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Generic Name: Sitagliptin and Metformin HCl

Brand Name: Janumet XR

Janumet XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

After what could only be described as persistent violent explosive diarrhea with metformin - I’m grateful to my endocrinologist putting me on this medication. I have had zero side effects in 2 years. My numbers are well regulated ( 80-115) almost always - on just 1 tablet with dinner. I get full labs done every 6 months and no adverse effects. I will say this - I haven’t had any weight loss benefit from it. I’m overweight but not in the obese category. 20 lb lost would have be right at target weight.

Janumet is a Poison Pill that causes pancreatitis, headaches, high blood sugar, keeps pancreas inflamed, joint hurts! If you take this poison and start having issues Janumet Poison is causing your issues! Beware!

I was prescribed this medicines 3 months back and I am using it. My fasting sugar levels were between 7 and 8 before taking this and after the levels have improved to between 6 and 7.

Not working well at all

This medication I am sure right now has saved my life. My number have very high with insulin. Very little side effects right now in 3 months. Have now increased to 2 pills a day.

First time in along time my sugars are at normal. could not afford at first but Merck gave me 1 years worth for free. They are a great company


Janumet was a waste of money no difference then taking a placebo and Metformin. Dr. switch me to Janumet due to allergic reaction to various vendors version of Generic Metformin. The only side effects were: on occasion would get diarrhea and constipation at the same time, weight gain, slight fatigue and once every month my joints would (very crippling) ache from my toes to my head. I was using Generic Metformin for several years and was starting to show progress which included weight loss and stable blood sugar levels until a vendor was bought out by another vendor then the next refill of generic Metformin from this new vendor began to emit an odor of rotting dead fish. This stinky version of Metformin caused several side effects: Constipation, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, shakes, blood sugar spikes, sweats, shivers, memory loss, heart palpitation, blurry vision, abdominal pain, insatiable hunger for sweets, fits of rage, rashes, hives, migraines that would lead to bloody nose and a state of catatonia. Reported it to FDA after trying several different generic vendors and coming up with the same stinky Metformin, but they never replied to my complaint. That's when the Dr. switch me to Janumet at $140 a refill when I just needed a good source of $11 a refill Metformin. Which I never did find here in the States had to go to Mexico for them.

After taking this med for 4 months, I began to pass complete pill in my stool 90% of the time. Not usual side effect is happening occasionally, but NOT this often. Too expensive to pass, not to mention not getting benefit of medicine through non absorption. Looking to have doctor change ... too bad as I was happy with results up until the past 2 weeks.

it has helped me lower my blood sugar numbers

I take Janumet as a preventative medication. I take two tablets daily. I used to take Victoza, but my insurance does not cover it any longer. So, my doctor put me on Janumet. I have been on it for nine months. I have not lost any weight on it; however, I have been able to maintain me weight on it, but not lose any more. I have to admit, as a serious symptomatic person of PCOS, it has helped me tremendously. I am almost back to normal to having my menstrual cycles monthly. It is great, just not for losing weight like Victoza.

Like this hoped, for better control.

I have taken for about 3 years now and am doing wonderfully.

Regulated blood sugar for 5 days, then big jump in blood sugar for no apparent reason - could not get it regulated - also had intestinal discomfort

I have been taking this medication for 1 week and I want to lie down and die. I cannot remember feeling this bad. Between stomach ache, nausea, and overwhelming sleepiness I am scared of continuing. I have discontinued on my own and have made an appointment with another doctor.

Have found after continued use and added OTC supplements for blood sugar control this medicine is working well. Much better numbers most in the normal range of 80-110.