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Generic Name: Depo-Medrol (methylprednisolone)

Depo-Medrol Reviews

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Everything builds to climax with extensive swelling and pain that goes from skull to toe. Nothing brings relief even though I am on a constant dosage of Prednisone. Only relief is from an injection of Depo-Medrol from my Rheumatologist. Relief occurs in 1/2 a day. At that time life is worth living again and lasts for about 3 weeks. I hate it all but this bit of relief is 'a temporary heaven on earth.' Pray for me and people like me!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "My primary doc actually gave me a shot of this when I threw my back out. I never felt better. I went back to him and told him not only did it help with my back, but with my fibromyalgia! My rheumatologist had given me all sorts of pills to try and I felt like a science experiment! I usually get it 1-2 times a year. I stretch it out until I know I can't take it anymore and my body tells me - 'help' - it has done me wonders! I can get back on my feet and be me within a day or 2 depending on how bad I am. No more docs pushing pills down my throat or telling me it's all in my head, & I can get outta bed when the alarm goes off - not hitting snooze and for 2 hours and practically in tears! I know my body N it works for me! Good luck!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "Got an epidural steroid injection (ESI) in T5/6 and felt a sharp pain. Procedure went well after that. One month later, strange pains in spine started. Never told of any risks or ESI. Now in HORRIBLE PAIN in low back, neck, and mid back 4 months later. MRI shows nothing and doctors think I am crazy. Trust me - I am not crazy. This stuff is poison. I think I may be in for a life of misery."

For Inflammatory Conditions "My hair is falling out. It's so hard to lose weight. I feel mentally a little off, like constant irritation. I also feel a little lethargic. When I first got the shots, I felt jittery for days. I'm having blurry vision."

For Inflammatory Conditions "This medication causes me to be jittery, I can't sleep, have mood changes, have not been able to lose weight, be angry, fast heart rate, have blurry vision, can't think straight, and have high blood sugar. I have zero health conditions only an injured knee. This stuff is poison."

For Osteoarthritis "I get an injection (40) in my hip and knee every three months. Has been a great relief for over 5 years. I am almost 68 years old. Have told other seniors of this great injection to avoid or delay knee and hip replacement and pain relief."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I had severe soft tissue damage. The inflammation would not subside and was creating other problems as the inflammation was choking nerves. I did a series of 11 injections in the area (12' x 12' area) over approximately 8 weeks. It worked. It took about 2 months to feel full effects. My side effects included minimal pain at the injection point for a day or 2 after each injection and major upper body sweating. Thank God for this medicine as it was the only thing that worked to minimize the inflammation."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Having had rheumatoid arthritis with secondary Sjögren's and Raynaud's for twenty-odd years, I have tried so many combinations of medication. The best result was Methotrexate, but unfortunately, after a bout of pneumonia, this was stopped. I was at my wit's end and lost interest in everything... even the news that I was going to be a grandma! My rheumatologist, seeing my distress, gave me the injection, and it's like a new world! I have the odd 'ouch,' but I can now sleep, my memory is back, I can smile and mean it. Don't know how long it will last, but for me, it's been a bit of a lifesaver."

For Osteoarthritis "Had injections in both knees today. Aching a little, but severe pain easing. I have been advised by a specialist, as long as the shots work, to avoid having knee replacements, as that is a long time to recoup. I hate reading all the side effects of Depo-Medrol, too. The dosage is very minimal, I've been told. Today's injection was my first since July!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have Autoimmune disorder, Spinal stenosis, Arthritis. I was given one injection in my back of Depo-Medrol and it hasn't worked at all! Although I did have many of the side effects after the first week. I have been on the shot for 3 weeks now. My eyes are burning, blurred, I have headaches, sharp pain in my legs, sharp pain in my temples, and more."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Depo medrol is a nightmare drug which makes my skin extremely dry, flakey, and peeling. This drug has messed up my bowels causing extreme gas and bloating plus sticky stools plus I have to use the bathroom all day some days and my anus will itch. I suggested maybe I have worms but three stool samples say I don't. I feel chronically tired and hurt everywhere and now I have daily headaches. This drug makes me think slow and feel dumb. So depressing. Been to a few doctors and all they care about is a colostomy which I feel is not the antidote for these bad side effects I've had for well over a year. I complained about these side effects after I was first given these injections and the doctor turned a blind eye to them and kept giving me depo medrol for over a year. I wonder if the doctor is keeping me sick to make money off of me."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Catastrophic and fatal as my mom passed away after 5 days from receiving the second dose of injection of 40 mg of Depo-Medrol… She got most of the undesirable side effects: shortness of breath, vomiting, tunnel vision, severe headache, dizziness, convulsions and they couldn’t help her in the ICU.."

For Osteoarthritis "Years ago when I had bronchitis my family doc gave me injection of depo-medrol and it not only fixed my lungs it fixed the pains everywhere in my back and hip. Fast forward years later my family doc retired and I had a hard time to find someone to give the injection. Finally a pain clinic will give it but I need it more than every 3 months. Its intramuscular injection. I have severe osteoarthritis now and take calcium and magnesium supplements . I am in severe pain 30 days after the injection and am bed ridden until I can get the injection again. I get low dose opiates they do not touch the pain and doc wont up the mg dose and I am afraid to take Meloxicam and Diclofenac the RX NSAIDS."

"I was injected with 160mg of depo medrol after going in for allergies. I felt fine for the first couple hours but then my heart rate started fluctuating between 60-249 BPM. I felt really dizzy, and had chest pain for about two days. I’m now on my 6th day after being on the shot and I’ve been having really bad neck pain and stiff / sore muscle pains although I’m not sure if it’s from the shot."

"After moving into an old apartment in Florida, I developed a severe skin rash which I attribute to mold in the walls. The rash was from my neck to my ankles. Itched/burned beyond belief. Went to Urgent Care and received an injection of this miracle drug which is the only thing that provided relief. I had no side effects at all. Just gratitude to be taken out of my misery if only temporarily."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I'm getting this for swelling after dental implant surgery and pain. I'm hoping it works better than ibuprofen. My face is swollen. I can hardly talk. My teeth hurt like they just got pulled. Can't seem to numb them. My face is iced up. Not helping. Hubby picked these up. I'll return and let you know how it's going."

For Inflammatory Conditions "A little trouble sleeping, yet the inflammation simply disappears!"

For Osteoarthritis "I ended up with arachnoiditis after a Epidural spinal injection(ESI). This is NOT FDA approved for the back but your PM doc won’t tell you this. It ruined my life!"

"Had injected into spine via epidural steroid injection RUINED LIFE!"

More about Depo-Medrol (methylprednisolone)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Depo-Medrol injection drug information
  • Depo-Medrol (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Medrol, Medrol Dosepak, Solu-Medrol, MethylPREDNISolone Dose Pack, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Depo-Medrol prescribing information
  • Methylprednisolone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Medrol, Solu-Medrol

Related treatment guides

  • Allergies
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma, acute
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome