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Generic Name: Bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens for Hot Flashes (bazedoxifene-conjugated-estrogens)

Bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens for Hot Flashes Reviews

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "Nothing else I tried for over a year had worked. I hadn't slept for more than a few hours at a time, which was exacerbating moodiness and memory problems. Three weeks after starting Duavee, the hot flashes were completely gone, and I was sleeping again! Just to be sure the change was the medication, I tried taking a half dose... And the hot flashes started up again. Taking the full dose now for 8 months and feel great!"

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "Fantastic! No bloating or weight gain! Yippee! Hot flashes are gone, helped the first week, would have a few here and there, but they were mild, and by the second month, they are totally gone, and sleeping so much better, the feeling of anxiety is gone, life is grand again! I'm so happy!"

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "This helped tremendously with the hot flashes & it kicked in immediately. However, after 4 weeks on this my ankles are now cankles & I'm holding water all over which in turn is causing a ton of joint pain. I was always fairly athletic & edema was never an issue for me until I began taking Duavee. I'm going to see if the doctor can do anything to counter this swelling. If not, I'll have to go off of them because this is like 3rd trimester pregnancy swelling which I just can't handle. Has me sore & achey all over & I'm blown up like a balloon."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I love Duavee and have been taking it for about 2 years now. I'm currently 51. I had hot flashes so bad; not just at night but during the day, also. It was life affecting, so I decided to try the Duavee. Took a couple of weeks for it to start working. It also helped with vaginal dryness. My husband said it also helped with my mood, although I don't know if I noticed that too much :) I'm currently weaning myself off, to see if I don't need it any longer. We shall see!"

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I tried everything. Nothing would work. My doctor recommended Duavee, and in 30 days the hot flashes were gone. I averaged 2 hours of interrupted sleep a night. Now sleeping 5-6. Would highly recommend this medication."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I was having hot flashes at least twice per hour and afer two weeks they were gone. I rarely get one now. I also wasn't sleeping at all, now I sleep like a rock through the night, I was also extremely moody, crying at the drop of a hat, that has decreased by at least 50% now. I've been on Duavee now for about three months. I feel so much better!"

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "After two doses the horrible hot flashes I was having have gone. I have only been on the duavee for 1 month, but I feel it has changed my life for the better, I am no longer depressed and hate to go places afraid I will have a hot flash and melt down, hair and all. To me its been wonderful so far."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "While duavee took away my hot flashes after one month-I continued on it for one year and I started having PAINS in my upper right side. Behind my right ribs, just by the Breast area. It continued for a few weeks before I called my doctor and she took me off the duavee I am now on bio identical estrogen gel and progesterone. I have been off of duavee exactly one month today. My pain is GONE. And a bonus is my blood sugars have dropped over 20 pts i have not changed anything other than going off of the duavee my new meds are working great after 3weeks !! No more hot flashes. (I did get them for 3-4 weeks until the new meds took effect."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I’m 56 yrs old and active. The hot flashes were unbearable and I felt dizzy and light headed all the time. I just didn’t feel like myself at all. It was depressing. Once given and taking Duavee it worked and the hot flashes and dizziness and other symptoms improved. On it now for 3 years and it was a wonder pill for me. There were no side effects like weight gain or body aches as many have mentioned."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I'm 55, perimenopausal and my biggest complaint has been hot flashes. I've been on Duavive (Canada) for 6 weeks and I've been feeling so much better in so many ways, BUT I will likely have to go off it because I've had a terrible flair up of IBS. I don't blame Duavive in particular, I blame sex hormone supplementation in general as this happened 2 years ago while taking progesterone capsules and estrogen face cream (both bioidentical from a compounding pharmacy). I took a one year break from HRT, but my hot flashes and aching joints forced me to try again. I just wanted to mention this as some women develop IBS as it can be a symptom of peri and post menopause and taking hormones, for some, makes it worse."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "Been on duavee for 4 years, mainly for hot flashes and mood swings. The hot flashes have gone away , mood swings have lessened. I have developed horrible neck cracking and pain since I started? I’m having a hard time getting my prescription filled because of back order issues. I’m going to gradually go off and see if my hot flashes return and maybe the neck pain will subside? Hopefully no more mood swings!! Over all duavee helped with my symptoms ."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "I have been suffering with ultra severe hot flashes for the past four years on a round-the-clock basis. In 2014 I tried the Combipatch which helped at first but then it came back with a vengeance. Finally when I couldn’t handle the heat any more I tried Duavee. It took a little while but eventually did do its job at least for the first 20 weeks or so. The heat thankfully stopped but in its place was swelling, high blood pressure, and muscle cramping. The deal breaker came when I had an excruciating MIGRAINE which up until now I’ve never had in my lifetime. I stopped taking Duavee. I coasted on the benefits for a while until the heat worked its way back in to my life. Weight gain, eyes hurt, swelling "

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "After early menopause (around age 43) my OBGYN prescribed Duavee...at age 49 I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive hormone positive breast cancer. Breast cancer is the number three “side effect” of this medication. Very few hot flashes after my body adjusted to being off the medication (had to go off cold turkey as soon as I was diagnosed). I’d say in my case if much rather deal with hot flashes than breast cancer"

"The first week I was sleeping 5 hours without waking. Have not slept more than 1 1/2 consecutive hours in years. The hot flashes decreased the first week, had 2 mild episodes the 3rd week and 1 bad episode week 4. My hot flashes would begin at 8:30 pm accompanied by nausea and dizziness and lasting most of every single night. Since being on conjugated estrogen, my bladder is no longer acting out, burning mouth syndrome is 95% gone, my joint pain is gone, leg pain mostly gone, my libido is returning and lady areas are lubricating again. Mood is improved. My situation is tricky as the doctor also found a thyroid issue, and dealing with that level is harder than the perimenopausal symptoms. Yes, I would recommend Duavive."

Duavee (bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens) "Experienced severe upper abdominal pain, nausea and migraine headaches after 7 days, discontinued, very disappointed"

More about bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens

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  • Reviews (33)
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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: sex hormone combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Bazedoxifene and conjugated estrogens drug information
  • Conjugated estrogens and bazedoxifene (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Bazedoxifene monograph

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Related treatment guides

  • Hot Flashes
  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prevention of Osteoporosis