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Generic Name: Celebrex for Osteoarthritis (celecoxib)

Celebrex for Osteoarthritis Reviews

"Celebrex has been a godsend for me. I'm allergic to aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, etc. Celebrex is actually a sulfa-derived drug so I'm not allergic to it. I have osteoarthritis in both knees, a blown lumbar disc, torn rotator cuff, bone spurs in my cervical spine from a car accident, and chronic pain in my left wrist from breaking it in a biking accident as a child. I'm 58 and still active, without Celebrex, it would be hard to do anything many days. I often take 200 mg per day for a week until my inflammation clears up and then try to stay off it for a month or so until I take it again, but it's dependent on my pain. I always try to give my body a break from any drug. The only side effect I have is some loose stools after taking it for several days in a row...not serious, but noticeable."

"I have cervical spondylotic myelopathy, osteoarthritis, cervical and lumbar stenosis. My primary prescribed Celebrex. I experienced no pain relief after a week on Celebrex. Instead, I experienced debilitating brain fog, dizziness, stomach pain, and palpitations. I stopped taking Celebrex. I would never, ever recommend this drug."

"I was on Vioxx, then switched to Celebrex. I took 200 mg daily for 14 years. On 7-5-16 I had a heart attack. My right ventricle was full of blood clots. I had NO plaque. I had 3 blockages, 80%, 90%, and 100% blockage. My cardiologist took me off it immediately. Celebrex DID take care of most of my pain. Taking it is not worth dying."

"I have osteoarthritis of the right hip and I've been taking 100mg of Celebrex once daily for 8 weeks. Just last week, after 7 weeks on Celebrex, I can report that although I still limp and have some stiffness, my hip pain is significantly reduced and the only side effect I've noticed is that my blood pressure has increased to 138/87 (before Celebrex, my usual blood pressure was 132/84). I will continue monitoring my blood pressure and am also hopeful that Celebrex is acting as a 'joint preserving' drug as well as a pain reliever. The orthopedic surgeon who assessed me said that there is research suggesting that although taking Celebrex will not reverse the damage already done by osteoarthritis, there is some evidence that it can significantly help delay the progress of joint deterioration for some people. Fingers crossed!"

"I am a 31-year-old male US Army combat vet who suffers from arthritis. For years it went untreated, and I was in pain every day all day until I was prescribed Celebrex. Within a few days, I felt better than I had in years. Upon waking in the morning, I take 100mg and within an hour or so, I feel relief. If I miss a dose, I can tell, and I can feel it. I do not suffer any of the mentioned side effects after approximately 5 years. Of course, it does not work for everyone, but at this point, I cannot live without it."

"After the results of the latest 10-year study came out in late 2016 claiming the safety of the product, I decided to ask my doctor to put me on it for my osteoarthritis. It helped immensely! I am sure my pain was decreased by at least 30-40%, if not more! When you're in constant pain and discomfort, that amount is a huge relief! I started just a few weeks before my hip replacement due to 'bone on bone' caused by my osteoarthritis. Any relief is welcome! I would most definitely recommend this to anyone to at least try! I use the generic brand."

"Celebrex is the ONLY medicine that significantly relieves my knee pain and allows me to walk in almost complete comfort. I take it as needed, not every day, per my doctor's recommendation, since I have high blood pressure (controlled with medicine) and high cholesterol, and have not taken it for longer than one month in a row without taking a significant break from the medicine afterward. However, I will take 1 x 200 mg pill if I have a particularly active day ahead of me. I am 70 and have had no significant side effects."

"I have OA in my hands, knee, and spine. I have been taking Celebrex for over 12 years. I have slightly high blood pressure. It could be from Celebrex, but the benefits of Celebrex outweigh the possible side effects I have experienced. I am having a second spine fusion in a week and have to stop taking Celebrex, per my doctor's request. I have read more positives to keep taking it through and after surgery... I dread going off it because I will not be able to use my hands. Celebrex improves my quality of life, and I recommend anyone with severe arthritis to give it a try."

"I am a 76-year-old female and have been taking Celebrex on and off for many years. When my arthritis gives me pain, I take it for about 2 or 3 weeks, and the pain is gone. Right now, I have been taking it every day for the last 3 months because I need a knee replacement, and I am practically free of pain. I highly recommend Celebrex for any kind of pain. I have had no side effects."

"I feel as though I've been given a second chance at living. I am enjoying life for the first time in many years. I will be dropping off my walker, crutches, and chair lift at the Goodwill this week (you may think I'm kidding—I'm serious). I do fear that the change might be temporary, but I'm going to enjoy everything while the pain is gone! (Five weeks pain-free)."

"I have had bilateral knee replacement Oxford partials in 2013 and they still hurt. I had a right hip replacement 2 years ago, 2 surgeries, and 1 dislocation. The surgeon says bursitis in the right hip, it hurts daily. I have been on tramadol 50 mg 3 times per day. I have been on Celecoxib for 3 years. I went through the others, meloxicam, etc. Still in pain daily. I had my doctor put in a prescription to my pharmacist for 10 brand name Celebrex. Of course, denied by insurance, but I will pay the price of $15 per pill to see if it works. My report is, WOW, it works. It's like the pressure from the pain is pretty much gone. My insurance company put in a fax to my doctor as to why I have to take brand Celebrex over the rest of the cheap drugs. Then, negotiate the price down after it gets approved with my insurance company."

"I am a 59-year-old female. I have sports-related injuries and have been suffering from arthritis pain in both knees and hips for several years. I tried not to take medication all my life. I do not drink alcohol. I have tried chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, and do yoga regularly. However, the pain was taking away my ability to enjoy life, constant pain is a terrible thing. I have been taking Celebrex for approximately 1 week. I am sleeping better, moving better, and the pain has been reduced by at least 50%. I am hoping to get my active life back. FINGERS CROSSED. Good luck to fellow pain sufferers, this is definitely worth trying. Work with it. Don't drink alcohol. Eat something when you take it. I am on 2x200mg and will try to get that down to 1x. I tried 1x at first but had no joy."

"I have been taking Celebrex for osteo for about 25 years. I was taking up to 400 mg a day for the last 15 years. If I wasn’t, I would not have been able to work. The only side effects I have noticed are heartburn and a rash that may be from Celebrex. I have had two total knee replacements and an operation on an elbow for osteo. I have osteo in the lower back that they will not operate on, as there is nothing they say they can do that will get rid of the pain. The doctor I’m seeing now has cut me back to 1 x 100 mg a day and says he is taking me off it altogether. I don’t even feel like getting out of bed because of the pain. I’ll be changing doctors. It also helps a lot with pain from toothache infections."

"Celebrex allows me to go day to day almost pain-free. Nothing else fights my pain caused by osteoarthritis of the upper spine. I have taken 200 mg once a day on and off for over 15 years. Occasionally, I do need to take it daily for a few weeks. I am so grateful for this med and for the doctors who prescribe it. I strongly recommend it."

"Celebrex ate a hole in my stomach. I had to take Carafate for three months and eat very bland food. Baby food at first, the very bland vegetables. I was passing blood clots that kept increasing in size."

"I have flare-ups of arthritis in my knees. I am an 80-year-old female. I take Celebrex only as needed, at about 3-month intervals. When I have a problem walking, I take Celebrex 1 tablet a day for three days - it is like a miracle drug. It does away with the knee pain and I am back to walking as I need to. I have had NO side effects so far. I think it is a miracle drug. Not everyone has had the same good fortune but this works for me and I keep it on hand for this limited use."

"What a joke! Doesn't do anything unless you count the side effects! You'll only accept constructive criticism, so avoid a gut ache added to pain, slow-burning urination when you never before had an issue. Doctors really need to listen to patients and stop assuming that they know more about my body than I do. This may work for some, or it may be a placebo effect, but for me it did nothing but add to my problems! Doctors also need to consider quality of life over quantity. I do not want to live with this pain, and if they can't or won't give me what works, then let me go. I have enough without risking a stroke too!"

"I took 200mg once per day for osteoarthritis in my hands. The pain relief was amazing. I could sleep through the night and wake up rested. I was thrilled to have nearly pain-free use of my hands. After 1 week, I began to develop an irregular heartbeat. The first day, it wasn't too noticeable, and I was able to ignore the feeling. The irregularity increased, that night, it was difficult to sleep. The next day, I spoke to the doctor who did an EKG. He said I was having Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC). He advised me to stop taking the Celebrex immediately. It took 4 days for the PVCs to subside. After waiting 2 weeks, I tried taking Celebrex again. After 3 days, the PVCs returned. I stopped the medicine, and the PVCs stopped."

"Very expensive but worth it. I've have football knees and a bad back. This cleans up the stiffness and gets things circulating. Eat right after you take it. I have been taking this for years and I'd be lost without it."

"I have severe osteoarthritis of the right knee and was facing a certain total knee replacement. As a 'last resort' for pain relief, I tried Celebrex 200 mg. For about two months, there was no impact on pain or improved knee function. Then (as if by magic), the constant pain went away and my knee function returned to just about normal. I now have the ability to exercise and move like the whole thing never happened! I'm certainly glad I stuck with the medication, as it's been 'almost a miracle'. Now, I have to decide whether to proceed with knee replacement, or will Celebrex buy me a few more years."

"Celebrex is great for pain, ten out of ten - but for me, it has unwanted side effects, such as stomach bloat and hair loss. I was on it for 3 years, and came off of it, and now I am back on it because of the pain. But, I am going to try some other osteoarthritis medicines, and hope for less side effects. I'm female and the side effects of Celebrex are terrible."

"I’m 59 and have taken opioids for years for issues with chronic neck and back pain. I’m very active and love to go to the gym. I inherited a severe osteoarthritis condition from my grandmother, who had knots on her hands. My hands have been hurting for the past few years, especially in the evening. I have pain and stiffness also in my hips and knees. I had to shuffle up the stairs. Every morning I would wake up in so much pain and be so stiff I felt like I had been hit by a train. It wears on a person. It makes me feel like I’m 100 years old and ready for a grave. It’s a shame because I love being alive. I asked my pain management doctor to put me on Celebrex. I thought it could help with the arthritis. Maybe I could significantly reduce or stop the opioids. I have been on 100mg once a day for a few days. The swelling and pain in my hands is already significantly reduced, and I woke up relatively pain-free. No stiffness. It’s a game-changer for me!"

"I'm a 59-year-old woman with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and I've been taking this medication for 3 months with no side effects at all. And I was expecting some, so I've been pleasantly surprised. It does help with the pain, but we are just getting into the cold, rainy season, and time will tell just how much of a difference it really makes as this is when I'm in the most pain."

"Five weeks ago, I had a full knee replacement. The going was tough, but I started taking Celebrex, and with therapy, I jogged down my driveway tonight. (Unbelievable) I stopped taking oxycodone. I couldn't be happier. Now going back for a hip replacement. All of this, and I am 79 years old."

"I would not do without it. It has helped me now for over 3 years along with Tramadol. I can hardly walk in the mornings but after I take my medicines I can walk, run, dance, etc. Like I said, I need the Celebrex in my life or I'm no good."

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  • Drug class: cox-2 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Celebrex drug information

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  • Celebrex prescribing information
  • Celecoxib (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis