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Generic Name: Azo-Standard (phenazopyridine)

Azo-Standard Reviews

For Interstitial Cystitis "I have used this medicine for flare-ups. It helps a lot with the symptoms of IC. I was wondering if anyone else gets a very dry mouth and extremely bad muscle spasms in your feet and legs. The spasms are pretty bad at night, and I only get them when I take this medicine."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I have suffered with IC for over 11 years. This over-the-counter medicine has given me temporary relief like no other. Easy to find, reasonably priced. When the urgent care clinics and the emergency rooms can only treat the pain temporarily with major side effects, Azo does much better with no wait, major adverse effects, and turmoil. It is definitely a godsend! It won't cure, but while you are waiting for treatment, it definitely provides calming results that are so welcomed. Wonderful product!"

For Interstitial Cystitis "I have used this for years off and on during flare-ups of IC. Besides making my urine a 1970s throwback color of orange, over the past year or two, Azo Standard has upset my stomach. Not enough of a problem to do without it, but enough to avoid food. It does work to rid me of the urgency and burning sensation."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I use Azo-Standard whenever I have issues with antibiotics or other medications that leave me with a feeling of frequency and/or generalized discomfort. Azo-Standard has always helped greatly, especially at night or anytime I have to sit for long periods, which can usually lead to pain and discomfort."

For Dysuria "Man , this does nothing for me but turn my urine ORANGE . It made my stomach hurt extremely bad . Like , it made a knot in my stomach where I couldn’t move . I had a heat flash and all . It was horrible . Seriously"

For Dysuria "I've always had good luck using this for bladder pain... although I read where the active ingredient phenazopyridine HCl has been found to cause intestinal cancer in laboratory rats and liver cancer in lab mice... this is concerning to me and should very well be to all. Just an FYI."

For Dysuria "This medicine is a godsend! I'm 20/F, 140 lbs, and I frequently have pain at the very bottom of my urethra, which Azo soothes every time. However, it makes me quite nauseous if I don't take it right after eating, and it makes my mouth taste strange and chemical-y. If you are considering taking this, make sure you stock up on black panties (or jammies) as it will stain everything."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I have had Interstitial Cystitis (IC) for decades now. Soon after diagnosis, I was I terrible shape and severe pain all the time. I went to a GYN who specialized in IC and had DMSO treatments. They helped tremendously. I also started to do treatments at home. It is difficult to do by yourself but helps to ease the pain! After that period, it was trial and error on meds and foods and I ended up taking Vesicare (generic form). Try to manage citrus, spicy, and particularly tomatoes but I love them. I adore fresh summer tomatoes and Italian food. I pay the price when I eat them too close together or too much but AZO saves the day when I start burning! Nothing like those little red pills and you can get them OTC. Now, the main problem I have is bladder control; more specifically, no bladder control. The urge comes suddenly and many times I don’t make it Looking for answers."

For Dysuria "I found this to be incredibly helpful. I developed a urinary tract infection on a Friday night and had to go to work an hour later. Within an hour of taking AZO, I felt much more comfortable. It can make you feel dizzy. Therefore, I recommend taking the pill with a meal. My minor complaint would be that I found the time it took to kick in and wear off to vary greatly each time I took it. However, totally worth it. Warning: take an antibiotic when you can. AZO will make you feel better, but only temporarily."

For Dysuria "My pee is obviously orange. I wore panty liners to prevent staining. Relieved the urgency and burning sensation however after my second dose on both dose I had excruciating episodes of kidney pain. Like instantly dropping to the floor, Not being able to do anything but cry for five to ten minutes until it was over. Nausea and hot flashes also. It served it's purpose but was definitely uncomfortable."

For Dysuria "Azo is an awesome product for urinary tract infections that come on all of a sudden. It's been a Godsend for me on two occasions. The first time I used it was a year ago when I had a bad burning sensation from a bubble bath product I was allergic to. Then recently, I woke up on a Sunday with a terrible urinary tract infection. Without this product, I would have been in screaming pain until I got to the doctor."

For Interstitial Cystitis "This is a godsend for episodes of intense bladder pain that come with my interstitial cystitis. It takes about an hour to work, but once it kicks in, it kicks butt. The downside is if I take this on an empty stomach, I throw up. Also, anything this pill comes into contact with becomes dark orange, and once it’s in my body, all my body fluids are dark orange too. Even tears and sweat have a color to them."

For Dysuria "This was recommended by my doctor to help with abdominal pain I was having because of a UTI. Every time I take this it increases the pain substantially for 30 minutes or more. After that the pain subsides though it's certainly not gone. Time to try some other pain killer."

"This medicine has helped me a number of times. I frequently get urinary tract infections and this makes me capable to work and do pretty much anything other than lay in pain. My only problem is that I wish there was a way to know when it's wearing off. Sometimes it lasts longer than others."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I have gotten pretty good at avoiding trigger foods and drinks, but I still experience IC flare ups every couple of months. When I do get flare ups, they are pretty horrendous. AZO does not completely take the discomfort and pain away for a severe flare up, but I can function enough to not have to put my daily life on hold. It helps enough for me to be able to sleep, and drive in the car for much longer than a short 20 minutes. When I first got diagnosed, I was experiencing much milder flare up for extended periods of time- during those mild to moderate flare ups, AZO just about completely masked my symptoms. Orange urine is a very small price to pay for the amount times these pills have saved me!"

"I was experiencing a UTI maybe every 8 to 12 months because of a fallen bladder, I have to be very careful. And I got on the urinary tract Health one that helps cleanse and protect. They're easy to take they don't bother me at all but I read on the internet where this particular one could possibly cause a calcification which could cause kidney stones. I do have smaller stones but I don't want to aggravate this situation . Has anybody had this problem?"

For Interstitial Cystitis "Like others have said, this product is a godsend and I truly can’t live without it. I've dealt with UTIs for nearly all of my adult life. The only downside is it takes nearly 5 hours to kick in for me. I just resign to sitting on the toilet until the pain eventually dissipates. I drink loads of water, hot and cold. I've tried an empty stomach and full - there is no variance. I’d love some advice on how to make it kick in faster. I can’t really suss out the reason."

For Interstitial Cystitis "This product is a godsend. It helps so much with my interstitial cystitis symptoms. But I have noticed that if I use it very frequently, my urine starts to smell really bad, which concerns me a bit."

For Interstitial Cystitis "Some exercises or standing for a long time aggravates my IC. Really painful. I tried Azo and got fast relief. Couldn’t believe it! So thankful!"

For Interstitial Cystitis "Azo-Standard works like it says"

For Dysuria "I have frequent upsodes of dysuria, either due to bacterial UTI or of unknown origin. Phenazopyridine (Azo) gives me rapid relief."

For Dysuria "Very effective for UTI pain. But it changes your pee color, which can affect the UTI tests at urgent care, so you may want to test for a UTI before you take this."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I am a 80 year male that developed IC from taking Hiprex which is supposed to prevent UtI's. I used azo-standard for only two days and had to stop. My dysuria never improved."

More about Azo-Standard (phenazopyridine)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous genitourinary tract agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Azo-Standard drug information
  • Azo-Standard (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Phenazopyridine monograph
  • Phenazopyridine Tablets (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Dysuria