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Generic Name: Keflex for Bladder Infection (cephalexin)

Keflex for Bladder Infection Reviews

"I have suffered with urine infections on and off for years and was always given Macrobid or trimethoprim which never cleared it up for long or completely, and also gave me severe side effects. A new doctor started me on Keflex and it has cleared it up properly - very minimal side effects if any."

"I started with a bladder infection on Sunday. I was urinating every 10-15 minutes, and it was so painful and I felt a lot of pressure. I called the doctor, and I was put on Bactrim on Monday night. The Bactrim gave me the spins, constipation, and anxiety. It was a nightmare! After 5 doses of Bactrim, my infection kept getting worse. I called the doctor, and they switched me to Keflex. I started the Keflex at 9 pm, and in less than 24 hours, I felt much better. No side effects except a little bit of nausea and dizziness, so remember to eat when you take it. It is a miracle drug for urinary infections and bladder infections."

"I have a double whammy: I have interstitial cystitis (which feels like a constant bladder infection), and on top of that I'm prone to actual bladder infections. I've learned to be able to tell the difference between a bladder infection and a cystitis flare-up. I have a lot of drug allergies and cannot take sulfa drugs or Cipro, which are commonly prescribed for bladder infections. Keflex has been the only antibiotic that I can take that doesn't give me any side effects and gets rid of the infection. It's saved my bacon on numerous occasions. I also prophylactically take Acidophilus orally to avoid yeast infections. It all works like a charm. I have NEVER had a bad side effect from Keflex."

"It helped in getting rid of my bladder infection, but I was out in the sun for half the day doing some work outside, and I got horribly burnt and a bad sun rash. So just try to avoid the sun while on this medication."

"So I ended a Saturday at the ER. I ended up having a urinary infection, a severe one. The PA prescribed Keflex 500 mg for 7 days - it really helped after 2 days, but I noticed that it does bring out side effects on myself. I feel nauseous, tired, agitated, eyes feel hot, headaches. Even though I took 2 Advil, it was still there. I also feel super anxious, I've been having mood swings, I feel more sad, and somehow more depressed than I have been in the past. And I still have one more day to go."

"I was prescribed Keflex twice a day for 7 days for UTI but I only lasted 4 days. Before I took this medication I had some anxiety, but no other mental health issues besides my ADHD. The 2nd day I took it I became psychotic. I was severely depressed, paranoid, convinced everyone was talking about me or working against me. I cried all day. My mind was racing & convincing me of all kinds of delusions about myself & those around me. I was having vivid disturbing nightmares. I couldn’t eat anything. Constantly felt like I was going to vomit & slept from the time I got home from work until the next morning when I got up for work. I have been on antibiotics before, but this was my first AND LAST time I will ever take this."

"Had a really bad UTI and was prescribed Keflex. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to taking medications. I take Keflex with Zofran just as a precaution and also with food before I take it. No side effects besides some gas here and there. After taking the first dose, my UTI symptoms started to go away within the first five or so hours. Keflex is always my go-to when I have a UTI, it works so well!! Also, after taking a pill, I drink about 32 oz of water with it."

"I usually never have side effects from antibiotics, but I had moderate dizziness and nausea. The nausea is not bad enough to send me to bed all day, but it does interfere with my daily schedule and leaves me extremely worn out and fatigued. It is frustrating. I have to take it four times a day for ten days."

"Cystitis for what seems forever. Take Keflex 500mg when an attack occurs. Told later by chemist who knew how often I get cystitis, could go on preventative 250mg daily so saw Dr. who said OK. After being months free, Dr said no, go off it for a while. Three weeks later, worst dose of Cystitis ever. Luckily have Keflex on hand so along with Ural, will be seeing Dr. very soon. What's the risk of being on a preventative dose every day?"

"Took a 500 mg dose of Keflex twice a day for one week - I had a UTI. Side effects were diarrhea, headaches, felt depressed, upset stomach, and nausea. Now I’m having stomach cramping. Just hope the urinary tract infection I had is gone after taking this strong antibiotic."

"I have suffered with reoccurring bladder infections or symptoms of bladder infections for the past 7 years without any relief up until this past April 2014 when I was referred to a specialist by my urologist who himself could not help me. I was prescribed Keflex by this specialist and it has seemed to be the miracle I have been needing up until a month ago when my symptoms reappeared. Not sure if my body has become immune to the Keflex but I am back suffering with on again off again symptoms making my life miserable."

"I have constant battles with UTIs, so I’ve taken a lot of different antibiotics. Keflex is definitely a good one, but for me, I have to take 500 mg three times a day, so I get some side effects, mostly tired, stomach cramps, and dizzy. It’s not bad, though, like some of the other ones I’ve taken. Before I had repeat infections, I had the 500 mg twice a day dose and had very minor cramping from that dose. It’s my go-to when I can take it. Drink lots of water with it too, it helps flush your system faster and get rid of the infection and its side effects quicker."

"I have been going back and forth battling a UTI for about a year. I take D-Mannose, which usually knocks it out in a day or so, but the D-Mannose has been giving me weird pains in my carotids. Anyway, I decided to go get a script after waking up with severe bladder pain a few days ago. About six hours after the first dose, the pain subsided. This medication will make you nauseated if you don't take it with at least 6 oz of water and a snack. No negative side effects yet! Love Keflex!"

"I have been prescribed Keflex since they stopped using CIPRO for that a few years ago. Works great every time and works within hours. Makes me a little tired and a have a bit of a headache, but I think that might have to do with body trying to heal itself. I always ask for it if it will treat the bacteria that caused my UTI. They won't prescribe this for some bacterias...fyi. I like that this drug has been around for years and years. Makes me feel safer abut taking it."

"I woke up on Saturday around 3am with a painful UTI. I was lucky to have Keflex 500 in my apartment and took one. I was peeing every 5-10 min with burning. I took one every six hours and after my 3rd dose I started to feel better. The burning was 75% gone. I woke up on Sunday after my 4th dose without any burning and the urgency to pee was gone. I haven't had any side effects."

"I was born in 1956 with severe bladder and kidney problems at 6 day old I had 7 surgeries within 18 months. I underwent another surgery at age 18. We had a hard time finding a antibiotic that worked well. My doctor found Keflex, I have been using the brand name Keflex since I was 18, I'm 64 now, The generic drug does not work for me. As of this month I have been unable to find brand name Keflex , Please DON'T STOP making this drug ! Thank you"

"I've always taken ciprofloxacin for my chronic bladder infections, but this time around my doctor said he can't give it to me because of a new study that has nothing to do with me. So.... I get Keflex. It's extremely slow at getting to the infection. I'm on day three and I'm just now starting to feel a little better... I think. It also gives me horrific heartburn, headaches, fatigue and I can't poop."

"I had cystitis and was put on Macrobid for 5 days only to find out it didn’t do a thing for the infection. My Dr gave me a injection of Rocephin in the office and suggested Keflex for 7 days, three times a day (500mg). The Rocephin gave me a stomach ache and diarrhea, then I took Keflex and it made me queasy the rest of the day. The second pill I was fine, and have remained side effect free since then. I finish my course tomorrow but still feel the cramping and mild pain from a UTI so I’m not sure this antibiotic worked either. We’ll see!"

"I took Keflex once and was fine and then my UTI returned a month later, doctor put me BACK on it and I had the worst reaction. Vomiting/ joint pain/ headaches it was AWFUL! I won't take it again I’ll stick with cipro or Bactrim"

"Prescribed by ER doc for bladder infection. It's giving me dry mouth, diarrhea, and bad gas but it's tolerable. Drink lots of water right after you take it."

"Keflex treated my bladder infection successfully with no noticeable side effects, and was also very affordable."

"Works great. Zero side effects. Doesn't interfere with other meds."

More about Keflex (cephalexin)

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  • Reviews (90)
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  • Side effects
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Keflex drug information
  • Keflex (Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets)
  • Keflex (Cephalexin Suspension)

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Keflex prescribing information
  • Cephalexin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bladder Infection
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Acne
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention