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Generic Name: Imdur (isosorbide-mononitrate)

Imdur Reviews

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "I was put on this medication along with a very low dose ACE inhibitor that controls my blood pressure. The Imdur ER is being used to alleviate my chest pain and it has done so completely. I have not had one single flare-up at all since starting it! The only downfall is the headache that I have had. I am going to call my cardiologist today to see if I can take anything for that. I still give it a 10 even with the headache because the chest pain was worse than the headache!"

For Heart Failure "Dr. started me on Imdur for angina/heart failure. After about 1 week, shortness of breath is gone, and I have no chest pain. I couldn't even turn over in bed without getting short of breath. No side effects at all. Still taking it after 6 months and feel great."

For Angina "I was taking 30 mg, and the doc increased the Imdur to 60 mg. Now I have a headache, can’t sleep, feel like everything is moving or spinning, and pain in my neck. My low back feels disconnected when in bed, and all I want to do is vomit. It has been 2 days since the increase."

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "I had chest pain and palpitations. I was prescribed Imdur and took 1 tablet. That was the worst 3 days of my life. I prefer the angina to the 'cure.' It caused nausea, vomiting, and intense pain (felt like my body was made of broken glass). Every sound went right through me, and every noise was excruciating. Never again."

For Heart Failure "I've been taking Imdur for several years for angina, blood pressure, and other conditions, and I have never felt better. I can breathe again, no chest pains, and I can do things with my family again. After being on blood thinners for over 20 years, this has been a godsend!"

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "In bed 24 hours, severe pain, head to toe, blurred vision, vomiting, light sensitive, extreme. This all happened on the day that I took Imdur. I'm taking 30 milligrams. The next day, I was in bed till about 2. I felt 75% better, did not take Imdur, called the doctor and told them what was going on. Would not recommend this medication to my worst enemy."

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "Took half dose, 15 mg, and spent two days feeling terrible. It caused chest and back pain, shortness of breath, confusion, dizziness, anxiety, and a general really sick feeling. It did relieve angina, but it was not worth the side effects. Really bad medicine."

For Angina "Dr increased me from 30 to 60 two days ago. Been on 30 for 17 years. Was no longer helping angina or high blood pressure. It seems to be helping pressure but having some chest pain. Also have severe COPD."

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "My mother was prescribed Imdur after heart attack stent placement. She had horrible body aches and felt like her body was crushed, the worst pain of her life, she said. Plus, her feet were on fire and her body was ice cold. She was shivering and couldn't see, so it affected her eyes too."

For Angina "I took my first dose at 12:30pm, went to work, no unusual symptoms. At 12:30am I woke up with left foot feeling odd. My big toe was standing straight up toward the ceiling, no pain like a spasm. The only way to get it right was standing on the floor. It happened 3 times. Then 10 min later my neck felt constructive and my jaw and teeth started hurting. This is an indication for me of a heart attack. I went to ER, EKG was fine, my Troponins were great. I got a massive headache. The pain in my neck and jaw lasted 3 solid hours, no relief till the Tylenol kicked in. I will not be taking this medication any more."

For Angina "My husband was prescribed Imdur for chest pain. He suffered involuntary head and arm jerking, nausea, muscle weakness, severe itching, dry mouth, severe edema and as he put it, a feeling he couldn't explain but it felt like something was just tearing him apart inside. This drug should be destroyed."

For Angina "Was prescribed this medication by new cardiologist while hospitalized to help with spasms associated with Prinzmetal's (variant) angina. So far I feel a difference in my condition, but will form a more solid opinion when I'm on Imdur a bit longer."

For Angina "Was started on Imdur 60mg for nightly chest pain following 2 angios and 5 stents. Initially, it was very effective and I did not experience any chest pain/tightness, but a fortnight later the effect is wearing off, and am again experiencing chest pain at night again."

For Angina "Had a week of pretty bad headaches but was told my body would likely adjust. Now on med for a month and feel better than I have in years. Still have palpitations but not the radiating chest pain. Starting to have more energy and sleeping better."

For Angina "Went to the ER last Sunday for chest pain/angina attack, couldn't walk up the stairs without feeling like I was having a heart attack, so new cardiologist put me on Imdur 30mg. The first day I was fine, the second day about 3 to 5 hours after taking it I cane down with an ungodly migraine. I have been on it now for 6 days, and 5 of them I have had a migraine - not cool. But I have to admit that I'd rather have the headache because it has been heavenly being able to walk around with zero heart attack like pain"

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "I have had good usage of this medication as it has helped to reduce my high blood pressure."

For Heart Failure "I don't have chest pains but my heart was beating irregularly. Since being on Imdur, my heart beats regular now."

"The headache that came with this medicine was bad. Nothing I took for the headache helped. I had to stop taking Imdur."

For Angina "Extremely bad side effects with 2nd dose. First dose last evening felt fine. Feel as if I have most side effects and cannot take."

For Heart Failure "I was prescribed Imdur after a mild heart attack when I lived Overseas. My Cardiologist here in the states said it's the best medication to prevent another heart attack and I agree."

"Using it for Severe Hypertension"

For Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis "First few days I had a mild headache. It did take care of chest pain and shortness of breath. Happy!"

More about Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: antianginal agents

Patient resources

  • Imdur drug information

Other brands

Ismo, Monoket

Professional resources

  • Imdur prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis
  • Heart Failure
  • Angina