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Generic Name: sargramostim

Brand Name: Leukine injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had a stage 4 melanoma in 2010. I have been on this drug since using it 14 days on and 14 days off. The side effects, for me, have been very mild. I have had no recurring cancer since.

Because of low white blood count due to chemotherapy, I was given 300mg of leukine, which put in the hospital for 3 days with severe stomack pains.second time they gave me 500 mg of Leukine several hours I was back in the hosptial with severe back and chest pains. My back felt like I was run over by a tractor trailer and my check felt like a elephant was sitting on my chest and that a knife wa tearing open my chest while something was pulling out my heart. Yet the doctor wanted to continue this mdeication on me.How is this possible isn't a recall being done on this product?

Second injection put me in the ER with the most intolerable bone pain that it took my breath away. I am back on nuprogen or neulasta when available.

I have been giving my injections 14 days on 14 days off for the treatment of 4th stage malignant melanoma for three years without further progression of the disease.

USe for my 8 year old son for treatment of Crohn's Disease. This was a last resort before surgery and it is working!

the injections hurt, has not been as effective as neupogen injections for me