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Generic Name: tretinoin

Brand Name: Atralin topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I tried everything including antibiotics, home remedies, facials. Nothing was helping my acne. Atralin is the only thing that helped my stubborn acne. However, it takes 3 months for it to show full results. And first few weeks my face was very red , pealing and itchy. I highly recommend it for acne. Stick with it

Atralin made my skin worse. I had moderate acne prior and now I have severe acne. It is hard to look in the mirror and my skin is always burning. Do not use this product unless you're willing to risk it.

I suffered from mild acne all my life and this stuff works wonders! My acne tends to live under my skin and within a week the bumps disappeared, leaving me with the smoothest skin. It is a bit drying so I apply a face oil on top, docs orders, which doesn't alter the drugs effectiveness.

I started getting acne as an adult at about age 28. I tried both over the counter and prescription medications to no avial. I tried Atralin several years ago and it was the ONLY thing that worked for me. I suffer from nodular acne which is near impossible to clear. I don't have many breakouts, but it only takes a few cystic pimples to really make your skin look bad, so this was a life saver for me. It did take a few weeks to clear my skin, and I still get some break outs, but no where what I used to.Also,it can be drying at times on areas you do not need it on.

I have combination skin and had a bit of a problem with acne around my T-zone and around the corners of my mouth. I tried this gel and it completely dried out the area my face. It looked like I burned my skin. However I was told this was normal so I tried it one more time. And it BURNED my skin now it even looks like I have a busted lip

I am 42 and never had much of an acne problem in my life until about 6 months ago when my face went CRAZY with acne! I started atrilin a week ago and am amazed at the results! I had a little dryness on chin for first few days, but used a drop off moisturizer on area along with atrilin and it is just fine. ALSO, a suprise benefit...On side of face I had developed a few flat ugly moles about a year ago that I have been saving to get lasered off. Now after using atrilin for only a week, they are almost gone!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this product!!! Atrilin, you are a life saver!!!

I had small cyst like bumps near my mouth and sometimes by my cheeks. I am 50 years old and was delighted that not only did it clear the bumps but it also got rid of wrinkles and mottled skin appearance. Love it! Will use it always- Just wish it were sold over the counter.

I never had a skin problem.. and then I turned 30... Ugh! Combined with a tremendous amount of stress, I was diagnosed with adult acne (on forehead). My dermatologist prescribed Doryx (an oral pill) and Clindamicyn to use in the am and pm. I went back to him after 3 weeks with a tiny bit of improvement. He then prescribed Atralin. I use it every night and use Clindamicyn in the morning. I saw an improvement instantly. This combo worked amazingly!!!! I still take the pill as well. My skin has NEVER looked better! I love Atralin! But be careful! I tried using it on not just my forehead and it caused extreme redness and peeling. So now, I only use elsewhere as needed. Love, Love, Love it.

I suffer from adult acne on my face, neck, chest, shoulders and upper arms. This medication has been wonderful! I've been using it every night for 2 weeks and my acne is almost completely gone!! I am also taking minocycline 50 mg (morning and night) and washing with Cetaphil. I am very impressed with this drug.

I started using atralin at night in combination with acanya in the morning. My face was terrible for the first few weeks, I had a bad initial breakout on my chin area. After the initial breakout my skin started to feel smoother all over and eventually my acne started to calm down. I've been on this treatment 12 weeks now and my skin has significantly cleared up however I have the stinging and drying side effects. I have a few bumps here and there which I'm hoping will go away soon.

I use about twice a week, 3x if necessary. It is nearly magical at making blemishes go away and it leaves my skin clear and glowing.

DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT EVERYDAY UNLESS YOU HAVE REALLY BAD ACNE!! IT WILL RUIN YOUR SKIN!!! I had horrible skin problems from 8-14 years old. I tried all treatments including all sorts of Retin-A's...nothing worked. I finally went on a low dosage of Accutane for 6 months and started ortho lo birth control--from then on--miracle! My skin was crystal clear from 14-22. However, I stopped taking birth control for a very stupid reason and my skin started breaking out again ( a few large pimples on my jaw line). I freaked out because of the history I have had with acne and immediately started taking birth control again and ran to a Derm to try and nip the problem in the bud. She prescribed altralin and told me to continue using MD Forte glycolic face wash (which I had been using for 8 yrs at this point and swear by it). Basically ALTRALIN RUINED MY SKIN! IT WAS WAY TOO STRONG FOR WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR ONTOP OF THE ACID FACE WASH!! It literally gave me horrible blisters/boils on my face that were worse than my acne was when I was 8-14 (hard to do). It was very debilitating . I work for Fortune 500 company and have to interact with people every day! This was awful! Luckily my manager let me work from home for a week or so to resolve (it was bad enough for him to agree...that should say a lot right there). I ran back to my Derm and she told me to stop using aAltralin immediately. I was having a reaction called vesicles (blisters)and prescribed high powered antiobiotics to try and calm it down and my face is pretty well cleared again. But, am nursing some scars and acne antiobiotics are harsh on the stomach. UNLESS you truly have horrible acne RUN AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT IT WILL GIVE YOU AN EVEN WORSE PROBLEM!!! Also—dump bad Derms.

i have been using it for about two months now and my skin has shown no improvement, my acne has actually gotten worse, in the past i've used medications that took a while to work but i did notice improvement but not with this i've used benzaclin in the pastand it worked better think i'll go back to it

I have rosacea, large pores and occasional cyclic acne. This gel has been amazing in reduction of redness and pore size. I have a very sensitive skin and I had no problems with this medication. The down side is that 1. My skin started to flake at times, but a good moisturizer took care of it and 2. One tube of it costs 260 $. My HMO doesn't cover it, but it is worth the money.

Ive been on this for 6 months. It wasnt doing a thing, so 3 months after i started using this, i got blue laser treatment, which also didnt do a damn thing. Now im only on the atrilin and it makes my skin worse. My skin is 5 times worse than it was when i wasnt usng this. IT HAS RUINED MY SKIN. Despise this stuff

I have had acne for over 10 years and the only thing that has cleared it up was accutane. Unfortunately it only kept my skin clear for about two years. I tried to get back on it but could only do a month because I had liver problems. Now I have been using this consistently at night for a little over a week. I am not seeing too much improvement but I am getting a lot of embarrassing peeling around my mouth. I'm going to give it some more time before I call my derm and ask for a different prescription.

It will definately dry your face, however this has only lasted the first 2-3 days at the beginning of use. After that, most dryness disappeared. It takes 3-7 days to remove most pimples and 7-14 for severe acne prone areas

I have been using the product for a little over a week and i love it. I was using another product that increased my breakouts dramatically but this medication has made my acne disappear. I even notice that my fine wrinkle lines are disappearing. I have extremely oily skin and this is the first product that i have used that works. There is a little dryness and peeling but it doesn't bother me that all, as the pros far outweigh the cons.

My derm prescribed this for my adult acne. Truthfully, I very rarely have trouble with acne. I am 32 and concerned about wrinkles. After using this medication three times, I have seen noticeable improvement in my fine lines and wrinkles - they have nearly disappeared. I know this is not the approved usage for this drug, but I like it. I started out by using it every other day to minimize the dryness, and so far I have had no trouble with dryness or redness, although the fingertips I use to apply it have dried out significantly. I use a cold cream type cleanser on my face, and a thick moisturizer the next morning.