runny nose and went on a boat charter and created a very infected sore just below my nose on my bow of my lip. It turned black. My Dr gave me this and my lip became more black and eventually scuffed off and there was pink new skin in 6 weeks of use and I used for another 6 weeks and my skin looks the same as it was before.

Instructed to use on eyelids; eye brows; upper cheek areas. Eyelids became more red an pimple like eruptions occurred. Very difficult to rub into eyelid and not expect/risk getting to near eyes.

My 6 year old son has some plaque type psoriasis. He has a few patches on his cheeks near his ear. His skin became so much smoother after just 1 application!! He has not mentioned burning. But then, I apply this after he falls asleep. (He is on the spectrum and does not have an easy disposition at times- especially for anything new.)

This cream has been magic, significantly improving my facial eczema, mild rosacea, and atopic dermatitis within a couple of days.

My daughter is using it and was prescribed it when she was diagnosed with vitiligo. It's hard to fully see if there is any improvement, but I would strongly comment on how ridiculous the cost is. When we first had to get the prescription without knowing about the discounts, the starting cost was over $900. In the average was somewhere between 2 to 300, with the cheapest getting one-time discount from Walgreens for $125. I'm an American, but I also live in Italy and as soon as I got home back to Italy, I realized they sell the same tubes for four euros apiece . How cannot be legal ?

Burns constantly and also cannot get in the sun or you will feel an additional burning. Also, if you get it near your eyes it will cause you to get a stye. do not use.

Elidel is extremely effective. Please be careful not to use it more than 3-4 days at any given time. I use this creme on my face because I have very sensitive skin and break out from rashes. Elidel does a fantastic job clearing it right up. Again, please don't overuse this drug, as the side effects will be bothersome.

My dermatologist gave me this for my dry eyelids. I don't think it's a good idea to use around the eyes after reading more info. The skin on the eyelids is thin, and my eyes all the way around and my eyes in general are burning. All of the warnings sound bad too. I'm not going to use it again.