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Generic Name: Methylprednisolone

Brand Name: Medrol

Medrol Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was on this twice back to back after sinus surgery. My anxiety was horrible, panic attacks, still have a horrible migraine now. Caused my blood pressure to still be high. Worst indigestion ever. Triggered my vertigo. Would never touch this stuff again ever.

This stuff should be pumped into the drinking water supply

My reason was not listed but have had crohns but my doctor prescribed the pill pak for headaches. I was getting headache once/twice daily about right eye and temple area, had testing, CT scans and other testing done, my doctor sent me to neuroloogist and prescribed this pill pak and it worked GREAT, my headaches have stopped and very thankful. They would last 1-3 hours and asprins was the only think that would resolve the headaches then at times they would start all over again it was scary. If I had to live like that I was ready to call it quits but thank God I found this doctor who once I defined my symptons it was presto she said I know what will resolve your headache issues and the rest is history, my headaches are gone and even think that it helped my joints in my feet such as toes, and hands anyway had no side effects of any kind and headache free.

Took Medrol for rash.I am 82 years old reaction was terrible stopped after day 2. Could not sleep, heart raced, blood pressure way up sick to stomach, still have some rash would never take this again ever.Dizzy body tingling .

Horrible anxiety, insomnia, headache, body aches, upset stomach. I have been on this drug several times for severe infection of my sinus'and ears... The side effects are ALWAYS horrible. Would not recommend using it unless you have no other choice.

I promised myself I would write a review after reading reviews and getting so anxious about this med. The people who tend to post are people who for some reason have a hard time and are convinced it is the med. They post that they couldn't sleep for days or had a psychotic breakdown or something equally disturbing. The fact is that these people readily admit they are taking other meds and are really sick, so how do they know what really caused their problems? They need to stop and think before unloading their numerous problems on the web. This med worked great for me (6-day dose pack). I was so anxious the night before taking it and the first night that I was the reason I didn't sleep well, not the med. It significantly reduced the pain and the injury has almost completely healed. I actually felt energetic and enthusiastic while taking it. It did more than two trigger point injections, heating pads, and icing. I am a very anxious person and was convinced it was going to keep me awake and wreak all kinds of havoc, and it simply did not. I can't make any guarantees, all I can say is take the reviews with a grain of salt. Read between the lines. And, remember, it will be out of your system 5.5 days on average after you take it. It might be worth an annoying side effect or two.

Taking this for flares of Lupus/Sjogren's/Inflammatory arthritis. I have zero negative side effects. As far as I'm concerned it's a wonder drug and I feel improvement after the first day. The blister pack is easy to use. This is the 3rd time I've been prescribed this and it's worked like a champ every time. Highly recommend.

I suffer everyday with pain from arthritis and inflammation. After 2 days, I felt better than I have in years! Wow, Wish I could take it everyday! once I cut the dose down, however, pain came back.

A horrid experience at a chiropractor left my lower back inflamed and in intense pain. After dealing with the pain for a week I went to an MD who prescribed the dose pak. I was 50% better after the first day and it kept getting better. I'm done today and I have about 90% movement back and greatly reduced pain. Yes I did have hot flashed, sweating and didn't sleep great but OK. Yes I would do it again.

I was prescribed a 6 day 4 mg course for a sinus infection and while it did help with the initial sinus pain could only get through half of it before I had to stop because of the side effects. it resulted in excessive sweating, trouble sleeping, high anxiety (including a panic attack that sent me to the ER), muscle weakness, nausea and shakiness. I can't wait to have this out of my system and back to normal.

used to jump start reduced inflammation/flare up for Rheumatoid Arthritis while I begin a specific RA medication.

I had severe swelling in my right hand that started in my middle finger. Three days later my entire hand and fingers were all severely swollen for no apparent reason. Over the course of those days I took 1000 mg of ibouprofen or aspirin multiple times daily along with my prescribed Meloxicam and had absolutely no difference in either pain or inflammation. I was in so much pain and wasn't able to move my dominant hand at all. I went to the ER where they said it is likely due to RA since it runs on the maternal side of my family and has a very early onset. I started taking the pack not even 24 hours ago and the swelling isn't all gone but it is a huge difference and I'm actually able to use it again. Going tomorrow to get blood work done but I am so thankful that this medication is actually working this well.

I use to get prescribed Prednisone and by accident saw an Indian doctor who prescribed the Medrol pack. I was shocked that that the only side effects I experienced was hot flushing to my face at times. Other than that, this is a miracle drug, much easier to take than prednisone.

I took it for electrifying pain in my back and joint. It really worked so far, I have one more day before I am done. I noticed a difference on the 2nd day. The blister pack is hard to read and it was a little confusing.

I took this for back and been up projectile vomiting for 24 hours now this is horrible never taking this again

Swelling in my hands and feet eliminated in less than 48 hours

The side effects are horrid. I'm on day 3 and have nausea, Diarrhea, an awful headache, and has added to my insomnia. I am also very agitated and a tad bit emotional, which I hate. It has helped alleviate some swelling

I've always had severe eczema, but as an adult, my flare ups only happen during the turn of the season. Medrol Dosepak is always my savior when it comes to my skin. It's easy to take and EXTREMELY effective.

Taking it for severe joint pain. Mostly in my hips. By the 3rd. night, I slept through with NO pain. A skin rash on my chest that I have dealt with for MONTHS, is almost completely gone. So thankful for a good nights sleep !!

I took tablets from a dosepak for gout in my big toe. No other OTC meds had any effect. I have found that taking all six tablets at once on the first day works much better than spreading them out. After about five hours swelling, redness and pain were reduced to the point I could walk normally again and put my shoes on. By the morning of the second day I had 95% relief. No apparent side effects. Great medicine.