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Generic Name: Asacol HD (mesalamine)

Asacol HD Reviews

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2008 treating it with Canasa and Protofoam. It reoccurred in 2010 which had to be treated aggressively with prednisone, Asacol HD, proctofoam and Canasa. I did not continue taking the Asacol HD because of the price. My ulcerative colitis reoccurred again in 2011. Currently, I am taking prednisone plus 3 Asacol HD a day and am very satisfied with the medicine. No side effects for me. Once the prednisone is finished it's Asacol HD forever to prevent flare-ups/maintenance. Great medicine."

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I use to be on Asacol 400mg, but they stopped making or something. So, I've been on Asacol HD 800mg for about a year. I think it's the best for me, because I really haven't had any severe or major side effects from the medicine. It is doing the job it is supposed to do. I've been taking Asacol for over 20 years. Never had to try anything else, but for some reason they want me to try Imuran, and I don't like what the reviews are saying about it. Like they say, if it's not broke don't fix it. Overall, I've had some flares over the 20 yrs., but nothing is worth me having to get use to another medicine."

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "Diagnosed with UC at 21/22 years old. As disease progressed, updated diagnosis to Crohn's Disease. Daily dosages of Asacol HD 800 since medication manufactured. 2021-2022 medication difficult to locate. Recently without medication for 14 days and Crohn's symptoms started to appear sending me between bathroom and bed. Ate baby food. Obtained medication on 15th day and symptoms subsided. Now, eating normally within one week. Dosage 3x day without food. Crohn's into remission as medication stops inflammation."

For Crohn's Disease "I feel that this medication is of a big help to me. I have had crohns since 2004. I have good days and bad days more good than bad. I can not take any of the new treatments because I have two auto immune disorders. And I feel the risk is to high of bad side effects. I control my crohns with my diet and other otc meds that helps me deal with crohns better. The only problem I have is weight gain. I can not gain weight. Other than that I can live with it!"

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "Diagnosed with Crohn's at 42. Took Asacol till a couple years ago. It was no longer available. Now on Asacol HD. Works well and no flares in 2 years. Price is expensive. Our insurance just sent us a letter they will no longer cover it starting next month. Gastro doc will be switching me to another name brand (Lialda). I hope it works the same!"

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "Works great for me. No flares in years."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Have not noticed side effects. Diahrrea is less frequent (1-2x/month) and is over in shorter period of time (2-3 hrs, max 6 hrs). No accidents."

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "Only been on it one week, but it is starting to work! No nausea like I had with Asacol 400 mg."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Asacol did not work well for me. It was no different from generic. I switched to this from Lialda to save money but it didn't work and I had to switch back."

More about Asacol HD (mesalamine)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Asacol HD drug information
  • Asacol HD (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Delzicol, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Asacol HD prescribing information
  • Mesalamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Delzicol, ... +3 more

Other formulations

  • Asacol

Related treatment guides

  • Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance
  • Crohn's Disease, Maintenance
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Active
  • Ulcerative Proctitis