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Generic Name: Aminocaproic Acid

Brand Name: Amicar

Amicar Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication literally saved my life. Within a few hours of taking it, my nonstop bleeding had finally stopped. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't had this medication.

This medication works well, usually stopping the bleeding in just a few hours-days. It's much easier to take the 8 pills every 6 hours than to self-inject. The only really severe side effects I saw were due to being prescribed twice the amount I should have been. Over all my life saver

My dentist cleaned my teeth and scratched under my gum. The bleeding wouldn't stop after two days. A visit to the ER resulted in an Amicar prescription. 2 pills (500mg each) at 4x per day was all it took to clear things up. I had no problems at all taking 2 pills at a time, no side effects, and my bleeding stopped. I am very pleased with this medication and wish pharmacies kept a better stock of it. I would like to keep some with me in case of emergency.

I agree that trying to swallow eight piils every six hours is nearly impossible. A put the eight tablets in a small sandwich baggie and ise a rooling pin or canned item to crush them. Then I mix them into those small cups of applesauce like you pack for kids' lunches. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top and you won't even taste the Amicar. Still causes headaches and dizziness but it helps stop nosebleeds due to VonWillbrand's disease.

It is very difficult to swallow 8 tablets every six hours and it upsets my stomach. I spend most of the day feeling nauseated. I wish they could put the ingredients into a capsul which would be easier to swallow than the tablets.

I have never felt so sick in my life. I am dizzy, exhausted, my stomach is sick, and I have had a headache since I started. It seemed effective, but I have been completely not functional since starting.

Was taking 2000 mg every 8 hours. Was harsh to swallow, upset stomach, and did cause dizziness and mouth sores. 2 weeks after taking 1 wk worth, had another bleeding episode, and trip to ER. After an additional 10 days bleeding has stopped as of now.

I have dizziness,very short of breath, very weak, itchiness nrash,large sore on mouth,very tired

I was interested to read the lady's post about being put on it by mistake. I'm a hemophiliac and this drug has been effective for me the majority of the time. I can't imagine being on it for that long as the side effects are not good. Dizzyness being the worst. I've honestly never heard of anyone being on this drug that long and the mistake is most unfortunate. Liquid form as a kid was nasty and as an adult popping 8 pills per dose is aggravating. Like i said for a hemophiliac the drug is effective just annoying.