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Generic Name: Halobetasol Propionate Ointment

Brand Name: Ultravate Ointment

Ultravate Ointment Drug and Medication User Reviews

This ointment caused the skin on the backs of my knees and in the creases of my arms to seperate . I don't know if its the combination with this as well as my lotion but those areas of my skin are now very tender & the appearance is not good .

This is great for poison oak or poison ivy!

This has not worked for mite-like bites around my ankles and feet, arms, and hands. It does not take away the itch any better than over-the-counter Benadryl cream or Calamine lotion.

Ultravate made a noticeable improvement in my psoriasis in just 2-days, and cleared small spots in 3-days. The product does not smell. It has a consistency like a clear Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, so it is best to apply it during the day, because it will come off on your sheets at night. It does not stain fabric. I have only tried it for a couple days on larger spots; spots larger than 2-inches wide and on thicker spots on my elbows, and it did not make a noticeable difference on them in that short a time. I did not try it longer on the large spots, because it is uses up so much of my limited supply. I have experienced great success treating large spots with the ultra-violet light machine at my dermatologist. You can even get a prescription to buy your own machine. The machine is like a stand-up 3-sided tanning booth. You go in in your underwear for 10-seconds, and over several weeks work your way up to a couple minutes. It cleared all my psoriasis completely, and I had it everywhere. Unfortunately, my psoriasis came back because I have several old spinal injuries that will not heal and which cause my psoriasis to flare. It is hard to find a dermatologist that uses the machine. You can buy a full size machine or a small desk-top model that you can just fit an arm or leg under. I am not sure exactly how the machine works. I think the machine emits a certain band of ultraviolet light that is concentrated. I know it is not the same light as sun-bathing, and I think the light is different than that from a tanning-booth; though it looks the same. You have to wear goggles, and build-up slowly or you can get a sunburn. I never had problem and I have very light and sensitive skin.

The ONLY treatment that has worked for severe psoriasis of my hands. Believe me, I have tried everything. So nice to pick up things NOT using bloody stumps!!

I have always had great results from the Brand Name. I have just been told that the Brand Name Ultravate has been taken off the market. Can you tell me if this is true. I am sorry if this does not match the picture, which I haven't seen.

I only used this medicine for my arms and it works very well after a few days only. My plaque psoriasis including the redness disappeared on my arms.

I used this ointment for over 7 years in the treatment of severe pustular psoriasis on my feet. I was not very impressed with its efficacy. Applying it twice a day & wearing socks year-round was not pleasant for a woman in the professional field, but I was told that it was the best option for my condition. The condition never cleared up & worsened each time that I missed an application. I now have a new MD recommending other options- Vectical, Clobex and laser-light therapy. It's too soon to know if these are working yet, but I have high hopes.

Takes time,but it works

eczema on hands, medicine works well to stop the itching. But thins skin really bad.

A persistent, reoccurring, and painfully itching rash on my legs had previously been treated with other topical corticosteroids without significant success. With Ultravate, Within 2 days the painful itching was gone and within a week, the skin looked and felt perfectly normal. I am following a schedule, reducing the application (titrating) over the course of 3 weeks...similar to oral steroids such as Prednisone. No side effects.

I have only been using this once a day for about one week so far, but I can already see a major difference in my psoriasis. I'm very impressed and can't wait to see even further results. It gives hope to psoriasis sufferers.

It cleared up Psoriasis on my foot within a week.

This med worked on a chronic rash that had not responded previously with Elidell.

Used for Granuloma Annulare. The earlier in the condition, the quicker the results. trying thus for new Keloid scarring.

This medicine was prescribed by a urologist to combat a severe skin condition on the penis during a UTI.