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Generic Name: H.P. Acthar Gel (corticotropin)

H.P. Acthar Gel Reviews

For Multiple Sclerosis "I have done the once a day application for five days straight on the Acthar gel, followed a week later by another five day dose. Stings like all get up going in, kind of reminds me of peanut butter shots. Felt much better after the first treatment, again after the second. After a month or so later, MS symptons were back. I have had a headache beyond the pain of migraines (I get those too) and I get medicines for it, but I can't take that unless someone can watch my kids as most of them make me so sleepy. Tried Provigil...got hallucinations...about to start Nuvigil, hope that works a bit better. I take Betaseron. Starting pulse therapy - first three days of month take Acthar keeping all the rest of the medicines the same."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I've been on acthar gel injections now for 2 days and have 3 more to go. So far I have noticed no difference in anything. My balance is horrible still, I'm dizzy, electric shock down my neck back and arms, and eyes messing up, also still having bladder issues. I've been on iv steroids which did little to help, 2 rounds of steroids in the pill form which finally got my right hand feeling somewhat decent, so this is my 4th try to get back to feeling decent since early to mid August. Really hoping this does something and it's not permanent damage. I pray to god my kids never get this!"

For Multiple Sclerosis "This is the 2nd time I have had to do a dose of Acthar and I would have to say it is so much better than the medrol IV that I was doing. I was allergic to the other and having to sit for a hr and a half for the infusion which was a pain. This is simple and I can do it myself. It helps with my relapse and my insurance covers the cost! (big help)"

For Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis "Im 36yr old woman who has polymyostsis it been a struggle for the last 7 years ups and downs. I have relapsed very often. The acthar treatment seems to work I guess once it gets to your system. Side effects are kind of unbearable. I live everyday grateful but hoping it will go into remission. But from what my doctor says the acthar treatment help get my CPK levels under control."

More about H.P. Acthar Gel (corticotropin)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: corticotropin
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Acthar Gel, H.P. drug information

Professional resources

  • H.P. Acthar Gel prescribing information
  • Corticotropin (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Acthar

Related treatment guides

  • Allergies
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Chorioditis
  • Chorioretinitis