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Generic Name: Epinephrine for Asthma, acute (epinephrine)

Epinephrine for Asthma, acute Reviews

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "So I'm going to leave an actual review and not just lament about having missed Primatene Mist for so long which is what it seems like everyone else is doing. Bought my first inhaler a few days ago and I have to say, very, very happy so far! I used Primatene Mist for 30 years before it was taken off the market unfairly. This inhaler delivers it differently, and instead of it being in a liquid form, it is in a powder form. You're not going to get the initial jolt of epinephrine like you used to do, but instead after about three or four seconds, it kicks in and does its job. It also has a different taste to it. Not unpleasant, just different. All in all though, I am very happy with this and will continue to use it. Works a lot better than albuterol ever did. Buy with confidence, fellow wheezers! We finally get some over-the-counter relief again... Thank you, Primatene people, for not giving up and quitting. I, for one, appreciate it and you greatly!"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "You can imagine my surprise this morning at like 4 a.m. Suffering over here, I did a Google search. I thought surely they have an OTC inhaler by now! My eyes got pretty big when I saw it was BACK! I had been wheezing and miserable all night. Throat so sore from coughing up phlegm, trying to get it to come out of my lungs. I wasted no time. Here is what I can tell you for sure: it is the Primatene Mist you remember; I am positive of that. Once again, within 4-6 seconds, I was free to breathe freely. It opens you fully up. If I were a boy still, I would run. Currently, I am sitting here writing this review, smiling, breathing again instead. Thanks, Primatene Mist. Glad it's back. Frankly, I can't tell any difference. It's the same quality and effectiveness I remember. One caveat my wife pointed out is that it's twice as expensive as it used to be, but let's get real here. If you're a fish out of water and you can't breathe, who cares? I am satisfied. IT'S BACK, FOLKS."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Recently bought the 'new and improved' Primatene Mist inhaler. Don't know yet if it will work like the original. The package indicates 160 metered doses per unit. The instructions say to spray 4 doses into the air before initial use. After that, spray one dose into the air before each additional use. The net effect is that over 50% is wasted when dosing instructions are followed. Read the package, then contact the manufacturer for an explanation of the 50% waste."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I read that the old Primatene Mist was taken off the market because one of the ingredients was harmful to the ozone. I have had asthma all my life and always used Primatene Mist. I didn't like the taste or the instant jolt to your heart, but it helped me stop wheezing and breathe better. When it was taken away from the stores, I suffered because I didn't have insurance to see a doctor for a prescription. When I did get insurance, I was given albuterol and a steroid inhaler, which helped, but I still wheezed at times. I bought one of the new Primatene Mist inhalers a few days ago, and I am so pleased to say it works great and completely stops the annoying wheezes."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "When the government banned Primatene Mist, they did a TREMENDOUS disservice to asthma sufferers all over the United States. To this day, there is no other drug that is as effective, as affordable, and as easy to get as Primatene Mist was. Ask any asthma patient how they feel about this... the answer will always be the same. My asthma was well controlled by Primatene Mist for more than 50 years. Now, since the ban went into effect, for the first time in decades, asthma has once again become a severe problem for me."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I rate the old primatene mist at a ten. The new one does little to nothing for me. I’ve had asthma all my life and like many others I have used everything in the prescription market with no where’s near the success of the original Primatene which I used for 30 or 40 years the prescription albuterol sulfate inhaler’s hook you and make you need more and more to stop your asthmatic issues then eventually they quit working. I have seen this happen to asthma sufferers and I'm sure I will suffer the same fate The government and doctors all about money they don’t care if we can breathe or not"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "My experience now is that I'm in the ER every other day because I cannot get Primatene Mist any longer. I've been using this product for over 25 years without one single bad side effect, and now 10 times a day I have a breathing attack that lasts over 30 mins or more because I don't have my Primatene, and prescribed medicines DO NOT WORK."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Last night was the first night I didn't wake up coughing, wheezing, and choking from not being able to breath. When I first take the inhaler, I do experience a little weird throat irritation. It's gone within a few minutes and then I'm fine."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I'm not completely sure as to why the original Primatene Mist inhaler was taken from the market, but I'm very "sick" that it was. I was born with asthma, and ever since 5 years old I'd been using the inexpensive original Primatene Mist inhaler. It worked so much better than any other medication (otc or prescibed) on the market. This new Primatene Mist inhaler is trash. It's costly and you're not getting the entire dose displayed on the counter, because if used as directed, then you're spraying about half in the air. Please, please go back to the drawing board and bring back the original ingredients of the Primatene Mist inhaler."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "used Primatene mist only 1 time and I went into shock, body numb all over, could not breath hardly. I went to doctor that day and was told this INHALER never SHOULD HAVE be sold over the counter. EPINEPHRINE IS to strong. He would never order this for patients. Lucky for me I had only taken 1 dose. However it took me days to get all of this out of my system I felt awful and weak for days. Never take anything over the counter for asthmas of anything like that, see a doctor first. "

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Bought the new Primatene mist inhaler for use because I had used the original for years. The included dosing instructions indicate to spray 4 times into the air before initial use. After that a single spray into the air before each follow up spray. Package is rated at 160 metered sprays but according to instructions more that 50% is sprayed into the air. Sounds strange but read the box."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I was born with asthma, I had been in and out of hospitals since birth. When I was old enough to use my own judgment on inhalers, I decided to try Primatene Mist. I have used it for over 20 years. I only need to use it...maybe...2 times a month...if that. NOTHING the doctors gave me ever worked. Primatene Mist keeps me out of the hospital and home with my family."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I've been prescribed everything under the sun for my asthma. Nothing is as effective as Primatine Mist. I only use an inhaler when I need them; usually 2-3 times a week, depending on the season or athletic activity. One puff of Primatine Mist will last me all day, whereas the other inhalers I've tried (Proventil, Albuterol, Advair, Azmacort, etc.) haven't provided as long-lasting effects. I'm really upset and disappointed that the Federal Govt is making Primatine Mist unavailable after this year, because it uses a CFC-type spray. I really hope the alternative HFA is as effective as the CFC. We will be saving the Ozone, but we won't be able to breathe that CFC-free air!"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I've had asthma pretty much my whole life. I didn't have a rescue inhaler and figured I would give this a try. Big mistake! I wish I didn't take it. Within minutes my throat was burning and it made mild symptoms worse and my chest felt congested. I will be returning back to the store. Don't play with my life."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I've been on prescription corticosteroids and Albuterol for my asthma and I'm still getting up in the middle of the night with my lungs making noise like a balloon being deflated and a deep gurgle in the lower lung.So I use Primatene mist that clears it up better. Eventually I'm probably going to have to use an injection."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I have used albuterol rescue inhalers for several years. My prescription had run out and I had to be seen by my doctor in order to refill it. In the mean time, I purchased the Primatene Mist inhaler hoping to buy some time. BIG MISTAKE! I took ONE puff ad had the scariest reaction I’ve ever experienced. My lungs were on fire, I broke out in a cold sweat, my heart rate dropped to 56bpm, my hands started to tingle and went numb, my blood pressure shot up to 156/136! I normally sit around 117/65. I could barely open my eyes or speak. I nearly blacked out! That went on for about an hour before it finally calmed down. Absolutely terrifying. I scared my husband and children. My bp & heart rate returned to normal but it left me weak, trembling, wheezing and coughing with sore lungs for the next few days. Be VERY cautious!!"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Doctor couldn't diagnose that I had adrenal fatigue and thyroid insufficiency, I developed severe allergies which affected my breathing severely. Was put on albuterol inhalers, which did little, and a specialist told me I have gotten the wrong medication all along. Meanwhile, I used Primatene, which immediately gave me fast results, better then the albuterol. "

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I used to use the Old primatene mist before they took it off the market much to my chagrin. I was happy to see the new one was on there but at twice the price the new one gives me paradoxical bronchospasms and shoots my heart rate up gives me stomach pain. I'm trying to cut down on the usage of it because my albuterol is not working too well and I have restless leg syndrome and and I'm pre-diabetic and albuterol can cause hypoglycemia and restless leg syndrome. If I use too much primatene messed I get restless leg and tachycardia nervousness tremors. The long-acting broncho agonists that they prescribe LABAs have serious side effects tachycardia very strong tremors pain stomach pain they don't always work. I have to be very careful with them right now and my skin is so thin, dry, itchy and burning and I am also allergic to everything I have contact dermatitis I truly believe that these medications are wrecking my life but not being able to breathe?"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Huge fan of original Primatene mist. Figured I'd try the new one, as I'm not thrilled with Ventalin, Proair, Albuteral, ...whatever. The instructions are freaking weird!! I finally took a shot. I choked and coughed myself into a serious attack. I wanted it to be good, but I'm sorry...it sucks! It's the only over the counter inhaler...and that's criminal. I have great insurance and still run out of my inhalers on occasion. Someone can do better than this. A few people said they like it. Go for it if its your only option...you never know till you try. I returned mine, and told cashier, "if I was in serious trouble when I came in, that would have put me in an ambulance". As if she understood!?"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Only inhaler I have ever used 1st time and I have developed severe allergies over time. Covid long haul symptoms has me wheezing etc I was fine after the vaccine but 4 months later the wheezing is back plus allergic reaction when lungs close up can hardly breathe etc. I started using primatene mist and it’s a life saver. Now I’m hoping the government will extend to a 4th booster dose as I know it will stop the wheezing for another 4 months at least. This is my new reality :("

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "It works but just make sure you do follow the instructions of how to use this medication it is strong I have not got any side effects from it but everybody is different other than it does leave a cool tingly feeling in my throat a little irritation and this is the first time I use this 1 spray. One time so far I have yet to experience it as days progress but I just bought it today 1 spray I get to have to find out how it works later on with more sprays"

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I was having asthma symptoms. Tightness in chest, shortness of breath. I had used the last of my albuterol nebs and was just about out of my albuterol inhaler. I called my doctor to request refills. He refused, saying I needed to come into the office. I made an appointment, and he still refused to refill my prescription until he sees me a week and a half later. So, I went to the pharmacy after seeing a commercial for the over-the-counter inhaler Primatene Mist. I used it for 2 puffs, and it worked very well to open me up, and I was able to breathe much better."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I have used this inhaler because it is over the counter and much cheaper than any prescription. It gets the job done, however it tastes horrible and sometimes causes a weird numbness in the throat for a few seconds. Thought it might just be me, but two other people agreed with me."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "Used this for two months with good results. Then my chest started burning after using, then started to get intense stomach pain, even after gargling. Sorry I wasted my money on a third. Will be giving to my husband for his allergy attacks and intermittent shortness of breath. He has a cast iron stomach."

Primatene Mist (epinephrine) "I have issues using Albuterol. For me after taking it I have to continue taking it and it is a downward spiral of dependence chasing my next breath. With Primatene I don't get this issue. I can use it when I need it, and the rest of the time forget that it's there. It's nice that I can use it and not become dependent on it, or a doctor for that matter if I need more."

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  • Reviews (57)
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: adrenergic bronchodilators
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Epinephrine injection drug information
  • Epinephrine inhalation
  • Epinephrine (Inhalation) (Advanced Reading)
  • Epinephrine Auto-Injector and Prefilled Syringe
  • Epinephrine Inhalation Aerosol
  • Epinephrine Injection Solution

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • EPINEPHrine Bitartrate, EPINEPHrine Hydrochloride, Epinephryl Borate (Mydriatic) (EENT) monograph
  • EPINEPHrine Hydrochloride (Vasoconstrictor) (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)
  • Epinephrine (AHFS Monograph)
  • Epinephrine Concentrate Injection (FDA)
  • Epinephrine Injection (FDA)

Other brands

EpiPen, Adrenalin, Auvi-Q, Primatene Mist, ... +4 more

Related treatment guides

  • Anaphylaxis
  • AV Heart Block
  • Oral Allergy Syndrome
  • Adams-Stokes Syndrome