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Generic Name: Fluoxetine Hcl

Brand Name: Prozac

Prozac Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am a mother of 2 and after I had my second child I had a very hard time I had very bad intrusive thoughts and anxiety and depression so bad I couldn’t even be alone with my kids or get out of the house . I hate every single day I was so depressed I couldn’t get out of bed or do daily task. At first when my psychiatrist prescribed me Prozac I was not very confident I lost hope I was just done trying. I was on 20mg for 2 weeks seen no change then we went up to 40mg for 4 weeks and omg i am so glad I started this medication I feel stable now I can go out to stores and be able to be a mom to my babies. The depression and intrusive thoughts got better but there is still room for improvement so im not on 60mg . Im on day 5 and side effects were not the bad just a little insomnia. So please try this medication it might work for you and change your life . Please keep trying . I was diagnosed with ppd postpartum ocd , anxiety, depression, ptsd . Don’t give up !!??

Gained 50 pounds on Prozac. SAD and anxiety went threw the roof. Grandma was right. Drugs may treat a symptom, but the Amino Acid L-Tryptophan treated my whole system.

I first went on prozac when I was 22. Worked good for a while. Stopped it. Went back on it when I was 40. It gave me panic attacks more than 10 a day. I was in a hospital then. I thought it was the environment making me have the panic attacks. Well when I got out. I was still having them. Got a new Dr right away he took my off it. Gradually the panic attacks stopped. I won't take it again. Yet I wish I could because it did work for me really good.

I was put on Prozac because the Effexor I had been taking for about 5 years stopped working. Prozac has been a pretty good add on for my bipolar depression and I think it helps a lot. I have been on a fairly low dose because Prozac can possibly trigger mania. My depression had gotten bad one winter so we went up and a month or so later I had a manic episode so now we are going back down to the lowest dose I had been on. I have no issues with it as long as I monitor my moods

I suffer from panic disorder. Getting on this med was so rough. Such bad side effects. I have done 10mg 20mg 30mg and 40mg and honestly the drug isn’t worth it for panic at least. Yes it did stop the panic but I now feel lifeless and I am having intimacy issues.

It took awhile for this to work and I was skeptical that it was working at all or even just making me worse. However, I stuck it out after being on a 10mg and upping to 20mg and after 6 weeks I feel like the change is night and day. I'm happy again for the first time in my life in at least a couple of decades.

I’m taking 20mg prozac and 150mg wellbutrin I have pmdd and severe social anxiety and panic attacks. It was impossible for me to make eye contact and I felt like I always looked weird when I walked or talked. So I would barely speak or look at people. I felt like I was living in a very lonely world all on my own. Today marks two weeks that I’ve been taking prozac and I’m amazed at the difference. Like most other people said, it does make anxiety worse for around a week, give or take. Probably just the body and mind getting used to the change in chemicals. I now notice a huge difference in my anxiety and mood, and I feel like I finally have a chance to live a normal life and not feel like an alien. I was so stubborn and tried every natural way to “heal” myself, but that did nothing but give me healthier habits, which I’m still grateful for of course. I can make eye contact and talk now without thinking about it, and I don’t feel so crazy and weird anymore. Whoever made this drug saved my life, for real. I wish I would’ve taken it sooner but I’m glad I finally decided to take the chance. I hesitated before because I felt like taking this would be admitting that I’m “mentally ill” and less-than. But that’s definitely not the case. Sometimes your brain doesn’t produce enough of what you need & it’s all good cause there’s things that can fix it. No one needs to know that you take meds

I started having anxiety when I was about 13, and panic attacks began when I was 15. When COVID hit when I was 16, the panic attacks worsened and became consistent. I would have panic attacks daily, sometimes more than twice a day, and the only days I did not have a panic attacks where the days before I had three-five panic attacks. It disrupted my life. Depression became to creep in. At 17, my parents finally agreed to put me on meds, so I was prescribed Prozac. I was diagnosed with a panic disorder. Panic attacks worsened for the first few days. One sleepless night. By the next week and a few days I felt so much better. After almost a year, I went to college away from home, made a deans list first semester, got in a healthy relationship, and enjoyed my job. Never in my short time have ever been happier, and could imagine I could be so happy. Hold in there for a week or two, I promise you it WILL get better. I can count on one hand how many panic attacks I had since a year on the prescription. I used to have 5-10 panic attacks a week, now less than 5 a year. Please do it for your own sake.

My daughter was prescribed Prozac a week and a half ago and it made her feel much worse. So much so that she attempted suicide for the first time this past weekend. She’s a junior in college hours away from home so that makes it even harder. I’ve always heard bad things about Prozac and now my family has personally experienced its negative effects.

The medication did what I needed it to do but to an extreme. My relaxed attitude was multiplied x10, I couldn’t get upset at natural things to get upset about and to others I seemed like a “robot” or “zombie” at times. I never wanted to lose my feelings and emotions I just wanted the bad ones out of my head. I stopped taking it after a month or so.

Prozac has been a literal life saver for me. I've dealt with anxiety and depression since I was a small child. In about 2000 I started having panic attacks and my doctor prescribed me Klonopin. It helped, of course, but I didn't like taking something I could become addicted to, so I stopped it in 2009. For a couple years everything was fine, but then the panic attacks came back even worse than before. I developed agoraphobia and by 2015 I was in a near constant state of panic and became suicidal. Finally, I was able to make it to my doctor (the 20 minute drive was a sheer living hell). I broke down in his office and told him that I couldn't keep living like this. He prescribed me Prozac and BuSpar. I was skeptical of whether it would work or not, but I had to do something about my severe panic attacks. The BuSpar helped a bit while the Prozac took effect. I am now on 60mg per day of Prozac and 30mg per day of BuSpar and it has given me my life back. I still deal with low-grade anxiety, but the panic attacks are gone. I can shower and cook and drive without being thrown into panic. I know we all react differently to medications and our bodies are all different, but I'd recommend that anyone with severe panic attacks give it a go. As I said, Prozac has been quite literally a life saver for me, and I couldn't be happier with my results.

I was put on prozac at 20 mgs when i was in a psychiatric hospital, after leaving the following months were a bit wishy washy and the dose had to be heightened to 80mgs. I love being on this med, im on prozac with a combination of bupropion xr and it definitely has helped me function like a normal human being again

I just started back on Prozac again for about 11 days now. Very bad depression and anxiety my whole life. It just started working some but remember I was on 60 to 80 mg for years. I thought I was all better so I weaned down and off. Big mistake , after about 6 months off everything came crashing and felt worse than ever before. Please don't do that like I did. Hopeful now just in the waiting room waiting for 20 mg to kick in more, but better now but to early to get full effect.

I take it for anxiety and depression. It stops anxiety cold in its tracks, depression symptoms are much better.

I have been taking it for about 3 years now and I am not satisfied I wake up feeling nauseas every day and it doesn’t do anything for me I would not recommend

It made me sleepy, so I took at night. It didn't help increase energy levels during the day though.

not many side effects. i have major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder, ptsd, and obsessive compulsive disorder. it has helped in each area. i used to be on zoloft and it was awful. i was on cymbalta but they just stopped working. this is one i feel really comfortable on and have no side effects with.

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and put on Prozac (10mg then bumped up to 20) for about a month, physically I had a lot of nausea and muscle weakness but nothing extreme, mentally, however, I wouldn’t say it made my mental health worse but it certainly didn’t help. I just kept getting worse and worse and worse until I kinda lost it and got exchanged to Zoloft, haven’t been on Zoloft long enough to truly know if it’s helped or not though. Otherwise, if you’re a doctor make sure you get a full run down of your patient before prescribing anything. And if you’re a patient, make sure you let your doctor know everything about your mental and physical health so you don’t get misdiagnosed. (If you’ve done other drugs or alcohol, let them know! If you’re seeing things, or having bouts of extreme happiness, let them know! Or if you just don’t think [X diagnosis] is correct, let them know! While Prozac hasn’t done me any good, I wish you all well in whatever you’re going through, cheers!

it really helped my depression made me feel less trapped one thing is tho that it gave me extreme hypomania and irritability lots of people told me i was being harsh because i said whatever was on my mind very hyped up before thinking first i stopped taking it and i now have moodswings involving depression again but i feel more free

Using it to treat depressive episodes of Schizoaffective disorder. Been on it 3 months now and there is already improvement.