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Generic Name: Sodium Picosulfate Oral Solution

Brand Name: Clenpiq

Clenpiq Drug and Medication User Reviews

It was very effective to clean out the bowels for colonoscopy. Not worth $150 to basically $**t it out. If you have a weak gag reflex its coming up.. Its very salty and bitter taste. I dont know how people think its sweet. I had to chase each gulp with apple juice and puked a little up. It did its job is all o can say about it.

Hmm good thing I read the reviews. This is a powerful laxative and I figured out the full recommended 2 doses might be overkill. Im a 145 lb woman and a little prone to diarrhea. I realized the first dose was super strong and flushed out my bowels pretty good. I was a little worried about dehydration or too much stimulus. So the next morning I only took like half the bottle. Excellent move. Doctor said I was clean. The full 2nd bottle would have possibly caused too much diarrhea, vomiting, etc. If what you are passing is mostly water, you are probably cleaned out enough. If you don't agree, no worries but I did just fine w 1/2 of the second bottle of prep. They dont tell you but some people cannot handle the full 2nd dose. I could have been really sick taking such a powerful laxative on an empty stomach w an empty bowel.

I am a 53 year old woman this is not my first rodeo. But it is the first time I’ve used Clenpiq And I was very happy with this prep! Very easy to use, no cramping. Would highly recommend.

44 year old male who needed a endoscopy and colonoscopy to deteremine why I was feeling nauseated and had blood in my stool. Long story short, I used the Clenpiq as instructed and it worked. Two small bottles the first I took at 4pm the day before. Started working within an hour and I stayed on the toilet for the next 4 hours. No weird cramps just a quick urge and stay close to the bathroom. Slept for 6 hours then woke up and took the second bottle and it finished the job over the next 3 hours. First colonoscopy and the doctor said I was cleared. Remove several Polyps and I feel better. (need to remove my gallbladder but that is a different issue) Don't be scared to use this product just chug each dose all at once, drink the non stop fluids and stay close to a toilet.

On prep day it was crazy that I had to get up at 2am to drink 2nd bottle then stay up for the resulting cleaning process. Now Over a month since my colonoscopy and I still am experiencing watery diarrhea and have to go several times a day. Have started probiotics but not helping much. NEVER again will use this product!

Any item as simple as this should not cost $ 191 for one dosage/cleanse. This drug is not rocket science. We should always report drug companies that are ripping off the consumers. I will recommend that my doctors DO NOT prescribe this cleanse. Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a nasty company that is gouging the public.

It caused explosive , uncontrolled diarrhea. I vomited up the second dose but was still adequately prepared for the colonoscopy. I feel it was too harsh for my 77 year old body. I also got a migraine, which I’ve had before, during the prep.

I took as prescribed and had to fight the urge to vomit all day as well as feeling hot and cold at times. After the second dose, I was able to keep it down for over an hour and then the vomiting started. My bowels did not move at all until 16 hours after the first dose and then not much. I had to cancel my colonoscopy because I wasn't cleaned out. I am still feeling lightheaded and sick to my stomach after three days. I done many preps before and never had this problem. I will never take this one again.

It worked to clean me out but a week later after my colonoscopy I am still having some loose stools. I would use it again as it was easy but recovering from it has not been that easy. Day after I didn't poop on Sunday I went every 15 minutes for 3 hours and was advised to go to urgent care. I did and I was a little anemic from the biopsies taken. Normal few days and today is Friday and loose stools again. My husband is getting me probiotics right now as per my doctor. It is an easy prep and I only drank ONE bottle. Not 2. I am very sensitive to laxatives. I did have 6 precancerous polyps removed and for that I am grateful.

I have never been so sick in my life. I felt like I had a severe case of the stomach flu. Nausea, dizziness, migrane, vomiting. What's worse is that the side effects lasted long after the procedure was over. The anesthesiologist gave me Zofran before the procedure because I told him how sick this stuff made me feel. Even after that I went home dizzy and sick. It took about eight hours after the procedure to even feel half normal again. It was absolutely terrible. Tell your gastro doctor you want something else for your clean out procedure. I'll never use this again. Ever.

severe nausea and vomiting never take this

I just underwent my first colonoscopy and was prescribed ClenPiq for the cleanse. I was extremely nervous as I do not do well with anything medical related and I have a very sensitive stomach. I worried needlessly. The solution does not taste nearly as awful as the horror stories I heard and read. It reminds me of medicine taken as a child as it is very sweet. The bottles are small (5.6 ounces) and I used a straw which I placed towards the back of my tongue. This got it passed most of my tastebuds and then I just washed it down with an apple juice chaser. It did not make me feel sick to my stomach. It did take a little while to work for me (6 hours) which my doctor said was longer than normal, but once it worked it did its job well. I experienced minimal cramping once the "fireworks" started. I had four bouts which almost completely cleansed my colon. I was then able to go to bed for the night. In the morning, I repeated the process. Had no upset stomach or even minimal cramping with the second bottle. This medication did a gentle but thorough job of cleansing my colon and I highly recommend it. Don't be scared - get the colonoscopy! It is the responsible thing to do to make sure you live a long and healthy life. If I can do it, anyone can.

I had a horrible experience, severe vomiting, racing heart, and ultimately ineffective resulting in a cancelled colonoscopy.

After I took second dose before colonoscopy, I was up all night long - could not stop voiding and was still going and going on empty at the colonoscopy center. After my procedure, I developed IBD like symptoms - now ten days later, I am still wakened in the middle of the night with urgency and new IBD like symptoms. My gastroenterologist says it’s due to damage to the intestinal flora. I have no idea how long it will take to recover.

Recommended by my health plan for colonoscopy prep. Two 5.75 oz bottles of laxative, cranberry flavor (only one available), a little syrupy but tart, not salty or sweet -- fairly palatable. No mixing. Activated by nine 8 oz cups of water (72 oz.) or other clear liquid suggested from list which is 24 oz. LESS than other preps. Very tolerable and effective. Overall, easy to take and worked like a charm. But if you can't stand the taste of cranberries this prep is not for you.

I was very hesitant in taking Clenpiq after a horrible bowel prep experience with a different medication 3 years prior. The taste is not bad, but it definitely isn't in the running for one of the 31 flavors! The first bottle of Clenpiq worked fairly quick, but it was the second bottle that went to work in about 15 minutes! There was no nausea with the first bottle, but the second bottle made me feel like I was going to hurl, never did though. Clenpiq made me feel more dehydrated than the other bowel prep medication I used in the past, 4 days after and I still feel dehydrated. Clenpiq also made me feel really gassy, which is not something you want; you cannot trust that it's "just gas" feeling and it lasts for a few days after use.

I stayed on a low fiber diet 3 days prior to the prep. I was afraid of the prep after everyone saying the "prep" is the worse part of a colonoscopy. I was pleasantly surprised! It tasted like a weak Margarita mix. Not bad at all. I took my time drinking the first bottle. It took me about 15 minutes to sip it all down. It started to work quickly. I followed it with 40 oz. of Organic Lemon Pedialyte over 5 hours. The clean out was gentle but frequent and steady. I didn't stray too far from the bathroom but it was not explosive. The second bottle I did the same timing followed by 32 oz. of Pedialyte. All and all it was not as bad as I feared.

After reading the reviews on this site, I was quite nervous about using Clenpiq. I have a phobia about vomiting, and that was absolutely my worst fear. But I had no trouble at all, and it worked. 2 days prior to my colonoscopy, I stopped eating solid food and only at liquid. I am already dairy-free, so my diet consisted of bone broth and drinks. The day before, I switched to all clear liquids. I did refrigerate the Clenpiq (oops), and that seemed to help with the flavor. It is super sweet, and it's obviously an artificial sweetener. I am used to that because I drink a lot of diet drinks. I can tell where someone who is not used that aftertaste would be bothered. I did as others recommended and made sure the straw was at the back of my mouth, and I held my nose when I was actively drinking it. It really wasn't bad - I was expecting way, WAY worse. It took about 30 minutes for my guts to start gurgling. Things started happening about 30 minutes later, and that continued for about 3 hours. 3.5 hours after I drank the Clenpiq I went to bed and slept. (I had heard horror stories about people having to sleep in their bathroom.) 4 hours before my colonoscopy I drank my 2nd dose. That took about 1.5 hours to start to work, and I had some SLIGHT nausea, but I believe that is because I was drinking so much liquid. Again, I was nervous about having to use the bathroom on the way to the center since things started working so late, but it wasn't a problem. I did use it one last time after I arrived there, but I think they have everyone do that. That time it was clear and yellow (up until that point it was still kind of clear and orange). Everything was clear for my doctor to see. I had a very good experience with Clenpiq!

Today is Friday and my procedure was Tuesday. The cleanse is still working! Nothing I eat stays on my stomach. Waiting for my dr to call me back with advise. All was good no polyps. just divi holes :o)

The worst part of this medicine was reading these reviews beforehand. Scared the heck out of me. It tasted fine and the effects on me were as advertised. No unusual side effects. I took it yesterday and early a.m. today. My procedure was this morning. I had a light lunch after my procedure and I feel ok.