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Generic Name: acetaminophen-codeine

Brand Name: Tylenol-Codeine #3 oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed this medicine for a tooth ache and thought it would help me until I visit my oral surgeon. I took it as stated, every four hours depending on pain and I have not seen any relief as of yet from my toothache. It seems to ease for a temporary relief but I can still feel all the pain as before. Maybe it works better for mild or moderate pain definitely not for a severe tooth ache.

The first time I was prescribed T3 I had just had part of my toenail removed and it worked out well for the pain, I could only feel the pressure from swelling put again no pain. This week I was prescribed it again for pain caused by a severe tooth infection, same results, no pain just the feeling of pressure. This time however I am experiencing side effects, specifically nausea. I cannot blame it entirely on the T3 though as my two other prescriptions for the same tooth also have nausea as a side effect. I will say that it seems to be lasting longer than I was lead to believe because I have only taken it before bed and donâ??t need the second dose in the morning as recommended.

I(f20) just got my wisdom teeth taken out and I am post op day one, they prescribed this to me after surgery and when my IV started wearing off, I took one T3 and it helped my pain moderately, I took another one (as prescribed, you can take 1-2 every 8 hours) and it helped a lot more. I haven't slept well at all though despite scheduling the T3s before I sleep (I took one before bed.) which is disappointing but not unexpected. Today I have been taking one T3 every 8 hours and my pain is manageable and I do not feel the need to take two anymore. I also do not have any feelings of addiction but I will tailor off this medication on the third to fourth day to avoid that or as my pain lessons. Addiction also runs in my family so I feel relieved that I am fine. I hope this review helped you and I should also mention I got all four removed and I have a good pain tolerance... in my opinion. Anyways thank you.

had a total knee replacement. I do not do well on most pain meds. this work 100% for me.

Took this medicine fell asleep woke up dripping sweat , pale grey color , nausea and my hand muscles stiffened to the point I couldnâ??t open my hands they turned like gimp.. had to be rushed to the e.r by a ambulance (doctors think Iâ??m allergic now )

I was prescribed this for wisdom teeth pain and it does nothing..ibuprofen works better. All I can say this pill does is help me sleep

Dentist love prescribing this because it makes them feel like they're doing something. It does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing.

I've been taking tylenol 3s for a week now. I was prescribed them after getting my bottom two wisdom teeth removed. They do well to get rid of the pain, for about 2-3 hours. Which is stupid as they're supposed to work for 4-6. After they wear off they seem to enhance the pain I'm trying to get rid of. They also give me extreme constipation, nausea and stomach pains.

I had surgery to remove a cyst in my lady parts. This medication doesn't not help with pain at all and half my face swelled up after taking this medication. I went to the er and waited 5 hours to be seen by timr a doctor seen me my fsce want swollen anymore amd i was told I was fine... anyways I won't be taking this medication ever again.

Was given this for a severe toothache. What a joke. Baby aspirin is more effective then this.

I normally get Norco from my primary md

I was prescribed this after having bunion surgery. There was little, if any, pain relief. I had to go to the ER (unrelated issue) while on this medication and the doctor there told I might as well just take regular Tylenol instead of this

Very little if any pain relief.

Instead of relaxing me I got agitated. The codeine got rid of my inhibitions but increased my anger.I violently snapped at the delivery guy for being 4 hours later then he should have been.codeine should calm you down.then I went to attack the pharmacist for giving me pills laced with crap.thank god i stopped myself. I don't believe that these pills don't have something added to keep people from enjoying them.time on meds 1 day.

This medication is a joke. They gave it to me for sciatica or pain from my lower back to the foot. One side onlyl. I have been suffering for 2 weeks now and I can cay say that it kind of effective after 30 minuter of taking 1 pill. It lasts only about 40 minutes. It only reduces the pain a little bit. You continue suffering.

Switched over from Vicodin to Tylenol #3 for moderate to severe back pain. Pain usually goes away within 20 minutes one pill usually last all day or night.

I have been using this drug for almost 25 years now. I only use it when my arthritis gets to almost the point of unbearable. it works very well and usually only use two or three doses spaced 10 hours apart then might not need it for several weeks.

I was prescribed this when I went to CareNow for stitches after cutting my hand open. I've been in constant pain for two days now. I have chronic migraines with nearly constant neck pain so pain is nothing new to me. I expected that the pain medicine I was prescribed would alleviate the pain in my hand at least. This Tylenol 3 is a joke. I even went back for a check up and was prescribed Naproxen in addition to Tylenol 3 as an anti-inflammatory in the hope that the pain would subside. I'm not sure what type of pain this is supposed to address but it doesn't work on neck pain, headaches, migraines or hand pain. I've been on this medicine for three days and the first night I woke myself up moaning every two hours from the pain.

Had to take it for a abcess tooth didnt help much with the pain and it seemed to wear of quickly,which sucked considering you could on take it every 4 to 6 hours.Also made me feel drunky sick had to lay down and couldn't move around a lot because the Sicky feeling it gave me.