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Generic Name: methylphenidate HCl

Brand Name: Metadate CD oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've taken a variety of doses of this medication for about 10 years. My friends, teachers, and family say that they can tell the difference but, I don't feel any different. I am more hungry not less. I have lots of anxiety and depression which my doctor said the medication was supposed to help but, it hasnot. It's really easy to take. I really liked taking it in apple sauce as a child... but anyways I hope that I can get off of the drug soon ... I'm just tired of not feeling anything also, I'm broke so... paying for meds in college is not something I'm looking forward to.

I am 18 and have been using this drug for nine years. Metadate is effective, however, there is a risk of long term brain damage causing depression and schizophrenia like symbots. I have reached that point.

I am a 21 year old who has had ADD for what seems like my whole life. I finally took matters into my own hands and got diagnosed. My psychiatrist put me on this drug a week ago and so far I am loving it! I currently am taking 30mg once a day and might try 40mg just to see if it works even better. so far ive noticed my work has been improving and I find I am able to remember more, complete tasks quicker, and hold conversations without drifting off into my own little world. I have not realized when I start to crash, I can somewhat tell but it has not become apparent to me as of yet. The only side effect I have noticed is my loss of appetite, I am still able to eat but unless I actually think of eating I will forget to do so. I also have noticed a lingering feeling of a headache when I first take it in the morning but so far I have not actually gotten a headache.

My 15 year old son has been taking this for a couple of years now and it works wonders for him. He's in honors classes, competition choir, and theatre everyday and was having a hard time focusing on it all. He is on a 50mg dose but noticed that around 3pm he was starting to lose focus again. From 2:30pm until about 7pm he is in theatre rehearsal so memorizing choreography and lines were getting hard for him to focus on. We mentioned that to the DR and she recommended we try Focalin 10mg at 3pm and it also has worked well. Every medicine has side effects but its nothing he can't handle he says. He can now focus all day without getting upset. He has no problem sleeping with either as well and normally will go to bed around 11pm. Other reviews I've read have been negative towards the Focalin but I would just make sure to watch your child when taking any medication.

My 7 year old began taking this just before her 6th birthday, during the middle of Kindergarten. We were on the 10 mg for about a year and had to re-evaluate after experiencing issues with her 1st grade teacher. We have not had any issues with appetite or weight change. Her academics improved dramatically from the beginning of Kinder to the end of the year. After increasing to 20 mgs 1/2 way through 1st grade, she is still having issues, not academically but socially. She talks too much during class and interrupts the teacher constantly. I'm not sure if her teacher is just over whelmed and doesn't know how to handle someone with ADHD, but it is a learning experience for us all.


Drastic improvements noted in child's behavior. Teacher is thrilled as am I and grandparents.

My 7 year old daughter started off with 10mg for a month we had no loss of appetite or sleep but it didn't last long enough. We never had actual behavior issues during this school year even while not on the medicine but we were beginning to receive complains from the after school program due to the medicine wearing off which makes her 10 times as hyper & slightly moody. So the Dr. changed her to 20mg at our 1 month check up on the 20mg they noted she was 5 pounds lighter & she mentioned not eating in school anymore she is keeping a closer eye on her now & we are due back in another month. But besides that this has been a god sent I look back at it & do not know how I was able to get through a day with her I went the holistic approach for a while but finally gave in during a bad episode that involved her trying to jump out of a moving car. Things aren't always peachy I still have to deal with cranky mornings at least 3 times a week before the meds but ill take that over what I dealt with before. She is a completely different person no attitude, anger outburst or hitting.

Help please! My son has taken the name brand for years and it worked great. Now he is on the generic brand. It's not working. Has anyone experienced this?

My 6 year old son took Metadate for about a year. He was on 20mg, and it worked great except that it wore off after about 7-8 hours. So, he was fine for the school day, but our evenings were really tough. His behavior in school was really great though. The only side effect we noticed was that it really affected his appetite. He was not at all interested in eating or even drinking while the medicine was in his system. But, once it wore off, he would eat really well. As long as he wasn't losing weight, we didn't worry about it. In the beginning, I believe he had trouble falling asleep at night, but that got better after the first couple weeks. One of the things I loved about this medicine was that we could open the capsule and sprinkle the contents on a spoonful of applesauce. My son cannot swallow pills yet, so this is a major plus for us. We just switched meds a couple weeks ago, hoping to find something that works as well as Metadate but lasts longer.

I've been taking this drug since 3rd grade and it works wonders. I'm calm and I talk slower. The best thing I think although is that I can focus on school work and any task at hand instead of getting distracted. My parents and I are quite satisfied with this drug. Also I get a couple of the side affects but nothing that's bad or I can't handle.

My daughter has been taking Metadata CD 30mgs for the last year. It works great. U can tell when it kicks in and when it wears off ,usually around 4:30 it's very hard for her to do homework independently.

My 12 year old daughter has been on Metadate 40 mg one per day for about 3 months and it seems to work well for her. We are still experiencing days when she isn't able to sit still or stop talking (most of the time jumping from one subject to the next,without finishing).

I am taking Metadate CD 30mg 2 a day. I have found out that this dosage works for me. It helps me stay focused throughout the day. I have tried other meds before this one and they did not work for me. Metadate is the only one that I have used that works well. I have no loss of appetite when I take it. I am more focused then ever!

My daughter began taking 10mg July 2011 and is now on 20mg based on height/weight. I have read several reviews about the bad effects of Metadate. The drug is only good for 10-11 hrs and then it loses its effectiveness (as with all drugs). I know when Metadate is no longer working for the day and YES it is usually done with by the time my daughter gets home from school. Jekyle and Hyde, but its doable. Calming/breathing exercises. Before Metadate my daughter was having severe problems in school. Aggression, emotional outburst, etc. Since being on Metadate she is more focused, is excelling, there have been zero behavioral issues in school (aside from talking). I don't want my daughter to be on a drug for the rest of her life, but for right now...this works. She sees a therapist, has a behavioral coach and has been given tools to assist her in making better choices so that she can get off the drug.

full of energy amd focused

I was put on Metadate about a year ago 20mg 2 times a day. It helps me focus on what i need to do such as my school work. I have seen a difference in getting things I need to get done done. I only take one a day because I do not like the way two of them make me feel. I have lost a lot of weight because of this drug. I would say that is one of the biggest down falls about this drug. I have no appetite anymore and I have to make myself eat when I take it. I get dry mouth all the time as well. Over all this drug has helped me in school, work and daily things.

This paticular drug has worked the best for both my kids, one having ADD and one being ADHD with autism. I know its otherwise known as ritalin, but metadate CD releases in the brain different then Ritalin without near as many side effects. I have been a very happy parent with this drug, it has gotton my son into the gifted program at school, to help him focus, and concentrate easier, he is very smart, and gets along with all different kinds of kids.

At the beginning this drug was great I actually didn't start taking meds until high school for my adhd. I am a senior in college now at a very highly ranked college and have found that even with an increased dose the metadate is not working. I do not know if it is my diet now or my lack of exercise because my sport season is over and it is finals but I am finding it very hard to focus on anything and I feel extremely slugish. I am going to stop taking my 40mg over break to try and see if that helps especially with foggy mind feeling I get

My son just stared Metadate CD 10mg once a day 3 days ago. Too soon to make any true evaluation yet. However I have noticed the beginnings of mood swings, and the "zombie" stare. Not to thrilled. Was wondering if anyone had height growth rate problems with their child while on Metadate. When he was on Vyvanse one of the main reasons we took him off was beacuse he was 7 years old and people thought he was 4 years old. No growth in height and SEVERE weight loss. I know the height issue is a minor concern compared to the other major side effects, but in a childs mind it is HUGE and contributes to the problem.