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Generic Name: Suvorexant Tablets

Brand Name: Belsomra

Belsomra Drug and Medication User Reviews

i was so scared of taking belsomra that my dr prescribe me... took one tablet last night and i have the best sleep in my whole life ..no vivid dreams , no nightmares , a very natural sleep took it at 9:30 woke up at 7am ..minor drowsines still drive to work ..

I am glad I read everyone’s reviews. Makes me feel more human like ?? I have been on this for about a week now after being taken off ambien by my doc- boo! It’s weird for me some nights it works and some nights it does the opposite and there is no consistency. The dreams are strange but I am pretty used to that anyways and there is no fog the next am which I do like. I just want to sleep! Idk what else to try at this point. I have tried eVeRyThInG!!! Ambien is the only thing that really work all the time not sure why the docs and big pharma have to take me off something that works! Just because they have a newbie drug to try out?! And it’s expensive as hell- can’t afford it, I am in a sample pack so I guess I should be glad it’s not a miracle pill! Hope this helps someone like y’all’s helped me?? -Exhausted

Took temazepam(restoril) for atleast 20 years. Never ever abused it, and i am a recovering addict, and i slept GREAT 5-6hrs a night. Insurance wont pay any more cause I take 1 clonazepam daily also. I've only taken this (ick) for 2 nights. Wanted to try it for 7 days, before making judgement. 1-have not slept in 2 days, 2-left side of face paralyzed. I've already had 1 stroke at 26, NOT drug or alcohol related. Been clean 31 years. I want my temazepam back. Sick of insurance co. dictating to my psychiatrist what I can take and what can't.

Belsomra did not help me to get to sleep. Once I was asleep my quality of sleep was better. But anytime I had to get up during the night it was hard to get back to sleep.

Total opposite effect. Took it for 2 weeks and it kept me up every single night

Prescribed Belsomra 10mg I was tired the first night I took one and after I took it I was wide awake. I took one last night at 10:00p, tossed and turned until I got up at 3:15a. My doctor told me to take them for two weeks. I though sleeping pills were to help you sleep right away. I would be a zombie by then. I tired Trazadone for two nights and they did the same thing. Belsomra with insurance was $50.00. What a waste of money!! I feel like I forget more the last two days as well. I have taken cough syurp ( Trying not to get addicted) and it helps better than the pills.

Worst sleeping medicine I have ever taken. Do NOT Take IT

Cause me to talk out loud and physically punch and hit and kick. Need help.

Only sleep aid that does not Lower my blood pressure. I did not do well on ambien cause B/P issues and I would get up at night and not even remember next day. $$$price for belsommra decreased so that is great news

I have tried everything almost that can be prescribed over 20 years also natural stuff, meditation, hypnosis, Nothing much worked or it turned me into a zombie..temazapan worked well but now with change of drs they wont give it to me anymore. I was prescribed belsomra with orders only to take 1 and no more. Well it didnt work. Came across them in the medicine Cabinet recently and with nothing else in the house decided to try 2 20mg . They worked beautifully. Took 2 half hrs to work and only got up once for a toilet visit. Not drowsy in the morning. Thank you for giving me my life back.

I've struggled with sleep for a long time. I have little difficulty falling asleep because I'm exhausted, but I awake within a couple of hours and then continue waking multiple times during the remainder of the night. My doctor said this medication would help me stay asleep. It did not. I continued waking many times during the night - maybe even to a greater extent than without the medicine. I had some vivid and confusing dreams, as well. I sure wish it had worked. I'm so tired all the time.

Please ppl. This medication is not a Boo! drug. It had No affect on me. Only Ambien works for insomnia and doctors lie too. From my own experience, Ambien continues to be the only effective medicine after 12 years of use. I've tried this Belsomra, Lunesta, Trazapine, Trazadone, Sonata...Only Ambien works!

Every drug works differently for different people, but Belsomra simply does not work for me. I actually think it keeps me from sleeping. I tried it because I didn't want to build up a tolerance for Ambien. Tried 10 mgs with no effect, then 20 mgs 4 times, getting no sleep 2 out of the 4 nights. No more.

Started with 10 mg dose and tried it for three days. It did not work for me. Just laid in bed the whole night, stressing about getting sleep.

I suffer from insomnia and was prescribe this medication 20mg... This was the worst!!! I had terrible nightmares the first night, so bad that I was screaming out and talking in my sleep. I finally woke up and felt paralyzed, I could barely walk... I had a severe anxiety attack in the middle of the night. The side effects of this medication is HORRIBLE. I spent $75.00 for a 30 day supply and will never take this again. Be cautious.

I was prescribed 10mg belsomra a week ago. It helps, but I feel like 15mg is an effective dose. With 10mg it helps my quality of sleep but I still sometimes wake up after 5 hours. What I respect about the drug is the new type it is. It doesn’t produce that euphoric of an effect so it seems a bit less addictive than like Temazepam, which is consistent with what my doctor told me.

I've taken a 10mg tablet for the past week. Never have had trouble falling asleep but I've had chronic maintenance insomnia for years. I've tried various hypnotic meds such as Ambien but they leave me groggy with rebound effects. I've tolerated Belsomra very well. I wake up slightly groggy but refreshed. I'm really surprised by all the 1 and 2 star reviews I've seen on this site. so far, it works well for me!

Have had chronic sleep issues for about 20 years and tried at least most of the OTC sleep aid and others like Trazodone and Doxepin, Ambien, etc. Anyways, I was doing the 10mg and things were fine until I didn't sleep for about a week and had a seizure (never happened before) and spent a few days in the hospital. Nothing came back conclusive. Neurologist bumped me up to 15mg and I take something my GM prescribed Doxylamine. I don't take caffeine, minimized my use of alcohol 4 hours before bedtime, meditate daily. When I sleep, I feel rested and at least no mood swings like I used get when I'd self medicate with lots of alcohol and cannabis.

I started on this medication for inability to fall asleep. I did fall asleep but had wild dreams and every 1.5 to 2 hours I had to get up to urinate. Easily fell back to sleep, but did not feel rested after having to get up so many times. I like my Ambien, but was advised to not take it because of a conflict with another medication I am on.

This drug gave me major anxiety at night. My stomach was in knots, my hands were shaking, My legs twitched and I actually forgot how to swallow. That doesnâ??t sound scary, but itâ??s terrifying. It was like my mouth and throat were paralyzed. Very very scary stuff.