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Generic Name: Interferon alfa-2b for Hepatitis C (interferon-alfa-2b)

Interferon alfa-2b for Hepatitis C Reviews

Intron A (interferon alfa-2b) "I treated with Interferon in 2001 and with Pegasyst in 2010,both of these meds ruined my life! It has caused Chronic Pancreatitis,Chronic Bronchitis,R.A.,SLE Lupus,Sjogrens,Fibro.,CFS and many other Health problems.Before treatment I was a health nut...bench pressed well over 300 lbs...now I can barely wipe my own a##!! These meds have just about taken me out of this world!.And I look and can not believe that there is no lawsuit against the Pharma companys"

Intron A (interferon alfa-2b) "Peg Interferon ruined my life. I would have rather of of had a short and happy life, than be rid of hep c and feel like I'm in hell . I'm not sure that I will now have a longer life span, but who wants that when you have such a low quality of life. I was ready to endure the horrific side effects for 48 weeks. I was not prepared to still lose hair, have untreatable depression and awful anxiety. I'm tired every day, I have tense muscles that ache, digestive issues, food sensitivities, take thyroid meds and adrenal fatigue. I took the interferon from 2002-2003. Whomever, was involved with this medicine is an awful person. I would rather be buried in the ground dead from liver disease than live this hell for the rest of my life. No doctors, counsellors, friends or family have a clue or any understanding of what this drug did to me. I've tried everything to be the old me. It's like my legs got cut off. But even a person in a wheel chair could at least learn to be happy."

Intron A (interferon alfa-2b) "Interferon was the worst experience of my life. The side effects were so horrible and it never did anything good for my Hep C. After each 6 month protocol my blood work showed no effect on the Hep C so at that time the only option was to do it again. But it never worked for me. Also I never had body pain before injecting Interferon and I still have it even after all these years later. I do not care for Interferon at all and looking back at when I was taking it, I really don't know how I did it."

"I was treated for 3 months with Pegasus, did not work (1 injection a day with rubicon). Two years later I was on interferon, one injection a day for 18 months. Horrible, still having issues from it. Two years later used Harvoni, worked after 6 months. Hep c free. Interferon was like dying slowly, no one said it would be years of depression, anxiety, muscle pain, migraines....still, that was 2008...."

"I used interferon injections, 3 times a week for 52 weeks, in combination with Ribavirin 2 times a day. It was the year of the Dragon. I needed high doses of anxiety and depression meds, causing more side effects. In 1999, when I used the meds, people didn't know about Hep C. I was shunned by co-workers, causing more depression. I took a leave from work. I was home alone and when my husband came home from work, he found reason to leave again. Smelling food cooking made me nauseated. I was so fatigued, just getting out of bed made me tired. I lost 30 pounds. My blood counts were bad. BUT, the disease was cleared and within 4 weeks after the treatment, I was back to normal life. Any long lasting effects were better than worrying the rest of my life that I might accidentally infect my loved ones."

"Interferon cured me completely of Hep C. I took it by injections, once a day for a year. It has been 18 years since this and all lab show no trace of hep C. As far of side effects, a little tired, and some depression. I was in the military at the time and the cost to me was nothing."

"I used interferon injections once a week for 11 weeks - cured of Hep C"

More about interferon alfa-2b

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  • Reviews (9)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antineoplastic interferons

Patient resources

  • Interferon alfa-2b advanced reading
  • Interferon Alfa-2b Injection Solution
  • Interferon Alfa-2b Powder for Injection

Other brands

Intron A

Professional resources

  • Interferon Alfa (Antiviral) monograph

Other brands

Intron A

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