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Generic Name: paclitaxel

Brand Name: Taxol intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My husband started taking this, alongside Caroplatin & radiation for Adenocarcinoma (non-small cell lung cancer). Treatment was on weekly basis..... 1st treatment went great! 2nd treatment, started gasping for air, face turned red, began convulsing, eyes rolled back into head, etc. He was asleep when it occurred (5 min into treatment) & didn't remember a thing when he woke up. They insisted he continue using... 3rd treatment, same thing except this time he turned BLUE & it happened 6 to 8 min into his treatment (instead of 5 min). This time he recalled starting to feel dizzy, light-headed, and nauseous first, then felt a tingling followed by numbness in how right hand, then nothing. Both times he had these reactions, he needed oxygen and saline ("fluid resuscitation")!! And both times he was supposedly given a mixture of cortical steroid, anti-allergy, and 1 other thing (3-in-1) dose prior to each treatment to counter any possible reaction but I guess it didn't work. Needless to say, they are changing his chemo drugs. His 5x5cm tumor didn't react to only radiation after his 1st week of it. However, there was noticeable difference after his 2nd wk of radiation & 1st week of chemo. It's just too bad his reaction was to serious to continue receiving this regiment.

My husband died 15 days after receiving this toxic stuff. Started deteriorating about ten days after treatment; had to be taken to the hospital as could not breathe. Lived for four more days in ICU. Came to the hospital with extremely low blood pressure and not one white blood cell. This stuff should be outlawed.

I went through 18 weeks of Taxol, with carboplatin added every 3rd treatment. Chemo ended Feb 2016 and the neuropathy keeps getting worse. I fell right before my last treatment because of the lack of feeling in my feet and broke both my ulna and radius which required surgery. My neuropathy is not improving, it's getting worse. My feet and hands are always tingling with needles poking into them. I must walk with a cane to avoid falling not to mention the pain that messes with my days and disrupts my sleep. This medication should be removed from the approved list.

10 minutes into the first treatment my mother had a serious allergic reaction. IT Stopped her heart and she was basically dead and was revived thankfully. She spent 4 days in the hospital. she is very active and seems to be in normal health, but she vowed to never try chemo again because of this! IT WAS a HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!

I was being treated for invasive ductile breast cancer in 1 breast. I had a double mastectomy as my other breast had a mass that came back as atypical, but not cancer. I had cancer in one of my lymph nodes. I can't comment on effectiveness as this treatment had to be stopped after 2 of 4 infusions due to severe nerve damage. I had four (4) infusions of AC (every 14 days) with no major problems. After first taxol I had a rash on my face and head within half an hour after treatment. Within a week I had shingles. After the second treatment my blood counts were low and the 3rd treatment was delayed for one week. However, when I went for the 3rd treatment my oncologist stopped the chemo because by that time I had trouble walking from the nerve damage in my toes and feet. Also severe tingling/numbness in my hands and fingers and on the left side of my lips and tongue. I had dizziness and vertigo. I fell twice (not from dizziness but my legs just gave out). I had muscle aches in my legs so that I could hardly walk. I lost my appetite, and I was extremely constipated. It is now about 6 weeks from when chemo was stopped (and that was 3 weeks after my second infusion) and I can now hold a pen and write, but my fingers and hands are still tingly. My feet and toes are still numb and tingly and I still have no appetite. I walk 30 minutes a day as per suggestion of my oncologist, but I do so with my husband as I lose my balance and am unsteady at times. I am still constipated and take miralax at least once or twice a week. Though not as severe, my tongue and lips are still tingly and I can only taste certain foods. My oncologist told me that if I had had more taxol, I might not be able to walk.

I had DCIS Stage IIA breast cancer. I first received doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide, four infusions every other week via a port. After those infusions, I started what was supposed to be four infusions of paclitaxel every other week. Immediately after the first infusion I had, and reported to my oncologist, numbness in my hands and feet. The same thing happened after the second and then the third infusions. The numbness increased with each infusion. The numbness was so profound by the time I had received the third infusion that I went to my oncology visit ready to refuse the fourth (scheduled) infusion. The oncologist decided to stop the infusions, but it was too late. I am now ten months past my last infusion, and the CIPN has not resolved in the slightest. I am very resentful that my oncologist did not adjust the protocol in any way during my treatment with this drug. I stopped seeing her and am now seeing a different oncologist.

My husband started Taxol 5 days ago. Earlier chemo has not hit him like this one. He said he feels like he has been hit by a truck...every bone & muscle in his body hurts. He is so weak and fatigued from it that he sleeps a lot, and even that is hard for him to do with the pain. He was advised not to take any pain meds. like tylenol, aspirin, aleve, etc., because they counteract the chemo, but I am going to ask assistance from "palative care" for opioids if necessary to help him with the pain. My heart aches for him. I so hope the CANCER is being killed in the process...if so, I guess it will be worth it. ???

After 1st treatment, I had severe, mind-numbing bone pain for 5 days. Ten minutes into the 2nd infusion (today), I had an alarming allergic reaction, which brought nurses and my oncologist running. They stabilized me with more IV steroids and oxygen. They didn't continue the taxol Tomorrow morning they will give me ALL the stuff that reduces allergic reactions, then give me taxol slowly with oxygen and steroids at the ready. I hope it works- I don't want to change my treatment and lose ground because I only have 2 out of 8 chemos left. (4 AC and 4 T) Breast cancer- grade 2A/ IDC/ ER+, PR+

This drug Taxol is no joke it takes your appetite,makes you very tired, turns your skin different colors.

The first couple days I feel fine after treatment. My first treatment my legs ached bad, tired, and just felt bad after my second treatment I started having sever tingling and itching (neuropathy) in my hands, feet and vaginal area. Had to skip my 4th treatment for body to heal.

This is the most toxic drug i have ever have had put in my body. I had such a severe reaction my hair blew away literally the day after my 1st infusion, that's getting ahead of myself! I broke out in massive hives from top of head to tip of toes i had to go on heavy steroids, then scratch my skin off for 2 wks. To top it all off, my legs started to feel painful and numb, then my hands and feet then up my legs! Well guess what I developed NEUROPATHY AFTER THE ONE DOSE OF THIS CHERNOBYL COCTAIL!!! Then on to doxirubicin, it's now 2 yrs later and I'm a 2 time survivor, with double mastectomy. Neuropathy, from Taxol, and heart problems from doxyrubicin. Make sure u know what you are having put in ur body! Weigh pros and cons. Be an advocate for ur own health, ask ???. Write everything down, or bring somebody with you to visits and have them take notes. Read all about meds before you take them. Tell ur doc u want full disclosure of everything!!! Good luck.God bless. Hope for a cure.

I just started it on yesterday it was my first day.

Orig. dx with mets to spine.Did A&C when first diagnosed and made it through okay, but was very happy when it was over and had a complete response. Took aromatase inhibitors for 1 year, then PET showed mets in chest wall and liver. Took Taxol with minimal S/E; annoying neuropathy in feet was the worst part but tolerable. PET after 6 months showed NED! But the very next month an MRI showed tumors in my chest wall again and now, just 3 months later, a new spot on my liver. So Taxol worked well for me and I tolerated it well, but it worked only briefly. Now I start Xeloda. Hope it works and lasts a lot longer than Taxol.

Dizziness, leg and feet aches, swelling of both feet, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, complete hair loss, exhaustion,

fatigued,vague Gastric distress/poor appetite but still able to eat.I think tolerance was fair.I was not sure what was caused by this verses Carboplatinum

when i was on taxol the tumors stayed the same size after switching to a different drug they have enlarged

Tumor es getting small. is my 5th. doses and don't feel bad. I loss hair, a feel sometime tired. But so far no bad I hope is work for me.

Was using Abraxane but became very ill. My oncologist changed my treatment to Taxol. So far I am a lot less ill. Just have had flushing of the face on the second day only. Oherwise not much trouble.