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Generic Name: Trandolapril and Verapamil ER

Brand Name: Tarka

Tarka Drug and Medication User Reviews

Over 20 yrs. ago my b/p was 200/140. I had chest pains and terrible headaches. Tarka eliminated the pains and headaches. B/p was reduced by about 15%. I take Tarka 4/240 twice a day. Trandolapril is the only ACE drug that doesn't cause a bad cough. I also take Toprol XL and Aldactone to reduce my b/p to normal range.

The only concern is the weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

The medication is working but I experience conspitation and hair falling out.

its the only medication that lower my blood pressure i have tryed several others that did not work

Just does not seem to work that well for me I still have to take 2 other bp pills benicar and bystolic to control bp.

Makes me a little tired. Causes E.D.

I have taken this medication for several years and until the dosage was increased there was only minor drop in blood pressure. I am still not convinced that this medication is all that good for the cost.

My only question is when will generic come out and what if any draw backs will there be to switch to generics?

In as much as my bp has gone down drastically, I pay the price by having chronic coughs and feeling light headed. Went off of the drug for 2 weeks,the results were..increased energy, no coughing, no headaches or feelings of being light headed...BUT, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE came back. Afraid to take anything else, living with the side effects while at the same time attempting to lose about 15-20 lbs. in order to completely come off of bp meds. all together

tarka has worked but need a generic pill that does the same, G.O.

Expensive as well as ineffective. Switched to generic trandolopril and verapamil. Much cheaper but still not helping lower bp.

started on Tarka 10 years ago I am at the highest dose it does help with BP except every 3-4 years need increase in dose no place to go now with this drug it is expensive but my insurance will pay at lower rate helps some. Be nice if was cheaper.

No problem, it has worked for me. But it is too expensive. Like to get one cheaper that works the same.

Really has lowered my bp...only thing I noticed is my hair has started to thin out since i started...I take 2/240mg, anyone else experience this?

I have taken this for almost 19 years, only recently the original does 2-240 stopped controlling my bp. Switched to 2others, will go back to tarka at a higher dose dispite the cost.

raised pulse