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Generic Name: fluocinolone acetonide oil

Brand Name: fluocinolone acetonide oil otic (ear)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve been using this medication for itching in the inner ear for over 10 years. I use it on an as needed basis. Apply 3 drops & the itching stops within minutes. 100% effective every time.

I have taken this medicine for 2 days. I don’t know how but I feel dizziness as well as vertigo effects. Though I had head injury 8 years back and had a severe vertigo problem but it was almost cured. I guess it does have good effects in itchy ness in ear. I am not sure I should continue this medicine.

My seasonal allergies made my ears itch to the point where I had redness, flakes, and sometimes bleeding. My ENT Dr. prescribed this med and using it as drops in the canal made me dizzy, but swabbing with a q tip dipped in the medication eliminated that problem. Works great! Only need to use it once a week during allergy season.

I cannot believe I went for two years with what felt like ants in my ear. The doctor prescribed this. Although I doubted it would work, nothing else had, I was amazed. Immediate relief. I use it for occasional flare-ups and it stops it immediately.

Gave fast relief of pain and itching. Now I use it about once a week. First thing I have had that worked. May accentuate tinnitus.

I was suffering from rash for 10 months and this was the only thing that brought me relief. The relief was such that I overused it and unfortunately it thinned my skin considerable. I ended up finding out that was causing my rash was my blood pressure medication, so I am cured now and no longer need Fluocinolone. Would I use it again? Yes. Would I be more carefully? You bet it. way....way more careful.

With my prescription coverage, it only cost $10.00. I am so happy my Dr. prescribed this. I had chronic ear itching, to the point that there were days I wanted to rip out my ear. Since using this (two) days, my itching has subsided. I feel so much relief!

What my concern is and I haven't been able to find supporting documentation...but I also suffer from Tinnitus. During a period when my ear eczema wasn't "prevalent," and I wasn't using the drops, my "ringing" seemed to be softer. After a recent flare up and my renewed use of the oil, my Tinnitus returned with a vengeance. Does ANYONE know if tinnitus is a possible side-effect of this oil? I haven't been able to find that listed anywhere.

This medication has been a lifesaver for me - the same as most other posts, out of control, crazy ear itchiness. I would always keep a Qtip, pen cover or bobby pin around just so I could itch my ear - it was insane. Within a week of using these drops, the itchiness subsided, now I use it bi-weekly as a precaution. It didn't work effectively until I started putting the oil on a Qtip and inserting it in my outer ear that way - worked miracles!!

I haven't used it yet, but I got a good price from GoodRx online. Only $23!

my daily life is so much happier with this treatment! I have struggled with itchy ears for years, and finally decided to do something about it! As far as i can tell, no side effects and it really works for me. I have not used a q-tip or scratched, except two times early on in my sleep! I feel like a cure happened! Thanks to my ENT dr!

First prescription three years ago cost me $33, next prescription was over $200 and I cannot afford it.

great stuff. but it cost me 95 dollars and that was after humana paid over half the cost.

I have suffered with external ear eczema for over 20 years. I had tried cortisone and many other ear drops and ointments. Nothing worked. The ear canal would crack, bleed, itch, ooze. Nothing helped very much. I started this oil a few years ago. My ear was much better a few days after starting these drops and stopped cracking and bleeding within a week. Now I use it once a week and have no problems.

I absolutely hate putting drops into my ears, but the results have been well worth it. Been using this med only a day and I am feeling a difference in the severe psoriasis I have had in my ear canal for years. Wish I had done this sooner. My ears were so inflamed they would ooze and bleed I was in such discomfort. It was very expensive, but worth every penny.

I have been using the DermOticOil Ear Drops for about 4 days. Stopped the itching that occurs during allergy season in ears and throat. Experienced fluid retention and swelling in legs and feet.

I had ear wax build up so bad that I was back in my Ear Doc's office every month to have it removed. Plus it was clogging me so bad that I couldn't hear half the time. This has been going on for 3 years! This oil cleared it up completely!

I have used it three times. Today I got very dizzy and thought I was going to faint. I sat myself on the floor for a short time. Took my blood pressure which was OK. I looked it up and that is one of the rare side effects. Not sure if I want to continue use.

Great stuff IT releived the itch instantly but messy to use