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Generic Name: Avonex Pen (interferon-beta-1a)

Avonex Pen Reviews

For Multiple Sclerosis "I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2011 and have been taking Avonex since (the pen kit for the past five years). At the time of diagnosis I was having severe electrical sensations from my neck all the way to my toes when my neck was flexed downward (lhermitte's sign). My other symptom was numbness in my fingers and toes. After my first month on Avonex the electrical sensations stopped, as did the numbness. The only symptom I feel now is very slight occasional vibrating/tingling fro my neck sometimes for short periods, and chronic fatigue which I have learned to manage well. I used to get the flu-like symptoms from Avenex 3-4 times per year, but have not had any symptoms from Avonex in several years. My neurologist said I have had no new lesions or disease progression over the past 9 years. And Biogen covers my $120 copy every 28 days. I am very thankful for Avonex!"

For Multiple Sclerosis "I have been using Avonex since 1999. It has given me a wonderful quality of life with MS. I began using the pen for my injections when it first came out and have never had a problem until the past 4 months or so. My wife gives my injections and there have been 6 pens we could not get to inject despite her putting both thumbs on the button while standing and using all of her strength (she is 180 lbs.). We have also had about 5 pens that would finally inject after this same procedure but have caused me tremendous pain because of going so deep into my leg. What has changed with the design/manufacturer? This is causing us both tremendous anxiety on shot night."

For Multiple Sclerosis "Avonex is good because it's once a week; the Pen makes it so much more convenient. Unlike my experience with Copaxone and Rebif, I have very few (if any) site reactions. I have used Avonex in all it's forms (powder you have to mix yourself, prefilled syringes, and now the Pen) and the Pen is the only one with almost NO flu-like side effects! Love it!"

For Multiple Sclerosis "Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 32, apparently the sweet spot for diagnosis. Started taking Avonex about 10 years ago and welcomed the Pen, haven't had any MS symptoms for over 3 years. Still get 'flu like symptoms'. I take extra strength Ibuprofen before injection and it helps to make life easier to handle."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I started on Betaseron when it came out. I changed to Avonex when it came out mainly because it was once a week. I get the side effects of flu like symptoms usually a few hours the next day. I have continued to be active and no new lesions. It has worked for me so far. I'm 60 so I have been blessed."

For Multiple Sclerosis "After Diagnosis of MS in 2008 I researched the available MS medications. I choose Avonex my brain lesions have decreased and shrunk. My symptoms have improved. I have not had a relapse. This medication has been a God send for me. Now I will have to switch to another medication because of insurance. Am researching the approved Meds and none are meeting my needs. I believe in Avonex,"

For Multiple Sclerosis "I have been using Avonex since October 2008. When the pen was made available, I was ecstatic!! This meant I didn't have to rely on my husband to do the syringe injection, without seeing a needle, I could do it myself. I used the pen for about 2.5 year's. In that time, several mishaps occurred, the blue button wouldn't work, the needle fell out, the final problem:the needle stuck in my leg after pulling the pen from my leg!!! Needless to say, I am back to depending on my husband again. The flu-like symptoms are the same with both forms of injection. I would go back to the pen in a heartbeat it was been improved and dependable."

For Multiple Sclerosis "Worked well for 17 years but after the Covid-19 vaccines; it didn’t help against developing 13 new lesions within a 4 month period"

For Multiple Sclerosis "Been on Avonex for more then 10 years. The flu like symptoms just never get better. In bed for 2 days sick with fever. However, I had no major flare ups in years!"

For Multiple Sclerosis "I been taking Avonex for eighteen years. I called it the wonder drug. I've got my life back and I feel great."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I just went to take my injection when I went to push the plastic down to get the needle ready, it was stuck and the needle pushed through my index finger. It went through my finger."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I can't stand the avonex pen It sticks and you don't get the full dose. The needle is small, does it routinely inject in the muscle? Prefilled syringe is better."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I have been using Avonex (in one form or another) since 1998. The pen is so convenient. I pray that I will always be able to have access to this medication."

More about Avonex Pen (interferon beta-1a)

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  • Reviews (13)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: interferons
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Avonex Pen advanced reading
  • Avonex Pen

Other brands

Rebif, Rebif Rebidose

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Other formulations

  • Avonex
  • Avonex Prefilled Syringe

Related treatment guides

  • Multiple Sclerosis