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Generic Name: Cetirizine, Pseudoephedrine

Brand Name: Zyrtec-D

Zyrtec-D Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took it at bedtime, it kept me awake all night. Stomach pain and heart raced. It did help my stuffy nose and itchy throat though. I think I'd rather just use a cough drop and drink water.

I moved to Phoenix and developed severe allergies. This medication has been the only one to work to health me breathe and relieve the pressure in my head. However, within an hour of taking it, I feel like I just took speed and it lasts for hours. Racing heartbeat and I can't sit still. I have an anxiety disorder so it then triggers multiple anxiety/panic attacks. If I miss this medication, within day 3, I can't think straight. My brain goes into a fog and I can't put simple things together in my head. I am moving out of this state and never using this medication again.

I have seasonal allergies (symptoms: sneezing, itchy throat and eyes, runny nose and stuffiness). I decided to try Zyrtec, OTC, 10mg/1 a day, this year to alleviate my allergy symptoms and it was working fantastic; however, I had SVT after 5 days of use. Very scary. I am 42, female, and I am not taking any prescription meds, no history of high blood pressure, never smoked, non-drinker, and healthy. I stopped taking Zyrtec immediately. I relate this incident to taking Zyrtec. I was seen by my physician, now awaiting blood work results.

I have been using zyrtec d for over 7 years almost daily due to chronic sinus congestion due to multiple allergies year round. Just recently started having tea colored urine(blood in urine) not sure why. Nothing else helps with my allergies. i have diabetes as well as fibromyalgia and hypertension. I have been taking the same drugs for 7 years not sure what is going on.

zyrtec D definitely helps me with all the allergy symptoms, but the side effects that I have I despair, I feel nervous, anxious, wanting to mourn, shaky, tired, sleepy, I take the pill when my allergies are really bad. The medication that the doctor gave me did not help, it will be nice if they could make a medicine that will help me just as Zirtec D, without the side effects. Thank You

I took one of these, & the next day, was so riddled with side effects that I could barely function. I was shaking, dizzy, heart racing, chest tightness, shivering, dry mouth like the Sahara desert, etc. Awful! I felt like I was dying! Under the blankets, shivering with chills, and shaking so much I couldn't even type. It gave me a wicked migraine that won't quit. It's been four days, and I'm still not myself, haven't even been able to eat much. I will also say that it gave me a cough like I've never experienced - so bad, I pulled a muscle, and a bloody nose. I threw the rest in the trash. Now I read on one of the other reviews that it shows as meth on a drug test? I have a drug test Thursday, and this is freaking me out. I would say that this is not a good drug for anyone. I know I may be more sensitive, but this cannot be a good and healthy medication to take. Be so careful with this. Wow, I have never experienced anything like this, very scary. Buyer beware!

I took Zyrtec-D for twelve years after developing an allergy to my cat. It was the most effective allergy medicine I tried (Claritin and Allegra didn't even come close). It effectively kept me from itchy eyes, runny nose, post-nasal drip and helped me live a great life with my adorable pet. The time-release of Zyrtec got me through the day and generic versions did not do this. I was ALWAYS thirsty and felt "dried out" while taking the medication and would have days where I felt "edgy" after taking it, but it was always worth it to me. I just recently quit Zyrtec cold turkey in preparation for an allergy test and the start of immunotherapy (as I now live near an allergist and have insurance that will cover it). The withdrawal symptoms have been extremely uncomfortable and alarming. Within a day of stopping the medication, my entire body began itching and skin crawling. It was particularly bad in my scalp, chest and back. I had a night of cold sweats and shaking along with bruising forming on my body. The worst was the second and third day. I am now on the fifth day and the itching has lessened quite a bit, but is still present. Although the withdrawal symptoms are terrible, I know it won't last forever and I am appreciating my new life . . .I am finally able to satisfy my thirst after twelve years. I no longer have that edgy feeling and my mood swings are no longer there! Even though this drug got me through many days and improved my overall quality of life then, for my own mental health I wish I had stopped using it sooner!

For many years I have suffered itchy eyes & runny nose as Fall sets in. I now take 1/2 tablet on days when I have these issues. Like other users I did notice dry throat, etc when taking the whole tablet. WHY don't they make it in 1/2 the current strength?

it doesnt work

reduces effect of allergies

For years had violent morning coughing spells from combination of lung condition and allergies. Finally tried zyrtec-d and it helped. took one every night. Developed repeated constipation episodes. Gut doctor did colonoscopy with ok results, and mentioned an ingredient in zyrtec-d can dehydrate your digestive system. Stopped taking it and got regular after a few days

While you're on the med-Zyrtec-D, it works just great. It's when you try to stop taking it when all hell breaks loose! Headaches, nasal pain like an impending sinus infection and cold, and then comes the horrible itching! I would highly recommend to never even start on this stuff!!!!

I really like Zyrtec D. I have been a regular Zyrtec user but sometimes I just need something stronger. The only sad thing is that pseudoeffedrine is a controlled substance where I live, so Zyrtec D is only available by prescription and in very limited quantity.

I changed from Claritin D to Zyrtec D and will be switching back. I have found that Zyrtec-D has caused major muscle aches, dry throat and overall fatigue. I sleep well but wake up tired. My family & friends have noticed that I am not the same too. My allergies are better but the side effects do not out weigh the benefits for me.


This works great for me. Using about a year - plus. I am taking the 24 Hr. tablet once a day at bed time. I am concerned about long term use, particularly on the prostate. I will continue to research

I have suffered for years with severe allergies. I have used many different medication that have had little effect. With zyrtec-d I felt the medicine working within 15mins. This stuff is amazing.

I was taking plain Zyrtec, when after a particularly long combination of severe flu symptoms and allergies, my allergist suggested switching to Zyrtec-D. I took it bedtime and was wide awake two hours later with heart palpitations. Couldn't go back to sleep. I'm not taking the "D" version ever again.

I've been using walgreen's version of Zyrec-D (because of the cost)and when I first took it at night, I could actually breath and lay on my back (I do have an air purifier in the bedroom which helps). That night, I kept waking up. I wondered if it was that. The next day, took it again and for the first time in over 2 months, I didn't need to find a "straight line" to make sure that I was walking in a straight line (even though I knew I was). The best way to describe it was feeling "off" before I took it. Fridays were always the worse days for me. I took it that Friday, and I didn't feel "off" at all and could walk around the store with no problem. The biggest "test" for me was the next day, when I went for a walk on the beach (which I haven't been able to do for over 2 months). I went walking on the beach WITH NO PROBLEM. I only take it during the day time, not the night. I don't feel tired with it, I actually feel more awake while before I got on it I felt tired because of the allergies (which only took 5 years of living where I am at to develop). I only got a small box, not knowing if would work for me or not. As soon as this box is used up, I will get a bigger box. Again, I only take it during the day and seem to be able to do what I love to do for exercise: walk on the beach!