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Generic Name: meclofenamate

Brand Name: meclofenamate oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I received immediate relief with this pill and only experienced side effects the first time I tried it. The side effects were completely overshadowed by the fact that my flow was lighter than it had been in years. The second time I used it I had no side effects. It is very effective in controlling my flow and I highly recommend it. I time taking it with my meals as a precaution, but have taken it on an empty stomach with no issues. I now don't feel the need for a hysterectomy and am thankful that I tried this.

I started taking this 5 years ago for the pain from my period so that I could still go to work and function. I have since gone through menopause and now use it for arthritis in my hands. My problem is, the insurance I now have doesn't cover it. So if I want to continue it, I can pay $619 for a 30 day supply!!

I was prescribed this medication, I have struggled with awful cramps, heavy bleeding and just unpredictable periods. This medication is a heaven scent, my flow is 70% less, my cramps went from me having to go to emergency and getting morphine to, next to nothing and if I need something extra, I take a Motrin. So thankful for this product.

I was taking Diclofenac Potassium before, with absolutely no effect. If anything, my cramps became worse. I also had to be careful to eat when I took the pills. Meclofenate Sodium, on the other hand, gave me immediate, long-lasting relief, without needing to be careful and eat when I took the medication. I am so satisfied with this medication, and definitely recommend it.

I'm too scared to take this medication. I've read all there is to read about it and it still does not ease my anxiety about it. I still suffer painful and heavy periods, have been for about 8 years now. I desire relief but I can't get over my fear of this medication. I'm stuck between fear and a pill bottle. I really don't know what to do. I have discussed having a hysterectomy with my doctor. That seems to be the only end in sight here in my case.

I use to almost hemmorage every month until put on this, when i started this I noticed a real difference. I had no side effects, only ALOT less bleeding, less cramps, and I had more of a life because I wasnt afraid to leave the house due to leakage accidents. I was normal again.

i suffer from endometriosis and am not a good candidate for surgery, this medication is a god send i have used it for 5 years now. i also have arthritis and have used it for this pain with good results.

I was perscribed this for heavy and painful periods. The first time I took it, a few days later I started to have severe side effects including pain when swallowing, pain in my stomach and overall extreem discomfort. When I called my doctors office about these side effects (because it says to contact your doctor immedialty) they told me it was just heart burn. I stopped taking the pills as soon as I started to get the side effects but I still had them for a week (durring my whole honeymoon, it ruined it). I couldn't eat without severe pain and had problems sleeping because of the pain. I will never take this medication again. I'd rather have the cramps than that pain.

I have debilitatingly painful, heavy periods that over the counter pain relievers do not relieve. It was so bad that I sometimes had to miss school/work because of the pain. I was first given birth contol, which did not work and my body did not react well to, so I was prescribed Meclofenamate about 6 years ago. Works like a charm- if I take it right away, I actually have pain-free periods. It even slows down flow and all that fun stuff. Amazing little pill.

i took this for 17 years