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Generic Name: Prucalopride Tablets

Brand Name: Motegrity

Motegrity Drug and Medication User Reviews

Coming from someone who has tried so many different medications (Linzess, Amitiza, etc) this one WORKS. It takes about a week or two to get used to but once you figure out how your bowels react to it, it’s life changing. I experienced a little bit of cramping but it really makes you go regularly. No straining either. Definitely give it a shot!! I didn’t experience headaches like some others have said. This has been amazing.

I started using this medication less than a month ago. Although it did work, I experienced every single side affect that is on the list. I am going to continue it to see how I feel in a few weeks. I have been hospitalized several times because of constipation and how bad it gets and NOTHING works for me. I am hoping that the side affects calm down a little bit so I can continue.

I'm a 50 year old woman that has suffered from IBS-C all my life. Recently I started taking daily Miralax (1T) and started a probiotic. Though this helped my have more frequent BM's 4-5/wk, it did nothing to help my frequent IBS pain (left lower abdomen & sever bloating). My GI doctor wanted me to try Motegrity, but honestly the "potential" side effects scared me and some of the reviews. After getting past this apprehension, I started taking 1/2 of a 2mg tablet at bedtime (as one reviewer said she had done). It's been 3.5 wks since starting the medication and I only had a ibs pain/bloat episode the first 2 days of taking the medication, which hardly had time to be effective in 2 days. Since then, no ibs pain and a daily BM (not diarrhea either). I'm so very happy I tried this medication!!! I've had no side effects either. After using all my samples, now my insurance company does not want to cover a perscription and wants me to try Linzess first prior to approval. I've tried that medication in the past without success. I'm so frustrated that now that I've found my "miracle gi pill" I may no be able to continue due to my insurance company.

This drug works very well - complete and easy bms. The problem is it causes CRUSHING and SEVERE suicidal ideation. Like the most suffocating depression you can imagine. So - use with caution, especially if you have a history of mental illness or have reacted badly to SSRIs in the past. It is no joke. In my opinion you should let someone you trust know you are starting this drug because it is that serious.

I struggled with constipation all my life. After normal bowels for over a year after having my daughter I had a particularly bad time with severe nausea bloating, gas and you guessed it! Constipation. It seemed my good luck was running out and the constipation seemed to be steadily increasing. After taking the 2mg trial - it made the bloating and distention worse. Also the nausea and headache is pretty brutal. Tbh, it only worked for 3 days but each day that has progressed I went less and less. I hate meds that make you dependent on taking them, hate even more that it made my constipation worse. At this rate it's been maybe a week since my last official bowel movement and I had to take laxatives, do yoga for digestive help, and was conscious of having a balanced diet. Its like my intestines seem to have stalled out after taking this, the "mobility"/parastalsis doesnt happen without it and my stomach just doesn't know how to work normally anymore. I'm very sad about this. Skip it.

I originally started taking this in 2012 when I was experiencing severe smelly gas and constipation. It worked beautifully for helping me have complete, well-formed bowel movements. I no longer need it consistently as I rely on more gentle, natural treatments. But sometimes my system gets really thrown off and motegrity comes to the rescue to get me back on track. The first night whenever I go back to taking it I get a headache and insomnia. It only lasts one night and the benefits feel worth it.

This drug work for the constipation, but the stomach cramps and pain were excessive for days after use. Stopped taking after two weeks. Will be switching to another laxative.

Taking truLance And motegrity Plus dulcolax and fleet glycerin enemas in am. Sienna and MiraLAX at night. After all of this I generally fully evacuate but lots of am nausea and cramps. Since I have treatment resistant constipation and had felt ill all day every day, it’s worth it

Gave me deadly Diarrhea with horrible dehydration. 1 of the most horrible laxatives I have ever taken.

I was lucky enuff to come across a Docs comments on the Web who has been using this drug on his patients with a great amount of success. I followed his regimen exactly and it has worked great for me so far. Here is what I did: 1: Dosage: .5 mg. Get a pill splitter (Wal-Mart has a good one) so you can get exact, even cuts. I have the 2 mg. size tabs that I split into 4 pieces perfectly.This .5mg dose not only works great but the side effects have been minimal. I have a slight headache the next day. Just slight, not a big deal. That has been my only side effect. I have great motility again and have a complete, smooth BM which I haven't had in years. 2. Only take on an empty stomach before bed and at least 4 hours minimum since you last ate anything. this is key, VERY important. 3. For best effectiveness try to get 12-13 hours before you eat again. 4. This is a VERY powerful drug and I have found that you don't have to take it everyday. Right now I've had good success with every other day. 5. Don't be afraid to experiment. If, after a few days .5 mg.doesn't appear to be working try 1 mg. But from what I have read and from my experience .5 mg. works very well for the majority. Good luck.

Initially was somewhat helpful but became ineffective over a few weeks. Caused severe headache for me, as well as suicidal thoughts.

Made me incredibly ill just a couple hours after first dose, insomnia, sweats, muscle spasms, nausea, etc. Had BM the next morning, and everyday after... so it works- still hoping I'll adjust

Daily use for 7 weeks. A little results for first 10 days, but NO results since and VERY severe gas, bloating, abdominal pain from this. Not going to refill for 3rd time. Hence, did not work for me at all.

After taking linzess for 2 years, it finally became ineffective. My doctor sent me home with a sample of this and trulance. After mediocre results from the trulance I moved on to this. The first night it took it I woke from a dead sleep drenched in sweat and in so much pain I was afraid I was going to have to go to the hospital. It was so painful that I was sure my appendix had ruptured or something as major as that. I also had an awful headache that I canâ??t shake. Itâ??s been 24 hours since Iâ??ve taken it and Iâ??m still so bloated and in so much pain any time I eat. Iâ??ve never felt any pain like this before and pray I never do again! I know this sounds extremely dramatic but it gave me some comfort to see reviews that showed symptoms like mine werenâ??t uncommon. Hopefully Iâ??ll be â??recoveredâ?? in the next few day. Yikes.

Causes extreme and I mean extreme excessive gas! Its so uncomfortable! Does not work that great.. I would not recommend at all.

I've been taking 2mg every day for 6 weeks. The first week I was delighted -- 2 BMs in one week! I've suffered constipation my whole life (40 years) and this was the first med that worked -- at least it worked for that one week. I had the 3rd BM a week later; the 4th 2 weeks later, and this was only after going back to taking Mirilax every night. Same again 2 weeks later. My extreme bloating has not been reduced at all. Yesterday I resorted to an enema and triple-dose of Mirilax, I was so in pain from bloating. Side effects: no headache or dizziness, but I am being treated for depression and am feeling myself slip back into it. After being given all the samples my doctor had available, I've gone through applying for prescription assistance with the company that makes Motegrity since I can't afford it ($450/month!) and my insurance won't cover it. I expect to get approved for no-cost purchase, but now I don't want it, even after all that work. After so much hope this would work, it's a huge disappointment. Don't bother trying it; it doesn't work.

i was given this medication on a Friday and had even more severe bloating than usual. The next day I had a bowel movement however the severe bloating and stomach discomfort is too much I had 2 Mg maybe a 1Mg would be better?

Four days - nothing.

I have not used to bathroom for a BM on a reqular bases for longer then 4 years I have been to many drs and have taken all kinds of medicines that gave me NO help at all I have finially found a Dr that found out what was wrong not just give me medicine to take but ran test to find out what wrong I have CIC that means my colon does not work the way it is suppose to then she gave me Motegrity. The first time I took it in the AM I was in soon much pain I could not leavey home headache for 2 days stomach pain and feeling umcomfortable so I decided to take it at night the pain in the stomach is still there I have not used the rest yet still waiting just keeping my fingers crossed that it will work for me