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Generic Name: Niacin

Brand Name: Niaspan

Niaspan Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medicine caused my skin to become all blotchy and my doctor said that was a possible side effect. I now have what looks like age spots all over my legs

I took Niaspan for one month and was ok. The second month, I started to feel a burning on my legs, then my legs and arms and one night I thought I was going to spontaneous combust. I was told to stop the drug immediately as I must be allergic to it.

Been taking 3000 mg Niaspan for 9 years which keep levels out of red zone. Added Welchol two years ago, and Chol levels in normal range now... HDL above 80. T-Chol/HDL are below 3.5 for two years now.

Have been taking 1000 mg for years. No apparent side effects. Great results in blood work. Dr satisfied with results. Now I am concerned with most recent studies though.

It cause me to have red man when I took Niaspan 500mg.

My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago with fatty liver syndrome. Since then he's had high cholesterol, rising glucose, fatigue, extreme muscle cramps in his arm and constipation. If that wasn't enough, he was hospitalized twice in the last three months for acute pancreatitis. Since he had a bad experience with statins , our GP decided to try him on 500 mg of Niaspan SR, describing it as some folksy "old school" remedy for cholesterol. Well, less than an hour after the first dose he complained that his face felt hot. Then came three days of stomach cramps, gas, shivering, hemorrhoids so painful he thought he would die, liver pain and the ominous chalk-white colored stool signaling the return of his pancreatitis! I went online and was horrified to discover all the clear warnings and contraidications for liver disease and hypothyroidism which the good doctor overlooked. My husband stopped taking that poison after three nights. I only pray it didn't mess up his pancreas to the point where he finds himself back in the ER.

Started with 500mg doctor increased it to 1500mg liver enzymes and potassium levels went up. I was throwing up and light headed feeling very tired. Doctor took me off Niaspan for 3 weeks and redo blood work.

Along with 160mg of fenofibrate, 2000 mg of Niaspan in 4 months reduced my Chol. fm 243 to 188; TG fm 497 to 107; HDL raised from 35 to 49. Very satisfied.

I have had several things that seemed unusual during the use of Niaspan. I have weakness of legs, pain in legs and joints. Recently I have the hiccups for three days now and no sign of relief. Will stop Niaspan for now and see if these symptoms go away. Statins are worse. I did not read side effects until now so as not to get sympathy symptoms.

I took 500 mg for 8 days. Felt achy and tired, but attributed it to the statins I had just dropped. Then went to 1000 mg per my doctor. Immediately became very lethargic, disoriented and more achy. Have not taken any since. Urine was discolored about 5 days. Aches and lethargy gradually went away after discontinuing.

My doctor recently upped my doseage to 2000 mg a day. Has anyone else had trouble of being tired all the time and can't seem to get enough sleep?

My Trig were over 600, cholesterol over 425. With Lescol they were reduces to TG 400 and Chol 350. With NIASPAN I now enjoy a chol of 180 and a TRIG of 80. The flushing is the worst problem I have and I agree with another patient that this is severe flushing, itching, burning. It lasts about 1 hour. I WILL try applesauce before I take the pill. I have had trouble taking antibiotic with the Niaspan. I break out in hives and I previously had not been allergic to antibiotic. If I only take the antibiotic and not the niaspan I don't have a problem. I was switched to Lescol XL because of the pain in my muscles. Lescol does not involve the liver so I can take it without side affects.

On 500mg per day for 6 months then 1000mg. Chol has come down somewhat but tingling burning skin makes life miserable. Has also raised blood glucose above normal.

I have been taking this drug for about 5 weeks, and have had no problems with side affects until last night. I awoke with my insides absolutely burning up. It lasted about 30 minutes after I awoke. It was so severe I am seeing my doctor in the morning. As good as my results have been (my triglycerides dropped from 250 to 91) I don't know if I can continue with this medication.

Worked well for me , did what said it would do. 1000 MG from the start. No flushing but twisted feeling at times. Took only at night before bed, with other meds for choloesterol. Different country now, My Doc here says experimental drug, very expensive and the hospitals don't stock it. We will watch the ldl and trigliceride numbers, I will take Vitamin B3 if I can find it, reorder it if need to.

Just started taking Niaspan in April 2012, my total cholesterol was 270, my bad cholesterol was 160. After taking it for 8 weeks along with oat bran, in June my total cholesterol was 202 and my bad cholesterol was 131. There is a book called the "8 Week Cholesterol Cure" that I recommend to everyone, and all who have followed its seguestions have received the same results as me. I will continue to take Niaspan.

I have been on Niaspan for a few years now. I am wondering if 1.anyone has found that injuries are more easily obtained and last longer. 2. after years of being on the med, do you aquire different side effects such as a spontaneous burning in the sides of heels just under ankles, nausea sometimes with vomiting, upset stomach, pain in the bottom of feet...i think it is a helpful med as far as the numbers go. I'm just concerned that it's in some way ruining me.

I was on this drug for about 4 months. Did nothing for my Cholesterol level. Never got over the burning from the inside out, extreme redness, and itching. I did the aspirin and benadryl - the benadryl helped some.