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Generic Name: Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate

Brand Name: Orapred ODT

Orapred ODT Drug and Medication User Reviews

My son's tonsils swelled up when he had Strep but the tonsils did not shrink back down once he was better. It cause a quiet non-snoring 4yr old to turn into a rival of a buzz saw. ENT prescribed the steroid to help the tonsils shrink down and we crossed our fingers that would be enough help for the body. He wont take liquid, but the dissolving form he could chew was a great help. It started working the very first night. Helped him breathe better (he was gasping and choking for breathe while asleep and had Long pauses in his breathing that all started up around the same time he was Dx with Strep), I did not notice him hyper, or out of sorts. He was able to sleep and went back to the happy little one he always is when waking up. It got old for him to take the medicine after two weeks. We tried no medicine to see if his body could adjust and he would not need surgery for the large tonsils, but that was not the case. Tonsils and adenoids are on the chopping block.

My son (7years old) was given this med for his asthma -15mg tables. His side effect was tingling in his fingers and hyperactivity. It worked but I’m not sure how I feel about giving him a steroid.

my son 3.5 yrs old was put on this med. for 4 days for fluid in his ears.he has been struggleing with severe colds since oct, when he started pre-k and he has been complaining with his ears ever since. every doctor has had something differant to say. this doctor said it was fluid in the ears. my son has autism and has an unprodictable mood at any given time when i gave him the medicine he spit the pill out several times. it made him extremely hyperactive which he does notr need help with at all.

My 5 year old granddaughter, after taking this medication, has become a very beligerant child and has sessions of thinking that everyone hates her and she goes into a panic mode and starts hitting and kicking everyone and thing around. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes for her to calm down and be her sweet self again. There must be something in the drug that is affecting her thought process. Her mother is going to talk with Dr Monday and see if there is another med that will help without these outrages.

15 mg tablet given to 4 yr old once a day for 2 days. 30 minutes after taking the first dose of medicine major hyperactivity and restlessness. 10 hours after first dose complained that ants were crawling all over body and cannot sleep. Medicine took care of the croupy cough though. Not sure we will give 2nd dose or use again!!

This is the 3rd time in a year that my 4 1/2 year old son has been on this. Although I am happy with the job it does, I DO NOT LIKE the really negative side effects it gives him: excessive sweating (his head is soaked within 1 hour of him taking a very low dose (15 mg), very rapid heart rate, and this is the 2nd time he has had cramping and tingling in his fingers (both hands, all different fingers). I'm thinking of reportint the finger thing to the FDA. Has anyone else had this side effect?

My son is almost 5 and was given orapred for chronic 6-8 week cough and congestion. I noticed he is very thirsty but can't figure out if this is normal side effect. He was initially hyper the 1st day but ok the second. no improvement has been seen yet.

My 2 1/2 yr old had symptoms of croup and our 1st time using this (last night) we were supposed to give him 2 doses..He turned into the tazmanian devil...very destructive (even more than normal). But aside from that, the "barkiness" is gone and so far, it's just regular coughing

My 9 yr old daughter has been taking this for 4 days now. The cough has somewhat decreased but the side effects were not worth the medication. She's had upset stomach, restlessness, stabbing feelings in her chest, legs and arms, & dizziness. Would not use again.

My son, 6, was put on this for his wheezing and bad cough, along with breathing treatments and an inhaled steroid. After two days, his coughing and wheezing is gone. So far, I'm happy with the results. It also helps clear up his eczema. Only side effects are increased appetite and a little upset stomach.

i have been taking this medication for four days and i haven't seen any improvement none what so ever.

My son is 8,Albuterol does not work for him. We usually have to do breathing treatments along with the Orapred. After 3 days ,his personality changes (more aggressive). But on the whole I like that it works rather quickly.

My son was put on this medicine he is 9 he has asthma and he had a bad cough and the tablet dissolves on his tongue he took it for 2 days and i see a big improvement on his coughing so far no side effects.