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Generic Name: Arnuity Ellipta (fluticasone)

Arnuity Ellipta Reviews

For Asthma, Maintenance "Just started today and am already feeling some relief. Have been taking Flovent HFA for years and had to change since my insurance would no longer cover. This may have been a blessing in disguise as HFA hadn't been working as well lately, and after getting an upper respiratory infection, I was really struggling to breathe and using my rescue inhaler several times a day."

For Asthma, Maintenance "This drug helped greatly to reduce my coughing and breathing. Then I started feeling pain in my feet, then in my legs and hands and headache. Every day it was worse. To test my theory, I stopped the drug, but on the second night, I was coughing a great deal again, and it was preventing me from sleeping, so I took it again. That night, the pain was severe muscle cramps in my legs, toes, and feet. The next day I was nauseous and had a headache."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was prescribed Arnuity Ellipta 200mg three months ago for treatment of adult onset asthma. While the medication helped with chest tightness, it did cause extreme fatigue, muscle pain, and joint pain. I decided to experiment with being off the Arnuity Ellipta for two days. Almost immediately, stopping this medication has helped elevate the fatigue and pain. Would I take the medication again? No."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Worked great for the first few months. Developed blurred vision and hoarseness. Went into ENT and had vocal cord paralysis on one side. Slowly weaned myself off Arnuity and paralysis went away. Will need to try something else."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Take it for persistent asthma, and I rate it highly after taking it for 3 months so far...the key to this one was taking it first thing in the morning. Through trial and error I realized I got the most of it during the waking hours if taken in the morning rather than at night. When taken at night, I could feel it wear off around 5 the next day. I would recommend ...and I’ve been on every asthma drug under the sun the past 44 years...."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was using Qvar for 4 years prior to Arnuity Ellipta 2 puffs twice a day and still had to use my rescue inhaler several times a day. My insurance no longer covered Qvar and they gave me three other options so I did my research and told my doctor I would like to try Arnuity Ellipta 100 mcg one puff a day. After a few days I did not need a rescue inhaler. So I swear my this medication. I also never have gotten thrush since using Arnuity Ellipta. I rarely need a rescue inhaler. By rarely I mean the only time I use one is in the fall and the spring when the atmosphere changes. One rescue inhaler last me over a year. Life changer for me."

For Asthma, Maintenance "My Dr. gave me this medicine as a trial when I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma. I tried Qvar first and that gave me chest pain and tightness. This medicine had no side effects at all and worked great. The only downfall is my insurance doesn't cover this so I have to switch to something else."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have used arnuity 200 for 6 weeks and I see a difference but my copay in Dec 2015 was $91 now in Jan 2016 it has gone to $119 per month. I'd really would like to keep taking this but I can't afford that much every month so I will be back with my dr to find a alternative"

For Asthma, Maintenance "Started taking Arnuity Ellipta 12 days ago. Asthma was pretty controlled then after i started taking Arnuity it got worse. Started getting numbness, discomfort in my right leg. Loss of appetite, nausea and got a cold right off the bat. Will stop taking it and pretty sure my side effects will clear up. Also on Nucala which has been awesome."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Was on Flovent until my insurance stopped covering this medication. Arnuity is just not as good, sadly. I really hope my insurance will cover the generic form of Flovent that is the replacement. Flovent worked great with little side effects. Arnuity, I'm noticing more muscle pain and soreness and I'm pretty sure this is the cause."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Picked up my prescription - 200 mcg - 6 days ago. After taking the prescribed dosage 2 days, developed hoarseness and sore throat. Did not take any dosage for the past 3 days. I'm not sure the medicine is helping me if this is the reaction I have. Doctor said I should take a 1/2 dose today, and then every other day. I'm considering consulting a new doctor for advice."

For Asthma, Maintenance "Started this new med a couple weeks ago, gives me heartburn and I can taste the powder in my mouth after use. I don’t feel like it is as effective as my previous inhaler. Going to see if doctor can prescribe something else."

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been using Arnuity Elipta 100 for years, probably when it was first introduced. I use it in conjunction with a COPD Medication and never had a problem. Works well for me"

For Asthma, Maintenance "This medication Arnuity Ellipta helped with my chest tightness and breathing but the side effects are too much I have had headaches, severe dry mouth and dizziness muscle aches."

For Asthma, Maintenance "This Arnuity Ellipta Garbage does absolutely nothing"

More about Arnuity Ellipta (fluticasone)

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  • Reviews (15)
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: inhaled corticosteroids
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Arnuity Ellipta drug information

Other brands

Flovent, Flovent HFA, Flovent Diskus, ArmonAir Digihaler, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Arnuity Ellipta prescribing information
  • Fluticasone (Systemic, Oral Inhalation) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Flovent, Flovent Diskus, ArmonAir Digihaler, ArmonAir RespiClick

Related treatment guides

  • Asthma, Maintenance