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Generic Name: hydromorphone

Brand Name: Exalgo ER oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have had 2 back surgeries-have herniated discs (one pressing on spinal cord),severe spinal stenosis, DDD, arthritis, bone spurs, and an autoimmune disease that causes back and joint pain. I've been on just about every medication (except morphine because I'm allergic). I am taking 32 mg of Exalgo a day plus 8 mg of dilaudid twice daily for breakthrough pain. I've found that it works, but I'm still in a lot of pain. I've noticed a lot of people take it twice a day, so I'm going to ask my PM doctor about options. While this is one of the better medications I've taken,I'd like to have more relief. Exalgo doesn't make me high or go through withdrawal if I miss taking it by a few hours.

I have been on Exalgo 32 mg. twice a day for over a year and I take Diladud 8 mg for break though pain. It has been good up to a point but now I find I ahave built tolerance to the meds.

I've been taking 32 + 16mg of Exalgo once a day for over a year but my insurance just denied this med to treat the severe lumbar pain (osteoarthritis due to birth defect & fractured spine). 4mg of Dilaudid as needed up to 8/day for breakthrough pain is also very effective. The approved alternates are not as effective as Exalgo but they're cheaper for the insurer; I've been cursed with having to take opiods for about 15 years now and would love to be rid of them but surgery is contraindicated. I highly recommend Exalgo for long-lasting relief from severe pain. 6-8 hours per day of complete relief is a gift!

i have had 5 spinal surgeries 3 back and i also have had 2 titanium disks, put in my neck c-5-6 and c-6-7.I have bin on severe pain meds for 17 yrs now. i get exalgo thru the manufacture because i am 100% disabled.

I might as well have swallowed a TicTac - no relief of pain whatsoever.

I have had 2 spinal fusions from L3-S1 and have spinal stenosis. Had tried several narcotic pain meds orally, injected, and patches that never worked sine age 13. Then Exalgo ER comes into my life and I finally feel like I can live again. Was on 8 mg for four yrs and they just moved it 12 mg. I work 2 jobs, live a productive life and only have to use Dilaudid 2 mg tabs once every few days for break-through pain. I will agree that this medication contributes to the symptoms of insomnia. However, I'm a night-owl anyway.

I have been in chronic pain for about 8 years due to herniated discs at L5-S1, 6 spinal injections, physical therapy and subsequent failed discectomy. I have a Medtronic neuro-stimulator and it has worked for about 50-60% of my pain (my new pain mgmt. doctor says there is better technology now). So I need pain meds to get me to just a 2-3 on the pain scale. I took Oxycontin (as much as 120 mgs. twice a day) and Norco (6 a day) for breakthrough pain. After the implant, I weaned off the oxy. My new pain mgmt. doctor said taking the instant release drug was not a good idea in addition to the tylenol I was ingesting everyday. So he put me on 12 mgs. of Exalgo (I received the generic). I have been amazed how well it is tackling my pain. Not perfect but as much or more than the Norco. And I never have that let down, I am always feeling good. It really does last for 23-24 hours. Amazing. For the first 5 days, I felt dizzy and sleepy. But today, I feel full of energy and it is so nice to wake up feeling good! I would recommend this to anyone who has chronic pain with a narcotic tolerance. It is so much better than looking at the clock waiting for your next dose so you can feel good.

It made my mouth & feet numb. & it did not help very much with the pain, I also had to take Percocet for break through pain. I don't understand using 2 meds for pain relief, so it is obvious that exalogo er is not effective if another medication is needed to work for back up pain, it just made me very tingly in & around my mouth & my feet also tingly, to the point of feeling like I could not walk.For me this was not a good choice in mdications.

I just got this and it cost too much for me

Prior to Exalgo 12 mg I was on 6 mg dilaudid every 6 hrs a day then 2 mg every 8hrs for breakthrough. I do not feel this medication if holding me as the previous medication has done.

The treatment with Exalgo has released me from the opiate haze caused by OxyContin/Oxycodone. I no longer worry about the narcotic nod, and burning my house down. I'm far more alert, and even though it's not stopping the pain, it makes it tolerable enough, so I can enjoy my grandchildren. Some days, depending on the pain, it doesn't work at all. The pain gets so bad, that I take it a second time. I don't notice any relief at all, and with memory issues, I wouldn't remember taking it; I'd repeat it, and couldn't tell the difference. I do have GI disease, gastroparesis, that could be responsible for this. The drug works well when it works. I find it works good on bone and muscle pain, but not so much on neuropathic pain. The damaged nerves in my body don't respond to this drug. Smoking medical marijuana does more to help the nerve pain.

This is the most effective pain med I have ever been on. I don't know if their time release mechanism is unique, but I find that it really does last at least 22-23 hours. I remember to take the next dose every day when I feel it start to wear off. Only problem I have is that it makes me sleepy - even after several months. May try a lower dosage.

I was put on this RX after changing pain Mgt.Doctors and this RX has helped me a lot. No side effects yet, been on it for 1 year.

I am on the lowest dose and honestly its so ineffective for me....I have an appt next week so they gotta do something why oh why cant they make a medicine that works?? and why are chronic pain pts treated like criminals all the pee tests and counting the pill...so tired of all this

I have phase 3 pancreatic cancer. After a bit of experimenting on strength, starting with 16 mg & settling with 32mg, we have the pain under control. I am currently experiencing shortness of breath accompanied by a feeling of panic as I force myself to get oxygen by deep breathing. We will be addressing this along with sudden episodes of requiring an immediate need a short nap. I have had no other noticable side effects. This drug has been a blessing as I was taking other fairly strong non-time release drugs that were not working; breakthrough pain was debilitating & quality of life with very little quality.

This has been a godsend for me! L1 thru S1 are all bulging w L4 & L5 torn but not ruptured (yet), Sciatic nerve pinched on both sides due to L4 & L5, CRPS, fibro and neuropathy. Take this in the morning then add Norco 10's and 4mg Zanaflex 4 times a day; throw in 1200 mg Neurotin per day, and .5 xanax (up to 3 a day) and my life is worth living most days. I won't say it's the be all/end all of meds, but once the right combination/strengths are found it helps more than anything else has other than IV Dilaudid.

I want my Exalgo Back!!! This has been the most effective medication for me so far. I have been on several narcotics and this one beats the rest in regards to nausea, drowsiness and other annoying side effects. The pain control was consistent throughout the day instead of the ups and downs of some of the meds taken 3-4 times a day. Unfortunately I can no longer afford this medication. I have had to switch to Morphine ER and its up and down effects suck. I cannot wait for this to become generic

This is the only pill that has brought my husband any relief....he has been on everything. It has brought some hope to my husband in regards to living a normal life.