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Generic Name: triamcinolone acetonide

Brand Name: Kenalog injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have gotten the drug for 3 years 2x a year to help with my allergies. I get one at the beginning of spring and one at the beginning of fall, it has worked wonders. BE CAREFUL who does your shot. I went to my primary care doctor and he had a nurse do the shot which was normal, they do it every time. I got my shot but she did it on the side of my hip and hit my bone. I did not think very much of it, but a couple months later I noticed a small dip in my hip forming. it was the size of a pea and I thought it was weird but brushed it off. My last shot was on 06/15/21. the shot expires 6 months after injection which is why I get 2 a year. The nurse that have me the injection, injected it into one of my tendons and it started eating away at the fat, muscle, and tendons around it. The dip is now showing through my clothes and is the size of a fist. I went back to my primary care doctor and he told me it would go away in 2 years. 4 months later is doubled in size so I went to see a plastic surgeon and he could not do anything until it stopped growing and waned to wait 2 months and have me come back in. I have chronic migraines and I got to talking to my neurologist and as soon as I showed him my hip, he immediately sent a referral over to a dermatologist. he said it was the worst case he has ever seen. I only weigh 95 lbs. So I went to a dermatologist and he injected saline into the area to open up some space and try to dilute the drug. It was extremely painful. I go back in, in a week, to get saline injections again and if nothing has changed, I have to get a biopsy done in the center which will cause my bone to be open. The dip is now right up against my hip bone with no fat or muscle in between. It is wrapping around my side towards my butt. This injections helps a ton with allergies but please be considerate of where they are injecting it. I have a ton of medical bills and appointments because a nurse gave me a shot wrong. be safe out there!!!

Hand surgeon gave it to me for carpal tunnel & arthritis in my hand. Within 30 minutes, my throat was swelling, starting with a little soreness, then when calling the Dr it was hard to talk because of my throat swelling. I called 911 & they said my face was also swelling, I had hives & blood pressure dropped drastically, saying I was in anaphylaxis, so I had to get epi & benedryl shot from paramedics, then had to get epi & benedryl at the hospital & remained in the ICU for at least 24 hours & I had never had any type of severe allergic reaction to anything, including food & neither has any of my family, but this one specific drug changed all that & now I have to carry an epi pen

wasn't sure which category to enter this under but here's my thoughts on it anyway! my husband has had a frozen shoulder for six months with very little medical intervention in that time. he had an injection of Kenalog into his shoulder on a friday, by the following monday he was in the same amount of pain as he was before he had the injection,so it clearly it hasn't worked for him.

Was given kenelog injection for some skin issues I was having ,30 minutes later after shopping I ended up sneezing , itching and my nose had closed completely and throat was swelling up as well very hard to breathe , good thing I was close to my ER , oh and don’t forget HIVES covered my whole body . Was given a benedryl shot and ended up going home a few hours later with instructions to take Claritin, bendryl and Pepcid for a month straight . Was never told about possible side effects, never have been allergic to anything but I would say steroids are a no go for me .

After 20+ years of knee pain, multiple surgeries, and a variety of arthritis medications including other injections, I received Kenalog injections a little over 2 years ago. The relief was significant and almost immediate, but not total. My knees feel better than they have in years. I receive injections in both knees and they have lasted 6-9 months each time. Wit previous injections I was lucky to get a week of relief. I have experienced no side effects other than a little tenderness at the injection site. Highly recommend and I will continue to get them until I finally break down and have my knees replaced.

DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!! I had one shot every summer for allergies. Had no reaction at all for 5 years straight. Shot cleared my allergies up. To me at the time I thought my allergies where terrible and would do anything to make them go away.. Well until this year . Had the same shot as I do every year. 1 week later I had early period and cramps that felt like I was in labor. Never had cramps like this other then child birth. Had heavy heavy flow . Also heart was racing and had extreme anxiety , dizziness,body aches,tiredness After bunch of tests all they found was thickened uterus and anxiety. After reading other reviews I see many similar side effects. This lasted 3 weeks!! TERRIBLE 3 WEEKS I’m better now but I have lost a great deal of hair and still have anxiety which I now have medication for. Hopefully someone reads this and it will help save from going thru the TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECTS .. PLEASE DO URSELF A FAVOR AND DONT TAKE THIS MEDICATION

I was given kenalog by my doctor as I was walking out of the office my other knee/ leg broke out in hive itchy and very painful

I had two shots of kenalong, one in each knee due to osteoarthritis. I was a wee bit dizzy after the appointment and the injection sites extremely painful, I could barely walk on them. About four hours later, I had to call an ambulance because my heart rate was over 200bpm and wouldnâ??t go down. I was given Ativan and sent home after a few hours once my heart rate lowered. Then three days later, I ended up back in a different hospital due to a high heart rate, fever and rashes across my cheeks and chest. This was a horrible experience and highly recommend you do NOT get this injection! That was in August 2020, itâ??s December 2020 and I am still struggling with side effects like rapid heart rate, dizziness and vertigo.

I take get this injection every spring and am miserable with seasonal allergies I receive. My symptoms vanish within hours of the injection. I still take Clariton throughout the summer to help with really high pollen count days. This drug is a miracle cure as far as I am concerned. Some years I have to get a second shot in August to get me through fall harvest (corn dust in the air).

Horrible ..one time injection for wrist pain !! don’t use .. I had bad side effects..sweating profusely.. heaviness over eyes .. my hold body skin felt like sunburning inside out .. took my breathing away ..was having difficulty.. than got very moody .. almost mind altering .. my hair feels dried out .. the side effects are worse than using this injection.. WASNT TOLD or given paperwork of what injection was given .. possibly side EFFECTS !! When back to Doctors only thing they could tell me was to take to counter Antihistamines ..told me to take extra Zyrtec‘s still had bad effects .. went back still couldn’t help me .. 2 1/2 months of bad side effects.. my skin still feels burning inside out .. notice my beautiful hair drying brittle feeling .. side effects aren’t worth this injection ..like I said 2 months of hell than 1/2 month slightly calming .. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO COUNTER ACT THIS INJECTION!! if I could find lawyer I would go after this company!! I went in thinking was having heart problems..( sweating profusely.. breathing like locomotive pulling heavy load up hill .. mood .. heaviness above eyes the burning of my skin inside out ..) than told it triggered something.. seen Cardiologist.. so was advised to see pulmonary.. tested they couldn’t find anything .. all 3 specialists believe this shot triggered something.. but amazing they can’t find problems!! Still have symptoms ... Beware of this injection !! Still feel side effects .. Remember they have nothing to counter act this drug !! Antihistamine did not help much .. this drug should be removed !! Only had one injection in wrist .. Nightmare injection!! Never again will I take injections..

I will never take these shots again. The side effects have been terrible and ruined my life for the last month. Praying they will go away soon. Just wish I knew how long it takes them to go away.

I have had so many side effects that I was not told about. I would not have had these shots. I had 2 guided injections in my SI joints and I've got blurred vision, terrible anxiety, nerves are very bad, jittery, panic attacks. I wish someone could tell me how long these side effects will last. I got them 8/6/2019 and I will never ever have another one of these shots.

Got injected due to sciatica to which I could not walk further than 20 ft. Seen difference immediately after injection, 4 days later and it is just getting better. 2 injections in the hip/butt area ,all I have now is a bit of tingling in lower leg. Before I constantly used lumbar belt and TENS machine to cope with the day and was still in pain. Return visit in 3 weeks and maybe 1 more injection in L5 joint area. Highly recommend these injections, hardly felt them and no side effects. Loving my freedom from pain and probably will not need surgery. I read reviews and was scared but believe me there is nothing but good for me.I would do this again for sure.

Took the injection on 05/1/19. T was having joint aches and a small rash. Today is 05/13.19 and I feel so much better.

Nausea, vomiting and vertigo for weeks from one kenalog injection. Never again!!!

I was given my first shot on 11/29 for severe eczema that nothing else would touch, tried every biologic with no success never mind thousands of dollars of natural remedies as well. I had clear skin 3 days after shot. First time in 20 years of pain

I have Degenerative Disc Disease in my neck which causes severe pain and immobility. I have had 3 Kenalog shots about 6 months apart to relax the muscles and each time I have had immediate relief. No side effects. I will continue to get these injections in coordination with seeing my chiropractor, my acupuncturist and massage therapist for pain relief from this chronic debilitation condition. I was given the shot in my backside.

I had my ears pierced causing trauma to both ears and forming keloids. To get them removed, I saw an ENT. She started off with the injections to make them more pliable to remove. That worked, and I had them surgically removed. After my surgery, we continued with the injections but I stopped getting my monthly periods to only having them once every few months. (I am not on any birth control.) When I expressed this to doctors, no one was wise enough to look up or make the connection that THIS was the reason. I stopped that treatment and they grew back. I am now going to a plastic surgeon to get them removed once again (no injections planned). It was at the plastic surgeon's office that I was told injections should only last for 3 months after a removal surgery. The ENT never notified me of that, and I in fact went for another year after the initial surgery. I am now scared to see if it has affected my kidneys, considering this is a hormone naturally made by the body. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!

Have severe allergies/sinus along with seasonal dizziness. The shot does help some, but still need my nose spray and allergy pills everyday. This is the only thing my dr stumbled onto that helps my dizziness, so I am very grateful to not have to suffer everyday.

I have not felt well since having this injection.Stomach problems.skin growths,arthritis worse.