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Generic Name: insulin NPH isoph U-100 human

Brand Name: Humulin N NPH U-100 Insulin (isophane susp) subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

experiencing unwanted weight loss.

Did not lower my sugar enough

I use Humulin to control my dog's diabetes. It has worked very well for him with twice daily injections. He does not mind the injections at all, as he is always given carrots and/or celery as a treat before and after his medications.

My dog uses this insulin, he is a chocolate lab 65lbs. Used to be 85lbs. Having a lot of trouble regulating him. He gets a shot 2 times in 24 hrs. after meals.

My dog uses this medicine for her diabetes and has adequate control with twice a day injections. With such a small needle for 7 units she does not mind the injection with a treat afterward. She is rat terrier, 21 pounds. I am very pleased that the cost is not prohibitive.