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Generic Name: Actiq (fentanyl)

Actiq Reviews

For Pain "I have horrible nerve pain. Neither Vicodin, OxyContin, morphine, or any other opium-based medicine worked. Plus, my body had gotten used to the other pain pills. The Actiq was AMAZING! It almost completely rid me of the pain (1000x stronger than morphine) and it is measured in micrograms (Mcg), it is so powerful. It was perfect for my burning nerve pain and nerve spasms. Easiest drug to get BOTH chemically AND mentally addicted. Be careful."

For Breakthrough Pain "This medication was like a miracle for me. I'm on two other narcotics, but they hardly touch the pain. With this, I feel as good as I did 13 years ago before I became disabled. Use responsibly as your doctor prescribes. This is by far the most relief I've ever had."

For Breakthrough Pain "Used several years ago. I was prescribed the fentanyl patch for 72 hours (3 days). Actiq was prescribed for breakthrough pain. What a Godsend! Finally, research supported that people have differing degrees of metabolism, and my patch was changed to every 48 hours. Still, fentanyl in the patch for around-the-clock pain control WITH the Actiq lollipop-type medication for 'breakthrough' pain was a lifesaver. I was a mother of 3 boys with the severest form of neck, back, and fibromyalgia, putting my pain level off the charts. This med allowed me (after taking a dose of Actiq) to 1) go grocery shopping, 2) take, pick up, and volunteer for a whole hour, 3) cook dinner and go to church, and lastly, 4) participate in activities lasting 1 hour."

For Breakthrough Pain "I have sinus cancer (twice), and I am left with recurring 'ice cream headaches.' The relief from Actiq has been virtually miraculous. It takes effect within minutes, and it doesn't make me feel as medicated as I did with Vicodin. One of the best things about Actiq is that I can regulate the amount of medication to match my breakthrough pain level. I don't have to take a pill, wait 45 minutes, then realize that it isn't working. Take yet another pill, and (another) 45 minutes later realize that I am over-medicated relative to my pain. When my doctor asked me how I was getting on with the Actiq, my answer was, 'Actiq gave me my life back.'"

For Pain "I have been on Actiq for over 2 years. I've been on the same dose the whole time, and I must admit, without it, I would be bedridden and contorted. Actiq is a very serious medication that each prescriber/user needs to be educated, responsible, and accountable for. I truly thank the good Lord for it because my quality of life has improved tremendously, without it, my life would be full of pain and agony, and I would be just a shell of who I am now. So, Actiq is great, just use with care!"

For Pain "My experience with Actiq was like a miracle. I get many very severe migraines, especially when I am in a stressful, rushed situation. Some of these occasions are holidays, birthdays, etc. I would try to prepare ahead of time, but frequently I would get a migraine. When a bad migraine doesn't abate after the usual rescue and pain management medicines, I would take Actiq, without it, I can't participate with my family to help with any preparations, spend any time with them, and can't even sit down to have a meal with them. After several times of a ruined holiday or special times with family, they either forget you or resent you. Children don't understand at all. So, the next time there's a special event, you get nervous thinking of it."

For Breakthrough Pain "4 major back surgeries. ALL failed to relieve severe chronic pain. DOZENS OF OUTPATIENT procedures, nothing worked. Finally diagnoses Severely Permanent Damage to Nerves & Discs (3 removed, 2 destroyed) in Sacroliliac & upward area containing Nerve & Disc Damage that cannot be resolved with Surgery, "Failed back surgery & Severe Chronic pain syndrome." High natural resistance to opiates since a child, made worse by tolerance to opiates at a faster than normal rate. During the 20 + years of severe chronic pain, the intro. of Aqtiq was pivotal. Best things, 1.U control relief level (save rest of sucker 4 later) 2. SPEED! Very fast relief from BREAKTHROUGH, debilitating pain..."

For Breakthrough Pain "I have used fentanyl for about one year for breakthrough pain when using Embeda or 120 mg of oxycodone as the primary medication. Actiq works extremely fast and quickly takes down the pain and related panic. I can also easily moderate the amount of fentanyl by removing the lollipop once pain relief has been achieved, thus avoiding overuse. I do not get the typical drowsiness of narcotics from fentanyl. My only complaint is that it is relatively short-acting and usually worn off at about 2.5 to 3 hours. As a result, I often have to use a less effective medication for breakthrough pain and need to ration the fentanyl."

For Pain "I have been a pain management patient for 4 years now. I am very sensitive to many medications, and there are not many pain medications that I can take because I have such adverse side effects from them. The Actiq lozenge works very well for my breakthrough pain. It works very fast to relieve my pain, and the good thing is that I have control of my medication intake. Sometimes it is not necessary to use the whole dose, so I never have to take any more medication than I need."

For Breakthrough Pain "overall it has been good, I'm on oxycontin 3times a day long lasting, then actiq for breakthru, it works much better than oxycodone and I don't get sick or lupey from it, however I do on occasion need to take 2 lozegers as my doctor refuses to up either my long lasting or the actiq, don't understand as I am on very low doses and have been RESPONSIBLY taking pain meds for more than 7 years now. overall a very good pain med."

For Pain "I've had chronic daily cluster headaches for about 35 years. Actiq is the only med that I've tried to offer near-complete relief. I've been using them for almost five years, and they still work as well as the first time. For me, a true 'miracle drug.'"

For Breakthrough Pain "Mostly good but my pain would be worse at night when trying to sleep. I would take a dose and due to the 20 minute time to dissolve properly, I sometimes fell asleep with it still in my mouth which over time has done massive damage to my teeth nearby the cheeks in every quadrant of the mouth. The dental work required is in the ten thousand dollar range which I can't hope to afford. As a mid aged man who is divorced, this causes problems with the ladies and I don't blame them."

For Breakthrough Pain "I was essentially mis-prescribed Actiq when I should have been getting fentanyl patches for my cancer pain. This caused problems with both bolus dosing (transient overdosage) and build-up of opioid tolerance with the Actiq that have not been nearly as great a problem with fentanyl patches. Other patients may have different experiences; however for chronic cancer pain, the patches might be considered before use of Actiq."

For Breakthrough Pain "When on this medication, along with a long-acting pain medication, I feel this helps to wean down my pain levels."

For Pain "I would not be able to perform the daily routine of tasks that I have before me without the help of actiq during the day."

For Chronic Pain "Used after surgery because allergic to morphine. Very good results."

More about Actiq (fentanyl)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (14)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Actiq drug information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Actiq prescribing information
  • FentaNYL, fentaNYL Citrate (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Breakthrough Pain
  • Pain